
What do you believe that isn’t true?

We all have beliefs that aren’t true. 

“Being fearful about money keeps me from being frivolous and careless with money.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“Taking risks is unsafe.” 

“Love hurts.”

Each of these is untrue yet many of us believe them. Without question. 

We all hold beliefs deep in our subconscious that are not true. 

Those untrue beliefs limit us and cause us pain and suffering.

Then why do we hold onto them?  

First off, we might not know the belief is there. 

If it’s something passed onto us from our family, religion or culture most of us take on the belief because everyone around us believes it. We might not even believe it consciously, but because we grew up around it, we have a deep, subconscious belief that is in opposition to our conscious belief. 

Which is why it’s so valuable to have a coach who can work through the conscious and subconscious aspects of your beliefs. A coach who can help you release the untrue beliefs and claim the conscious beliefs that serves you. 

I have clients with untrue beliefs about romantic relationships. Those beliefs keep them trapped in emotionally abusive relationships or in relationships that keep them from expressing their authentic self. 

In coaching they learn how to release the untrue belief and begin to claim their right to healthy, authentic relationships.

I have clients who have untrue beliefs about money. Beliefs that money is hard to make, that it’s easy to lose, that people want to cheat you, the government wants to take it all, they aren’t worthy of money, good with money… There are a lot of untrue beliefs about money! 

In coaching they learn how to release those beliefs and claim what is true, abundance is all around us. You are worthy of the wealth you desire. You are worthy of the abundance you desire. Abundance is your natural state. 

What untrue beliefs do you have? 

Are you curious about how coaching can help you release those and replace them with beliefs that are true and support your authentic self-expression? 

That’s what I’m here for. It’s my calling and my mission. 

Let’s chat. Book your FREE, no obligation, 15 Minute Connection Call today and let’s find out if coaching is right for you and if I am the right coach. You’ll be glad you did. Book your call HERE.

The Secret to Getting Where You Want to Go

Do you want to attract long lasting wealth? Do you want more success and all the good things life has to offer?

Wouldn’t you like to know the secret to making your dreams and desires a reality?  

Of course you would.  Who wouldn’t, right?

Making your desires a reality isn't rooted in external conditions like making more money or buying more things. Instead, it's rooted in a fundamental understanding of this…The Secret to getting where you want to go STARTS within you.

An alignment between your inner direction and the physical world allows you to harness your energy, moving forward without inhibition. Getting where you want to go becomes accelerated when your actions are grounded in the energy and direction from the inner dimensions. When you attend to your inner world, becoming quiet and developing a feeling of peace, Worry drops away as you listen with discernment, and your actions become an expression of this magnificent relationship. Everything that comes into your life is a result of the virtual image of the things you’re holding in your within you

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding today’s topic:

What is the Secret to Getting Anything You Want In Life?
How to Align Your Inner and Outer Worlds?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE.

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Give them what they want!

Here’s what happens with lots of my clients. 

They tell me what they want! Of course! It sounds like, “Can you just give me the steps?” 

It seems like a fair question. Clients hire me to get them from where they are to where they want to go. They need the steps! 

You’ve probably heard me say there’s no formula. 

I’m a big believer in life being way too interesting and complex for a one-size-fits-all formula that solves our problems. 

No. I don’t believe in formulas. We are too unique for formulas.

But here’s what I’ve found. I’ve got a framework I use to start unraveling what was going on for each client and get them to where they want to go. 

I call it, The Solve It Method™. Because, frankly, it solves any problem life can throw at us. 

What is The Solve It Method™? It have four very powerful and impactful components:

  1. Desires

  2. Thoughts

  3. Feelings

  4. Inspired Action

They aren’t a hierarchy, which is why it’s not a formula to me. 

They are key elements to solving a problem and to experience liberation. 

I’ll share how it’s worked for me personally. 

  1. Desire. I need to know what I desire. This includes my passions, interests, the things that intrigue me and compel me to action. They have to be mine. Not what I think my family wants me to desire, or my friends, or the culture. For me, now, it’s coaching, writing, speaking, living near the beach, fabulous relationships with family and friends, taking care of my body, fashion, food, wine and travel… to name a few. 

  2. Thoughts. What are my thoughts about each of these desires? This is where you dig up any thoughts of “not good enough” or “not enough money,” “not enough time,” etc. These are our limiting beliefs. I’ve had a deep belief all my life that I don’t get to have what I want. So, I can get really freaked out if I even get close to getting what I want, because I think it will be taken away from me. One important thing about these thoughts; in one part of our intellect, we may not even BELIEVE them. If you asked me if I believe I get what I want, I would say, generally, yes. Of course I don’t get everything I want, but I’ve had a great life! However, when I’m struggling with certain things I get this very distinct thought that I don’t get to have what I want. When the going gets tough, that unconscious belief comes alive! And our unconscious beliefs will always rule the day. 

  3. Feelings. Wow! I am more and more impressed with how much our feelings impact everything! And the power we have to choose how we feel independent of circumstances. Two years ago when I had almost nooooo money, and I mean that quite literally. Often less than $100 to my name, I learned how to feel abundant, even without money. It wasn’t easy, but damn! It was liberating to know I had the power to do that! 

  4. Inspired Action. This is the action you take when you’ve identified a desire, your thoughts are positive and loving about achieving that desire and your feeling empowered and confident. 

All of our “problems” pop up when one, or more, of these four is out of alignment. Sometimes we take action and we can’t sustain our momentum. We lose the excitement early on. Instead of “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps” and “soldering on,” like most of us were taught, I coach people to stop and reevaluate. It’s quite possible their desire has shifted or changed in some way. That’s why it’s so hard to take consistent action. If we dig into the desire and realize it’s still there, then we have to look at the thoughts or feelings that are making taking action so difficult. My client’s and I always find them. 

Because if our desires, thoughts, feelings and actions are all in alignment we’re living in joy. 

Living in joy doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Frankly, that would be boring. It does mean that we feel a joy and a certain ease in pursuing the desire. It just “feels” right. 

Think about something in your life that isn’t working 100% for you, right now. Apply these for elements to it and see if you can find the piece(s) that are out of place. 

I’d love to hear from you and know what you figured out. And if it causes you to feel like it’s time to get a coach to help you through it all, then I’d love to explore working with you. I have a few one-on-one coaching spots open right now, so book a 15-Minute Discovery Call and we’ll see if I’m the right coach for you and if the timing is right. Book your call HERE.

Did you see that?

Have you experienced times in your life when you were working really hard for something and nothing was happening? 

Maybe it was something you wanted to manifest and no matter how many manifestation books you read or how many Abraham Hicks recordings you listened to, nothing was working. 

There was NO EVIDENCE that anything you were doing was working! 

I have been there! 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going deep and getting personal with some stories from my life when I had no evidence that anything I was doing was working…. But I still felt compelled, actually driven, to stay the course. 

Listen to this special episode HERE. 

Please, Please! Comment down below and tell me if you relate? Especially if you’re in one of the times right now. My heart is reaching out to you through the airways. I am here to stand with you and beside you! 

What we do matters. 

This is What My Client Asked For!

“Can you just give me the steps?” 

It seems like a fair question. She hired me to help her in her career and with her relationship with her boyfriend. 

She was sincere. 

She would do the work. 

What are the steps? 

You’ve probably heard me say there’s no formula. 

I’m a big believer in life being way too interesting and complex for a one-size-fits-all formula that solves our problems. 

No. I don’t believe in formulas. You are too unique. I am too. 

But here’s what I’ve found. It’s not a formula and it wasn’t the easy 4-steps my client was asking for, but it did give her the framework she needed to start unraveling what was going on in her career and relationship that brought her into coaching with me. 

What are the big four? 

  1. Desires

  2. Thoughts

  3. Feelings

  4. Inspired Action

They aren’t a hierarchy, which is why it’s not a formula to me. 

They are key elements to all liberation. 

This works for me as much as any client, so I’ll get personal. 

  1. Desire. I need to know what I desire. This includes my passions, interests, the things that intrigue me and compel me to action. They have to be mine. Not what I think my family wants me to desire, or my friends, or the culture. For me, now, it’s coaching, writing, speaking, living near the beach, fabulous relationships with family and friends, taking care of my body, fashion, food, wine and travel… to name a few. 

  2. Thoughts. What are my thoughts about each of these desires? This is where you dig up any thoughts of “not good enough” or “not enough money,” “not enough time,” etc. These are our limiting beliefs. I’ve had a deep belief all my life that I don’t get to have what I want. So, I can get really freaked out if I even get close to getting what I want, because I think it will be taken away from me. One important thing about these thoughts; in one part of our intellect, we may not even BELIEVE them. If you asked me if I believe I get what I want, I would say, generally, yes. Of course I don’t get everything I want, but I’ve had a great life! However, when I’m struggling with certain things I get this very distinct thought that I don’t get to have what I want. When the going gets tough, that unconscious believe comes alive! And our unconscious beliefs will always rule the day. 

  3. Feelings. Wow! I am more and more impressed with how much our feelings impact everything! And the power we have to choose how we feel independent of circumstances. Two years ago when I had almost nooooo money, and I mean that quite literally. Often less than $100 to my name, I learned how to feel abundant, even without money. It wasn’t easy, but damn! It was liberating to know I had the power to do that! 

  4. Inspired Action. This is the action you take when you’ve identified a desire, your thoughts are positive and loving about achieving that desire and your feeling empowered and confident. 

All of our “problems” pop up when one, or more, of these four is out of alignment. Sometimes we take action and we can’t sustain our momentum. We lose the excitement early on. Instead of “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps” and “soldering on,” like most of us were taught, I coach people to stop and reevaluate. It’s quite possible their desire has shifted or changed in some way. That’s why it’s so hard to take consistent action. If we dig into the desire and realize it’s still there, then we have to look at the thoughts or feelings that are making taking action so difficult. My client’s and I always find them. 

Because if our desires, thoughts, feelings and actions are all in alignment we’re living in joy. 

Living in joy doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Frankly, that would be boring. It does mean that we feel a joy and a certain ease in pursuing the desire. It just “feels” right. 

Think about something in your life that isn’t working 100% for you, right now. Apply these for elements to it and see if you can find the piece(s) that are out of place. 

I’d love to hear from you and know what you figured out. And if it caused you to feel like it’s time to get a coach to help you through it all, then I’d love to explore working with you. I have a few one-on-one coaching spots open right now, so book a 15-Minute Discovery Call and we’ll see if I’m the right coach for you and if the timing is right. Book your call HERE.

Getting vulnerable with you....

This week’s Liberate Your People Pleaser episode is definitely the most vulnerable podcast I’ve recorded to date. 

In it, I’ll reveal some of the difficulties that have shaped my life recently and more importantly how to navigate the unknown and difficult circumstances. 

I don’t want to spoil it by saying more here, so hop on over and listen to this week’s episode, “The Unintended Consequence of Positivity.” 

I’d love to hear your feedback!! Can you relate to my story? How have your challenges moved you forward into the person you have become? 

Listen to the episode HERE.

Can we live in abundance when our circumstances don't reflect abundance?

Can we live in abundance if our circumstances don't reflect abundance?

Yes! Not only can we, I think we must. That's when it's imperative to cultivate the feeling of abundance. It's not a matter of waiting until our outer lives reflect abundance, then we'll feel it. That's easy. And sometimes it happens that way.

What do you do when you can't pay your bills? How do you feel abundant?

That's exactly what I'll talk about in today's Live Lavishly Manifesto 8 - I live in abundance regardless of circumstance for abundance is a state of mind.

I know because I've been there. Broke, scared and searching for the state of mind that is abundance. I found it, and so can you.

If you don't have your Live Lavishly Manifesto, grab it here.