Do you have a habit you want to break?

Almost everyone has a habit that they KNOW doesn’t serve them! They want to stop, but they can’t seem to. 

It could be knowing that an extra glass of wine makes it hard to get up in the morning or that talking to your mother about THAT particular topic never ends well! 

You know it’s not working. But you’re still doing it. 

Have no fear! That’s what I’m here for! 

Every client deals with this in one way or another. 

It reminds me that “knowing better” doesn’t always mean we can “do better.” 

It’s why self-awareness ISN’T enough. 

So, what do we do? 

First we have to see what’s behind the habit because our habits get formed for a reason. 

I’ll use the extra glass of wine habit as an example. One of the first questions I would ask the client is, “what does having that extra glass of wine do for you?” 

There’s a reason you go for that extra glass. Maybe it’s soothing at the time. Maybe it helps you numb out or avoid something. Whatever the reason, knowing what it is takes us to a deeper level of being able to break the habit. 

Once we figure out the reasons we can address the true issue. Because the habit of drinking one too many glasses of wine isn’t really the problem. It’s a symptom of the true problem. 

That’s why my clients experience such amazing transformations! Because it’s not really about breaking the habit of an extra glass of wine, it’s about the things, and there are probably several, that get you to drink that extra glass. When we resolve those, the extra glass of wine becomes a habit that’s easy to break. 

What habit do you have that you are ready TO BE DONE WITH? How would your life change if you were able to break the habit? 

Let’s explore it together! 

Book a 15 minute Connection Call with me HERE and we’ll start the exploration. 

You deserve to feel the freedom of truly, deeply breaking that habit. 💜