
The Key to Transitions

Life is all about making transitions. 

We go to college, get married (maybe,) have kids (maybe,) move to our first home, move up to a bigger home, take a new job, leave a job, open a business, close a business, empty our nest (if we had one,) get divorced, meet someone new, and on and on. 

Transitions are full of turmoil, change, uncertainty and lots of moving parts, even when it’s a transition we want. Let alone the ones we don’t want. 

Right now, we’re all transitioning into a different lifestyle. 

After over a year of staying home, having our social lives restricted and our work lives changed… restrictions are loosening up almost everywhere and what’s interesting is how uncomfortable it is to “go back to the way it was.” 

We’ve wanted it for over a year. “I can’t wait until things get back to normal.” 

Here’s the key to transitions. Once you make them, they change you. Whether you know it or not. Whether you realize it along the way, or not. 

We can’t “go back to the way it was” because we are no longer who we were pre-pandemic. 

And that’s a good thing. 

Let the new version of who you are explore how to live in authentic self-expression and exploration. Approach it with “beginner’s mind.” The mind that has no preconceived ideas of how things “should” be. Explore and expand. 

Allow for the limitless Source to introduce you to new people, new experiences and a new way to do “old” things. 

The blessing of a transition is it allows us to let go of the old and usher in the new with open arms! Don’t fight it! Embrace it! 

How to navigate any life transition. Really.

If you're in the middle of a transition, this episode is for you!

Whether you're changing jobs, starting a business, have an empty nest, moving to a new city or starting/ending a relationship, transition is a challenge.

Today I'll share with you my top three tips for navigating a transition, because, after two divorces, sending four kids to college, moving 14+ times in my adult life, changing jobs, careers and starting businesses, I am the Queen of Transitions!

Check out the program I mention, Think Your Way to Success. It will give you badass tools for taking the sting out of your stressful thoughts! To explore working with me one-on-one, so you get the support you need for your transition, email me and we’ll set up a time to chat. You deserve it!

Queen of Transitions

Yep, I'm the... Queen of Transitions

I’ve moved 13 times since I got married at the ripe old age of 18 years old!

I’ve left two marriages and one partner. It’s a hard thing, even when you know you need to do it. Each time, I was following the truth of who I am. It was liberating, empowering, scary and bold.

I have four children who are adults now, so you name it, I’ve done it. Four kids in seven years, that’s transition on steroids. One by one, I sent them to school, cried at their graduations, had an empty nest, married them off and had grandchildren.

I’ve had two successful business, that I sold.

I had a career in real estate.

Now, I have a coaching practice that I love!

Transition is a wake-up call to transformation

When transition knocks on our door, it’s our chance to look at life through a new lens.  

It’s time to decide:

No more…

  • Toxic relationships

  • Putting other’s needs above my own

  • Being underpaid and undervalued for my talents

  • Holding back my truth

Join me for my next Masterclass, Five Secrets to going from Confusion to Clarity so you can Level Up and be The Queen of Your Life and I’ll show you how.

I’ll give you the tools you need to Rock your transition and wear that Crown with authenticity. Check out all the details and sign up here.



Are you in the middle of a transition?

You could say, I'm the... Queen of Transitions 

I’ve moved 13 times since I got married at the ripe old age of 18 years old!

I’ve left two marriages and one partner. It’s a hard thing, even when you know you need to do it. Each time, I was following the truth of who I am. It’s liberating, empowering, scary and bold.

I have four children who are adult now, so you name it, I’ve done it. Had four kids in seven years, that’s transition on steroids. One by one, sent them to school, cried at their graduations, had an empty nest, married them off and had grandchildren.

I’ve had two successful business, that I sold. I built a career in real estate as a manager, broker, owner and leadership development expert. I’ve spoken at events, trained people and created my own programs to enhance the leadership skills of others. And, now, I have a coaching practice that I love! Of all the things I’ve done in my life, coaching is my favorite and the perfect combination of my skills.


To open to the next highest expression of ourselves. We can accept that challenge or reject it and continue in our old ways, repeating the thoughts, feelings and actions that got us there.

When we choose to accept the challenge, to wake-up, to reshape our vision of what is possible, we open ourselves up for joy, power and freedom. We are perfectly poised for sustainable transformation.


To create sustainable transformation in our lives we must include all four of, what I call, the Crown Jewels. Think of them as jewels in a crown. Each one equally as important to the majesty and brilliance of the crown. A crown you’ll want to wear!

Yearnings - these are the things, people, projects and passions we have that allow us to be the best version of ourselves possible. Your yearnings are your personal seeds of greatness! 

Thoughts - we all have thoughts that diminish us, criticize and shame us. Others have said them to us and now we say them to ourselves. It’s time to learn how to transform those stressful thoughts to thoughts that liberate and free you.

Feelings - the thoughts we have trigger our feelings. Sometimes our feelings will trigger a thought. They become a vicious cycle of thinking and feeling that limit and harm us. Anxiety, depression and fear keep us trapped in a life that is limited. When we learn to create empowering and positive feeling states, regardless of our circumstances we free ourselves from what we were trapped by. 

Actions - the things we do or don’t do. When our thoughts and feelings are limited and steeling our power, we don’t act in ways that support our highest good. When we align our thoughts, feelings and actions, with what we yearn for, everything comes together. We are focused. We take inspired, intentional action towards our yearnings. 

Everything I do is designed to empower you to get those four jewels in your crown! That’s what I yearn for!​

What do you yearn for that I can help you get in alignment with? Let's schedule a 10 minute Discovery Call, I have openings next week, and we'll see if I can help you get to the life you yearn for! Schedule it here

No failure. Is that possible?

I don’t know about you, but I can be pretty hard on myself.

At least I used to be.

It is a habit I’m definitely breaking.

Will you join me?

There's no such thing as failure.

Think back to some of your most valuable lessons. They probably involved a failure. I know mine do.

Here are a few of mine.

I ended my first marriage. This was my high school sweetheart. We had four kids together. I had always been taught that divorce was wrong. There were plenty of people, at the time, who also told me I was wrong to leave. It definitely felt like a failure!

It was also the catalyst to my learning who I was and what I wanted in my life. I had always lived my life based on what other people wanted and needed. In fact, most of the time I didn’t know what I wanted or needed, I was so lost in everyone else’s needs and wants. Leaving my marriage was the beginning of an opening. It’s an opening I’m still exploring. Discovering and expressing the very best version of myself.

I had a terrible failure professionally once. It involved the classic blunder of sending an email to the wrong people with the wrong content. I won’t go into all the gory details, but it cost me my job. I was suddenly looking for a new job. That led me to a job that expanded my skills tremendously. The leadership training and coaching I do in my business today is a direct result of what I learned in that job.

Now let’s combine relationships and jobs. I failed at both at the same time. I was single and unemployed. But, this time, I’m a little wiser… and older… but I wasn’t going to let my age get to me. I followed my heart. I didn’t start applying for jobs because it didn’t feel peaceful, it felt full of anxiety and stress. So… I spent most of my savings. OK. All of my savings. But, I kept believing that I would get what I needed by the time I needed it. I believed my lesson in that transition was to trust myself and my inner wisdom/inner Divine to lead me to my ideal job.

She did. I got inspired to contact someone I had worked for previously about a project we had discussed but put on hold. This inspiration came to me “out of the blue.” I’ve learned to trust that sort of inspiration at this point in my life. They hired me to do the project and offered me a fantastic job on top of the project! Suddenly I went from spending that last of my savings to a 6-figure salary.

None of these apparent-failures were failures. They liberated me from something in my life that really wasn’t working anymore into my next highest level of growth. How can that possibly be a failure?

If you knew-- I mean absolutely knew-- that there is no failure, what would you do?

Tell me!

I know for me this new attitude gives me boldness and confidence as I grow my business. It gives me confidence in relationships and as I look forward to the next year. I’m working on a new program that I’m incredibly passionate about, and I’m creating a new niche in my coaching practice that’s going to knock your socks off!

Why would I do that? Why not play it safe? Because there is no failure! I’m going for it!  

Navigating Life's Transitions

Do you hate change?

I hear this so often as a life coach. There are plenty of folks who hate change. And yet...nothing that grows is stagnant. It seems to me like change is a pretty good thing! I sure as hell don't want to be stagnant. That's not living lavishly to me.

How can we leverage life's transitions?

Our thoughts are the predictors of how stressful our transitions and life changes will feel to us. Today I've got a great demonstration of the power of your thoughts to create joy or stress and how you can use this Life Coach tool to change how stressful your next transition.

Try it out and tell me how it worked for you!

Get videos and other cool  stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.