
Truth About Money and Shame

Money & Shame- it's a topic that is almost always brought up as if we are doing something wrong. The way we think and feel has a huge impact on our wallets, even though it's not always obvious. 

Unfortunately, many of us experience a lot of negative emotions when it comes to our cash, like anxiety and shame. We often worry about what people think about how we handle our money.  For example “ you are not saving/making enough, or “you should do this or you shouldn’t do that with your money”, what you spend or save shouldn’t be driven by what people think it’s right but instead we should think about what is the right way for me to spend, save & Live.

In Today’s Episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, I’m gonna dig deeper and answer some very important questions regarding today’s Topic:

- What is money shame?

- How to improve your relationship with money?

- What makes money shame worse?

- Why Loving Yourself Is Better Than Criticising Yourself?

Listen to today’s episode HERE

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Can three hours change your life?

Three hours really can change your life!

Three hours. Radical change. Do you want it?

Stop for a moment and think about one thing, that if you experienced radical change in that area, would significantly improve your life. What is yours?

Is it:

  • Your business

  • Your job

  • A relationship

  • Your sex life - of lack of it

  • Your body

  • Your finances

  • Issues with your kids

  • An project you can't seem to start - or finish

Take the three hour test.

What if you devoted three hours of your time, not even three in a row? Three hours, over one or two months, and you experienced radical change, would it be worth it to you?

And what if that cost you $1,000, would you do it? Three hours. $1,000. Radical change.

If your answer is no, then I recommend you stop telling yourself that the issue is important. If the change you want isn't worth three hours of your time and a little bit of money (go back to your bank statement and look at everything you spend money on that isn't food, gas, and bills. You'll find a lot more than $1,000 that you could divert, for a month or two, to your radical change.)

If your answer is yes...

You passed the three hour test and you're in the right place.

Now, I'm going to invite you to create radical change in three hours. How will you do it? It's simple.

You show up for three, one hour, one-on-one sessions with me.

My clients experience radical change all the time. In three sessions they transform their businesses, their lives, their finances, their relationships, their sex life, whatever the issue is that they bring to the coaching session, my clients experiences change. It's freakishly effective!

Sound too good to be true?

Let me share a few stories from some of my current clients.

- One client was working towards self-confidence in her business. As an entrepreneur, you know that your level of confidence effects every aspect of your business. By the time we finished our session she had several significant insights that increased her self-confidence.

- One client, in her 70's, was wanting to turn up the heat in her sex life with her husband. I love coaching women into transformation in their sex lives. Most of us have tons of baggage, if not trauma, that impacts our sex lives, significantly. Coaching this client to feel and find the power of her sexual energy, was a joy for me and her. I'm sure her hubby was pretty happy too!

- A couple other clients are wanting to start a business or grow their business. They needed practical advice for financing, planning, strategy and marketing for their business. But, that's never everything an entrepreneur needs. Mindset is where it all starts or stops. You can have the best strategy in the world, but if your mindset is negative, you feel unworthy, you lack confidence, you don't think you're smart enough or went to the 'right' school or have a college degree, your mindset will silently sabotage every strategy you put into place. I worked with these clients to free their limiting mindset and get some great strategies in place.

Are you willing to devote three hours to your own radical change?

The cool thing is that when you're ready, change is ready. It's been waiting for you.

Here's all you need to do. 

  1. Book a 15 minute call with me. In 15 minutes you and I will both know if we are a good match and if I can help you with your specific issue. If I can't help you, I'll do my best to refer you to someone who can. Use this link to book the call. It's free and there's no obligation. This is where your radical change begins.

  2. Plan on spending three hours, that's one session, for one hour, over the next four to eight weeks. We'll have our sessions by phone so you don't need to travel or do anything other than be available and present during our call. You'll also want to bring an attitude of change with you. Be open and willing to radically change.

  3. You won't need to spend $1,000 for this radical change. You'll invest $495 for three sessions. Radical change is worth thousands of dollars, practically, emotionally and energetically. An investment of $495 makes it an easy, yes.

I can't wait to talk to you on our 15 minute call. There is nothing that thrills me more than coaching a person to their personal radical change!

Do you ever stress about money?

There's nothing that stirs up stress more than money!

I bet you can remember a time when you had the thought, "I don't have enough money." Maybe you had that thought today!

I have the cure for that thought, and any other thought that creates anxiety and stress!

It's all in my program, Think Your Way to Success.

Here's how it works.There are six videos. One outlines the entire process, the other five take each step individually. I'll walk you through all of it. It's not hard. Each video is only about 5 minutes long. There's also a worksheet you can use to help you. Then you put the process into action.

Let's take the thought, "I don't have enough money." I'm just going to run it through the first two questions so you get a taste of the magic that is waiting for you in Think Your Way to Success.

When I ask myself the first question, "Is it true?" or the second question,"Is it absolutely true?" and I slow down my frantic, freaked-out mind that is being driven by fear, I find my answer, and it's a, "no."

How do I know the answer is, "no?" Because I only have the money I have. I'm arguing with reality when I have the thought, "I don't have enough money."

I know what you're thinking, "but I actually DON'T have enough money. I can't pay my bills."

I hear you and I've been there, so I say this from experience. It's still not true.

When we argue with reality, it is stressful. What if I reframed my story. "I'm a woman without the money to pay all her bills, (if that's a fact, it's a fact and it doesn't not have to have shame or embarrassment with it. I'm also a woman who is 5'10. I don't have shame or embarrassment about that. If you have shame or embarrassment, there are other thoughts surrounding it that tell you good people, smart people, responsible people always have the money to pay their bills, etc.) and I'm grateful that new opportunities are always coming to me that allow me to receive more money. I am loving to myself during challenging times and I know there's always something for me to learn."

The reframe allows me to be in the same circumstance and not be stressed. Which thought will ultimately help me find a way out of my situation and into something more profitable for me? That's right, the reframe.

Here's the big lie your mind tells you, that by being afraid, or freaked out, or hyper-vigilant about anticipating the worst-case scenario, you'll be safer. It's not true. The best solutions are always found when we are calm and in an attitude of love and gratitude.

I'm not saying it's easy. You're going against thousands of years of fear-based programing, but I promise you, when you slay the stressful thought, even in the same circumstances, you miraculously find a solution. And it's a loving solution. Not a stressful, critical or shaming one.

Magic is available.

Think Your Way to Success is the tool.

Work the tool and find the magic. <3

Read more about Think Your Way to Success, and get it in your toolbox, here.

Everything Begins With a Thought

Every invention, piece of art, new technology or way of life, begins with a thought.

"I'd like to travel more."

"I want to paint."

"I want to start a business."

"I want to make more money."

Then come the thoughts of diminishment. "You can't do that!" "Who do you think you are." "You're not good enough."

In today’s video I'll show you how to breakthrough that thought and live the life of your dreams. 

Get all the details on Think Your Way to Success right here.

How's your money story at the holidays?

Money is a complex topic.

We often feel like there isn't enough. The holidays can really drive up the feelings of lack and scarcity. 

This is my second video on money and I did it because the first one was so popular. You can check that out here.

Let's take care of some of that today. 

I've got a cool coaching tip for you today to slay some of our limiting beliefs around money! 

Grab your tea, coffee, glass of wine...whatever makes you feel festive and let's work on our money story! 

What is Your Money Story?

What is Your Money Story?

This is a hot topic! Money is one of those forbidden subjects. You don't bring it up on a first date or at cocktail parties. We don't ask each other how much we make or how much we have saved. While I'm not suggesting we start asking those questions, I know that money tends to be a topic wrapped up in a lot of secrecy.

How Do We Identify Our Money Story?

Today we're going to talk about where your money story comes from, I'll share some of mine, and one of the big insights I've had recently as I have worked to change my money story. Money is a fabulous tool when we consciously create our money stories. Find out how to change your money story in today's video.

Get videos and other cool stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.

Can we live in abundance when our circumstances don't reflect abundance?

Can we live in abundance if our circumstances don't reflect abundance?

Yes! Not only can we, I think we must. That's when it's imperative to cultivate the feeling of abundance. It's not a matter of waiting until our outer lives reflect abundance, then we'll feel it. That's easy. And sometimes it happens that way.

What do you do when you can't pay your bills? How do you feel abundant?

That's exactly what I'll talk about in today's Live Lavishly Manifesto 8 - I live in abundance regardless of circumstance for abundance is a state of mind.

I know because I've been there. Broke, scared and searching for the state of mind that is abundance. I found it, and so can you.

If you don't have your Live Lavishly Manifesto, grab it here.