
Who “runs the show” in your life?

Is it your kids, your spouse, your cranky boss, the economy, your friends or an organization you belong to?

Here’s the deal, if you feel like they are "running the show." 

They are zapping your power.

You need to "run the show" of your life.

That’s where the power is.

And I don’t mean power-over. Yuk. No one wants that.

I’m talking legit, earned, deserved, personal power. The power that is yours to use or set aside and let someone else ‘run the show.’

Personal power is kind.

Personal power has clarity.

Personal power asks for what it needs and wants.

If you sometimes struggle with accessing your personal power, it’s time for an upgrade!

I’ve got just the thing.

Join me tomorrow evening. That’s Monday, May 21, at 7:30 pm Eastern/4:30 pm Pacific for a free webinar, Upgrade Your Earning Power. We’re going to talk about the thoughts we have that prevent us from accessing our personal power. More importantly, I’m going to give you some awesome coaching tools to slay those thoughts.

You’ll leave the webinar empowered to:

·         Ask for a raise

·         Volunteer for the high-profile project

·         For entrepreneurs, you’ll have the confidence to raise your price or expand your business

·         Ask for what you need in any area of your life.

It may seem too good to be true, but it’s not. If you’ll spend an hour with me, in a quiet place without distractions, I’ll show you exactly what I did to coach myself through some serious professional hurdles (think jobless and almost penniless, I’ll tell you all about it on the webinar), and I’ve used the same strategy in every area of my life.

These tools will help you amplify your personal power and that makes figuring out the next step really easy.

You can signup for the webinar here.

I can’t wait to see how your life will change when you Upgrade Your Earning Power!