How to Say No

Hello, I’m Brenda Florida, a certified life coach, and today I want to talk to you about something that’s incredibly close to my heart: the journey of empowerment through setting boundaries, saying no, and prioritizing self-care, especially for us women.

In our society, women are often conditioned to take on servile roles, managing household responsibilities without question, and putting others’ needs before their own. This expectation, deeply ingrained from childhood through family dynamics and traditional gender roles, leads many of us into a cycle of people-pleasing and difficulty in setting boundaries. I’ve been there myself, agreeing to tasks out of pressure, and I know firsthand how it feels to operate on autopilot, disconnected from my own needs and inner guidance.

But what if I told you that empowerment is like the electricity in your home? It’s always there, waiting to be used, but you need to consciously flip the switch. For me, that switch was learning to tune into my body’s signals and understand what I truly needed. It was about realizing that saying “yes” to everything and everyone else often meant saying “no” to myself and my well-being.

I’ve found somatic yoga to be a powerful tool in releasing stress and reconnecting with myself. It’s a practice that emphasizes the importance of being present in the body and can be a practical strategy for anyone looking to reclaim agency over their life. Alongside mindful commitments and understanding the trade-offs involved in our choices, somatic yoga has been a cornerstone in my journey towards empowerment.

Empowerment means making conscious choices that align with our personal values and well-being. It’s about gradually setting boundaries and saying “no” to things that drain us, so we can say “yes” to what truly matters—our health, desires, and priorities. This journey isn’t always straightforward. It requires us to break away from disempowering patterns and societal conditioning. Yet, the clarity, confidence, and vitality that come from embracing this path are absolutely worth it.

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

I encourage you to reflect on your willingness to say “no” to certain aspects of your life that hinder your growth. Consider what you will say “yes” to in order to empower yourself and reclaim your inner strength. Remember, empowerment is a choice and a practice, and it starts with you.

If this episode resonated with you, I urge you to share it with a friend who needs to hear it. Sometimes, the first step towards empowerment is realizing you’re not alone in your journey. Let’s support each other in reclaiming our power and living life on our own terms.