
How are your circumstances shaping your life?

Are your circumstances shaping your life?

We would all answer yes to that question.

So, what's my point?

Today we're exploring the inner life vs. the outer life.

What do I mean by that?

How you think and feel is the beginning of all creation

I've come to understand this in a deep way. How I am thinking and feeling are the seeds of my circumstances.

If I don't like my circumstances. I need to change how I'm thinking and feeling.

Easier said than done!

Like a good life coach, I have my resources that help me shift and change my life. Resources that liberate me to my own wisdom. That move me forward in owning my brilliance. That's what I want for you too!

Science meets spirituality

I discovered the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza early this year. I watched a documentary he contributed to, What The Bleep Do We Know. I've never been a science person. I was raised on faith and the expectation that I would accept things, on faith, without question. I don't really like that "without question" part anymore.

I love how Dr. Joe takes the complicated topics of  quantum physics and neuroscience and makes them understandable and accessible. He has a new book that was released this week, Becoming Supernatural. How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.

What I've learned through experience

I have learned to use my imagination to create images and feeling states that are what I want to see and feel, regardless of what's happening in my "real life." Then when I meditate to deepen those images, feelings and cultivate awareness of my unconscious thoughts (that keep me limited and less than the highest expression of myself), my circumstances change.

My circumstances change dramatically. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes weeks and sometimes it happens in a day, but over and over this year I've experienced it in small and large ways. Professionally, personally and financially.

Find out more in today's video and I'd love to know if you've experienced the same thing in your life.

Knowing that our inner life is more powerful than our circumstances is how we truly Live Lavishly!

Fail Spectacularly!

Have You Ever Failed Spectacularly?

It's not any fun when it's happening, but if you're like me, you learn a lot when you fail spectacularly!

Lessons Learned

Recently I was watching the Shirley MacLaine movie, The Last Word. It's a great movie! MacLaine talks about this idea that we should welcome failure, and the bigger the better.

I know I've had my biggest growth spurts emotionally, professionally and spiritually after big failures, so it got me thinking.

Check out today's video and let me know what you think in the comments. Have you experienced great growth after a spectacular failure?

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