Do You Ever Ignore Your Desires?


The very word can bring on anxiety! 

Do you know what you desire? 

Do you ever ignore your desires, or worse yet, shame them? 

I’m sure you have and probably someone else has shamed you for your desires or ignored you when you asked for what you desired. 

We’ve heard too often, “who do you think you are?” 

I will tell you who you are.

You are a unique divine expression. Boom! 💥

Every desire you have has been put there by divine intelligence to support you in being your unique divine expression, instead of the person that your family or culture might have wanted you to be.

It’s time for judgment to be over. 

It’s time for shame to be over. 

The second-guessing is over.

Be the unique divine expression that you are. There is only one of you. If you don’t be you, no one will. The gift of you will be lost to the universe. 

The journey begins with desire. 

What are three things you desire, right now? Tell me what they are. I will be your co-conspirator in you becoming unapologetically, YOU!