Self Trust

Discover Your Greatness & Confidence: An Interview with Robert Riopel

Confidence is a powerful trait that can make you successful. Confidence doesn’t come with money or clothes or fast cars. True confidence is about self worth and self trust.  

When you meet a confident person, you will instantly know you can rely on them. They are the kind of person who walks into a room and instantly draws attention, without raising their voice or demanding it.. You know they are confident, but they never say it. This is the art of quiet confidence. And you can do it without being arrogant. 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding the topic of greatness and confidence with my guest, Robert Riopel. 

You will love Robert’s story and insights on:

How to discover your Greatness and Confidence? 

What is the difference between being confident and being arrogant or cocky?

Can confidence be mistaken for arrogance?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE.

You can find out more about Robert and get his book, Success Left a Clue here: and connect with him on his fan page on FB

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