Did you dread the start of a new week?

I hope not, but statistically speaking it happens to a lot of folks. 

It can start creeping in on Sunday. The dread of going back to work on Monday. 

The dread of a life that you aren't enjoying, slapping you in the face. 

Anxiety and despair, feeling like there's no way out. No escape. 

It's called a Dark Night of the Soul for a reason. 

Our typical ways of coping aren't working very well. 

We can't find a solution. 

The advice we get from family and friends can range from feeling impossible to downright irritating! 

So, what do we do?  

If you're like me, you don't just give up. 

It's life for fuck-sake! We can't just bail. 

But what do we do? 

How do we consciously navigate a dark night of the soul? 

Where's the life-raft? 

I’m creating a life-raft.

It’s the life-raft I needed. 

So, you can stop drowning in the downward spiral of anxiety and catastrophe driven thoughts.

I’ve been collecting tools and strategies for years.

I’m calling it, “From Darkness to Light.”

It’s a four-week group coaching program, for men and women.. I’m pricing it super-easy, because I know that sometimes, a dark night of the soul hits your bank account and I want you to have the tools and experience the support you’ll get when you join the program.

I want you to go. From Darkness to Light.

Hit reply to this email and let me know if you have any questions or are wondering if it's for you.  No one but me will see the email.

I'm only allowing for 10 people to register, so grab your seat today, right here

Grab onto the life-raft.