
The Key to Transitions

Life is all about making transitions. 

We go to college, get married (maybe,) have kids (maybe,) move to our first home, move up to a bigger home, take a new job, leave a job, open a business, close a business, empty our nest (if we had one,) get divorced, meet someone new, and on and on. 

Transitions are full of turmoil, change, uncertainty and lots of moving parts, even when it’s a transition we want. Let alone the ones we don’t want. 

Right now, we’re all transitioning into a different lifestyle. 

After over a year of staying home, having our social lives restricted and our work lives changed… restrictions are loosening up almost everywhere and what’s interesting is how uncomfortable it is to “go back to the way it was.” 

We’ve wanted it for over a year. “I can’t wait until things get back to normal.” 

Here’s the key to transitions. Once you make them, they change you. Whether you know it or not. Whether you realize it along the way, or not. 

We can’t “go back to the way it was” because we are no longer who we were pre-pandemic. 

And that’s a good thing. 

Let the new version of who you are explore how to live in authentic self-expression and exploration. Approach it with “beginner’s mind.” The mind that has no preconceived ideas of how things “should” be. Explore and expand. 

Allow for the limitless Source to introduce you to new people, new experiences and a new way to do “old” things. 

The blessing of a transition is it allows us to let go of the old and usher in the new with open arms! Don’t fight it! Embrace it! 

Ever Been Told You’re TOO MUCH?

Too loud! 

Too outspoken!

Too curvy!  

Too sexy! 

Too outspoken! 

Too smart!

Too much of a dreamer! 

What have you been told you’re TOO MUCH? Drop it in the comments and tell me. 

I am here to say, I love how TOO MUCH you are! 

The world is going to be saved by people who are TOO MUCH! 

Let’s look at what history shows us. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, definitely too outspoken. 

J Lo, definitely too curvy. 

Marilyn Monroe, definitely too sexy. 

Madame Curie, definitely too smart! 

You see where this is going. 

I’m begging you, don’t stop being TOO MUCH! 

Take a moment right now to consider how your life would be different if you never heard those words, too much. 

Instead, you consistently had someone, who you love and admire, tell you how fantastic it is that you’re outspoken, curvy, sexy, multi-passionate, smart, etc. They tell you all the time how this gift is the very thing that makes you who you are. They celebrate it! They adore you for it! 

The good news is, you have that person inside you. I call it my inner-loving presence. She’s always there. She always loves and adores me, exactly how I am. In all my unique TOO MUCH-NESS!  

Breath it in. Feel it. Your inner-loving presence telling you how awesome it is that you are TOO MUCH! 

How does that change things for you? What will you do to change the world? “The world” doesn’t mean you go global, although, it might. The world is your home, yourself, your people. Your world. 

Tell me. How will your TOO MUCH change things?

Two Things to Leave Behind in 2019

There are two things all of us need to leave behind in 2019.

No matter who you are.

No matter where you are.

Leave these two things.

Comparison and Failure.

Comparison is such an insidious beast. We compare ourselves to others and how their lives look on Facebook or Instagram, we compare how we dress, our bodies, our relationships, sex lives, businesses, professional lives, our kids, pets… everything. The smallest thing can trigger a comparison.

Failure is another wrecking ball in our lives. Something doesn’t go as planned; something is much harder than we anticipated, and we don’t reach a goal in the timeframe imagined. A business goes south, we file bankruptcy, we close the business, we get fired, we drown in a job we hate and are afraid to leave, we fail our kids, fail our relationships, fail, fail, fail. And our mind, through that ever-present mind-chatter, gives us all the evidence to convince us that we definitely failed.

There is a commonly held belief that comparison and identifying our failures is “helpful.” It is a tool to “protect us” from future failures or to learn something. Here’s what I have to say to that. Bullshit.

Bullshit. Labeling something as a failure isn’t what protects you or teaches you the life lesson involved. In fact, the shame spiral of failure can keep you from the lesson or distort the lesson.

Comparison doesn’t protect us or teach us anything either. It diminishes us. We come out of the comparison lacking in some way.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself and learn your lessons is to continually tune into your inner guidance. That still soft voice. That doesn’t mean nothing will ever go “wrong.” Life would be incredibly boring if there was no adventure. No sorrow to contrast the joy. No pain to contrasts the pleasure. I think you’re like me and you want to live life to the fullest! Not in some bubble of perfection, even though the only place that exists is in our own fantasies.

You and I have one, unique, beautiful, glorious life. No one else has the same life I do, or you do, so there’s really no one we can compare ourselves to. There’s no such thing as failure because everything we do that “doesn’t work” or is an apparent set-back, gives us something to help us move forward, in our own, unique way.

That’s it. It’s you.

There’s no one like you. No one has your gift to give to the world. No one compares to you. Nothing you do is a failure. Everything is for you, in order to grow you into the greatest expression of your unique self.

Let’s ring in the new year in boldness. Claiming our unique, beautiful expression.

Failure and comparison are so... 2019!

The Sick Baby that Changed Everything!

Do you have anything in your life, right now, that is bugging the hell out of you?

I do.

It might be a job that drives you nuts or sucks you dry.

Or a relationship where you don’t feel seen or heard and you feel like you want to scream half the time!

It could be your finances, you hate where you live, your car broke down…again… or any number of other things you want to be different.

If I could wave a magic wand and those things would begin to transform into something new… would you like that?

You’ve come to the right place.

I was given the wand today by one of my teacher’s, Kai Shanti. Check out her YouTube Channel and you’ll get to know her magic.

We were talking about a few of the things in my life that are bugging the hell out of me. I am totally, 100% aware that I am resisting them. And I know better. As someone famous said, “What you resist, persists.”

But, knowing you’re resisting and being able to stop it, are two different things.

Yes, I help clients get out of their own resistance all the time. That doesn’t mean I don’t need a little help getting out of mine. We don’t let surgeons operate on themselves for a reason.

At any rate, as I was lamenting my awareness that I was resisting, but also how stuck I was in it, she gave me this perfect metaphor and it changed everything. Instantly.

A sick baby.

She asked me, if I had a sick baby, would I still love it?

Of course I would! I have four kids, this is a metaphor I can totally relate to. If you don’t relate to it, that’s cool, substitute a pet of some sort, or a plant. If you love something or someone and they get sick, you still love them. Your love doesn’t diminish because they are a total pain in the neck!

Let’s face it, sick babies, pets, even plants, can be a pain in the neck. There’s the constant caring for them, which means you probably aren’t getting the rest you need. There are the Dr./Vet/Botanist visits that cost money, take time and aren’t always that helpful. Need I go on?

And, it never changes your love for him/her/it. In fact, sometimes your love deepens.

What if we applied that to ourselves?

Forget the irritating boss, co-worker, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, your finances, your credit score, where you live, etc.

Look at you. Everything about you and your life at the moment. And just like you would do with that sick baby, love it. Love everything about it. Just love it.

When we are in love, pure love, we know that somehow, things will be okay. We’ll get through it. A solution will show itself.

Do we try to change it? Sure.

We don’t look at a sick baby and say, “you’re going to be a sick baby the rest of your life.”

Hell no!

We look for medicine, we look for people who have healed from the disease and see what we can learn, we do research, we try different things. We never give up.

And, we never stop loving the baby. Whether all the things we try work or not.

Today, I encourage you to do what I did.

Love the fucking sick baby!! Love the hell out of her.

Love is always the best way to find a solution or notice a synchronicity or get some inspired action.

Love is the opposite of resistance. You can’t resist the baby and love the baby, so without even trying, your resistance will drop away, because of the power of your love.

I’d be honored to help you figure out how to love your sick baby and move towards whatever the path to healing is.

I’ve got a few spots open for one-on-one clients. Let’s explore if it’s right for you. Book a free 15-minute Discovery Call and we’ll figure it out and go from there.

You might also like my 100 Days of Living Orgasmically video series. Yes, I’m using orgasm as a metaphor, and it’s an amazing one. Check out the entire playlist here. You can’t live orgasmically if you’re not loving your sick baby. This I know for sure.

On the Road to Enlightenment... I'll Take a Martini!

The road to enlightenment isn’t for the faint of heart. 

And, we’re all on the road. Unless we’ve decided to never grow. Never learn. Never change. 

You may not think about yourself as being on the road to enlightenment, but I bet you want to grow. You don’t want to be exactly the same next year, as you are today. So.. You’re on the road.

Me, I’m going to take a martini with me! As 100% committed to enlightenment as I am, I love pleasure. I love being irreverent. I love saying “Fuck!” as a fun exclamation point! I love having sex, drinking wine, having a glass of Champagne and having a martini (although, in truth, I’ll more likely have a cosmopolitan, which isn’t exactly a martini, but it’s close!)

I don’t think all that is counter to enlightenment, it’s just now how we typically imagine enlightenment. We typically imagine it as quiet, proper, probably a vegetarian and celibate or at least not openly enthusiastic about steak and sex, like I am!  

I’m here to break the mold of what it looks like to pursue enlightenment. All of us, in every shape, style and personality type is pursuing enlightenment in our own way. 

I started Cocktails and Coachingbecause of this seeming dichotomy. Accessing our inner wisdom, seeking truth, seeking to know ourselves and the Divine on a deeper level and… having a cocktail in the process! 

Join me Wednesday, August 14that 5 pm Pacific/8 Eastern, and my super-unconventional co-host, Kai Shanti. Kai has many amazing gifts and a colorful background (think, “married to a rock-star’ colorful.) Kai has an amazing YouTube channelyou can go to and hear her amazing wisdom. She channels higher consciousness and she shares my passion for discussing sex, sexuality and personal power within our sexuality. It’s going to be a powerful gathering! 

Ask your question, on any topic, right here. We gather in my private Facebook Group, Live Lavishly: The Art of Sustainable Transformation. If you aren’t a member, click here to join.

See you Wednesday as we pursue our enlightenment along with a glass of wine, martini, Kombucha, tea or whatever suits your beautiful, authentic self! 

When does, "no," really mean, "yes?"

I’ve had a lot of clients recently who are working to get clarity on saying, yes or no to something.

  • Do I say, yes or no, to the job offer?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to leaving my relationship?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to dating? Or a particular person I’m dating?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to taking a vacation with my best friend and leave my family at home?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to starting or expanding my business?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to leaving my hometown behind and moving to the beach?

What are you wanting to say, yes, or no to?

Every time we say, no, to something, we are saying, yes, to something else.

We can’t say yes, all the time. Even when things sound interesting or fun because when we say, yes to that, we are probably saying, no, to something else. And it’s also true, and I doooo sooooo love this… that when I say, no, to something, or someone, I am saying, YES! To something, or someone else.

I’ve had the same question on my mind. I have lovely business clients. I freakin love helping solo-entrepreneurs manage and grow their businesses! That’s an easy, yes! I have one-on-one clients working on their relationships, careers, and how to expand into the life they’ve been dreaming of. Again, easy, "Yes!"

I also have two collaborative projects I’m working on that thrill me! It’s too soon to tell you about them, but imagine getting three or four of your favorite people together and creating something that will positively make the world a better place? Pretty damn exciting!!

So, what do I say no to? I have a certain amount of creative and business energy. I won’t sacrifice self-care and relationships for “work.” I used to do that and the one thing I know is that it’s not sustainable.

I have to do what I coach clients to do. I have to figure out what to say no to, so I have the time, space and energy for the things I want to say, yes, to!

Here goes! I won’t be taking any one-on-one clients after July 1, 2019. If you’ve been thinking about working with me in that profoundly productive environment of 1:1 coaching, now is the time to say, YES!

You can get a six-session package for $850 (or two payments of $435) – this is most client’s favorite because with six sessions they experience a lot of break-throughs; or… a three-session package that is $495 (or two payments of $255.)

If you want to book a 15-minute Discovery Call to decide which is best for you, we can do that, we just need to do it before July 1st. 

Hit reply and let me know:

1.     Yes! I want six sessions!

2.     Yes! I want three sessions!

3.     Yes! I want a Discovery Call!

The Dreaded "Dark Night of the Soul"

A ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ is when you’re drowning in difficult circumstances.

When the things that used to work, when life served you lemons, don’t work.

You can’t figure out how to make lemonade out of this.

Is there something wrong?

It’s easy to drop into all the disempowering questions, like, “what am I doing wrong?” “What’s wrong with me?” “Why does life have to be so hard?”

Equally easy is what I call, compare and despair. That’s when it seems like everyone you encounter is thriving in the area(s) of life you’re being challenged in. Which brings up thoughts like, “How come they can do it/get it and I can’t?” Which usually takes us right back to “What’s wrong with me?”

Every great person I admire has had at least one dark night of the soul. But we hear their stories after they are on the other side. Eckhart Tolle and the two years he lived on a park bench before writing “The Power of Now” and became a wealthy world-famous author and spiritual leader.

Oprah and her years of poverty, abuse and so much more, before becoming a celebrated talk-show host and billionaire.

How did they navigate those years, living on a park bench, in poverty, abused?

And how do I consciously navigate and get through my dark night of the soul?

I don’t want to be a victim. I want to figure out what is here for me in this dark time.   

A dark night of the soul becomes a great part of our story, when we’re on the other side, we have evolved to the next level of our journey.

After a dark night of the soul, something better, bigger, brighter emerges.

That’s why they are “worth it.”

Why I don’t want to numb-out or runaway when one enters my life.

When my dark night of the soul hits, I endeavor to embrace it and ask empowering questions, “what is wanting to emerge in me now?” “What is the next highest expression of myself and who do I need to become in order to live it?”

When you’re swimming in fear, anxiety, despair and all you can imagine are terrible futures; the one where you run out of money, or get a bad diagnosis, lose the relationship, end up a bag lady or live on the street, it’s really hard to keep a vision of the “next-best” version of yourself and your life.

I know. I’ve been there. So,

I’m creating a life-raft.

It’s the life-raft I needed.

So, you can stop drowning in the downward spiral of anxiety and catastrophe driven thoughts.

I’ve been collecting tools and strategies for years.

I’m calling it, “From Darkness to Light.”

It’s a four-week group coaching program, for men and women.. I’m pricing it super-easy, because I know that sometimes, a dark night of the soul hits your bank account and I want you to have the tools and experience the support you’ll get when you join the program.

I want you to go. From Darkness to Light.

Email me and let me know that you’re interested. No one but me will see the email.

I’ll open registration later this week.

I love you and want you to go from darkness to light. It’s possible. You don’t have to do it alone.

Hope is not a plan

Hope is not a plan      

Anderson Cooper said it first, during hurricane Katrina, and it still rings true.

Hope is not a plan.

Not a plan for change. 

Not a plan for safety.

Not a plan for your business.

Not a plan for your relationships

Not a plan for your finances.

Not a plan for taking a vacation.

Not a plan for bringing pleasure into your life.

Let’s make a plan.

As a life coach people come to me when they are ready to do something other then “hope” things get better.

They’ve tried ignoring the problem.

They’ve tried “hoping” it will go away or change.

Then, they decide, “I need a plan.”

They reach out to me we roll our sleeves up and we start the plan. From day one, session one, the plan begins.

Are you ready to stop hoping and start planning?

Let’s talk.

Right now, do this one thing. Click here to schedule a free Discovery Call and we’ll figure out your plan. Take the first step towards your plan.

Don’t “hope” things will get better. Make them better.

The $350 Blog

I'm not exaggerating. 

This blog is worth money! 

I've been so driven to making sustainable change in my life. You know what I mean. 

Not the sort of thing that lasts a few days or a week. 

Not the things I muscle my way through temporarily, only to go back to the old way of doing things. 

The things that transform my life. 

Change that lasts. 

As I've figured out how to do it and have coached my clients so they know how to do it, I thought, "this is big." 

Everyone wants to know how to make lasting change. 

We all get frustrated with going back to the same-old thing that didn't work before and isn't working now. 

So, I did two things. 

I created a free e-book with a worksheet called, The Five Secrets to Making Lasting Change.

​​And you're going to be the first to get it!! More on that in a minute. 

I also created a guided audio program, with private coaching included, called, One Big Change. 

​​I offered this program for the first time in January and people loved it! 

So I decided to offer it on a continuous basis. After you register, you get an email with a link to book your first private session and the audios will begin the Monday after you register. Easy peasy. 

You have something you want to change. Something that just isn't working in your life. We all have it. 

Give yourself the free gift of the e-book and worksheet, The Five Secrets to Making Lasting Change and then register for One Big Change

Let's get the ball rolling! 

This is what chasing a dream looks like...

Once upon a time… a woman lost her job. She didn’t do anything wrong, in fact her company appreciated her gifts and talents enough to create a new position for her, but it wasn’t what she yearned for.

What she yearned for was to be an entrepreneur, who could work from anywhere, who would live near the ocean and have the financial freedom to travel. She also yearned for romance and a partner who would be her cheerleader, friend and lover.

She dared to take the leap. 

She left the convenient, six-figure job, made her side-hustle her full-time-entrepreneur-hustle, sold most of what she owned, packed up her convertible Mustang and headed West.

Today, she’s working on a balcony overlooking the ocean.

She’s making big plans with her business and attracting new clients.

She’s making new friends.

She’s living the life she yearned for.

Does she have it all? No.

She hasn’t attracted her romantic partner.

The home is a friend’s, not hers.

She hasn’t done much traveling yet.

She’s scared sometimes.  

She doubts herself and the risk she took from time-to-time.

Some sometimes she thinks she’s crazy, as a woman-of-a-certain-age, to risk it all for a business she believes in, the people she serves, the lifestyle she yearns for, romance and financial freedom on top of that!!

She is entirely toooooo much!

And I love her! She’s bold and brave. Flawed and perfect all at the same time.

She’s learning how to heal herself by loving herself, rather than thinking there is something wrong with her that needs fixing. Love. It’s simple and powerful.

And, of course, she is me. You probably guessed that about two sentences into my story.

Now, I want to ask you, is there something you are yearning for?

It may not be a whole-life-make-over like I’ve done. 

Whatever it is. I promise you, it’s waiting for you to come get it.

It’s yearning for you as much as you yearn for it.

I’ve got three spots open right now for new clients if you want a little coaching to help you get there faster and have a guide for your journey.

It’s what I do. It’s who I am.

Click here to book your 15-minute Discovery Call and we’ll talk about what you are yearning for.

The Best Things In Life

It's been an exciting couple of weeks! 

I've added another entrepreneur as a client. Like my other creative entrepreneur clients, she's a powerhouse of talent... and she knows she needs someone to keep her business organized and create a clear path for how to offer her services to her clients in ways that are effective and make her more profitable. 

Yes! Profit! I'm not ashamed to talk about profit and I unashamedly help all my clients make more money! Not just increase sales, but be more profitable. There's a difference. My clients become more profitable. 

Do you know what one of the biggest factors is to profitability? No matter what your business or career is? (Yep. This is for everyone, whether you work for someone else or own their own business)​ It's...


​Every business client I have will get coaching from me. We can employ master strategies, amazing sales funnels and have an enviable social media presence, and if our mindset is in scarcity, lack, wanting, telling us we aren't good enough, or don't have enough time, we're screwed. 

I've seen mindset ruin the best strategies, the best marketing, the best social media influence. 

You can't escape your mindset, so it's best to accept that and take the action necessary to neutralize the critical and diminishing thoughts we have and replace them with empowering and liberating thoughts. 

Easier said than done, right?

The best things in life usually are. But have no fear. I am here. 

​This is what I do all day, every day. With my business clients, my life coach clients and myself. 

We learn how to become aware of the thoughts that cause resistance, stress and self-deprecation. Then we slay them. If they rear their ugly heads, we slay them again, until they are gone. 

We celebrate the freedom we are liberated to with each victory, large or small! 

In short, we Think Our Way to Success

I created a cool video program, Think Your Way to Success, so that you, and everyone who wants to liberate themselves from their stressful, deprecating thoughts, has a system for doing it. You can "do it yourself" with the program or you can get the program and then book a one-on-one private coaching session with me so we can work on your thoughts. I love a good DIY solution, but let's face it, we all need a little help. You'll go so much deeper with the Think Your Way to Success process if you have a private session and have me coach you through the steps. 

Just say No...

​To your stressful, self-deprecating thoughts and Think Your Way to Success! Check it out and get it delivered to your inbox in minutes by clicking here

To add coaching go to my scheduler and book your first session, by clicking here. I'll send you an invoice. Right now, when you buy Think Your Way to Success you can get one session for $150. 

Let's do it! 

OK. Enough with the cliches. This program works. Treat yourself. You've earned your liberation! 

Love Yourself Into Life

I had a client recently who shared a self-destructive habit with me that she was ready to let go of. She had worked on it before with other trained professionals, without much affect. She wanted to see if I could help her.

We all have self-destructive habits. We may shop too much, drink too much, hurt ourselves physically, hook-up with abusive men (o women,) deny ourselves what we need and most of us shame ourselves with brutal self-criticism.

Whichever your current form of self-abuse is, I encourage you to work with it as I coached my client to. But, know before you start, this is a tad radical.

I want you to love yourself into life.

I hear you. There’s a cynical voice in your head right now that is saying, “that won’t work!.”

You think you need discipline or “fixing.”

Let’s face it, we often feel like we’re “broken” or “not good enough.” The obvious answer is to whip ourselves into shape!

I bet you’ve tried that. My clients try it.

It doesn’t work.

It isn’t sustainable.

We can’t discipline or beat ourselves into our next break-through.

Your next break-through, the one that changes you forever, will come from love.

A deep sense of how lovable and worthy you are. Period. No matter what.

Not loving yourself because you successfully complete certain tasks, or hit your ideal weight or stop a destructive behavior.

Loving yourself because you are. You are. You are a unique spark of the Divine.

 Created to spread your special magic into the world.

My client got her big break-through.

Are you ready for yours?


Email me and let me know what you’re ready to break-through in your life. We can get to work on loving you back to life this week!

Transforming into the new normal

Have you ever made such a dramatic change in your life that you created a new normal?

Maybe the transformation was thrust upon you from a life event: a move, divorce, marriage, started a family, sent your last kid to college, experienced a career, business or financial loss or breakthrough?

 Transformation means, “a thorough or dramatic change.”

 You may have noticed I’ve been pretty quiet since the end of 2018.

 I left Pennsylvania on December 27th and drove to Los Angeles. I arrived on New Year’s Eve. It was a dream come true (an intention actually from earlier in the year) to ring in 2019 in Southern California.

It was the first step in my move across the country that was full of trust in the unknown. I didn’t have a place to live (I still don’t), my business was very new (it still is) and I was struggling with my services, offerings and brand (I’m not anymore.) Something felt slightly “off,” and I couldn’t figure out what it was. I love coaching. I love liberating people to their wisdom and brilliance. So, why did things feel like such an uphill battle?

Not being independently wealthy, a big move and a new business, mixed with some brand uncertainty, also meant there were some financial challenges.

And yet… there was so much joy. So much certainty. Certainty that all this uncertainty and change that I was ushering into my life was intentional and purposeful.

I hung on and took the ride.

I didn’t talk about it on Facebook and I didn’t email you several times a week, like I have in the past, to give you the blow by blow.

In truth, I wasn’t sure what to say. So, I stayed quiet. I turned inward. I waited for my inner wisdom to lead the way.

That’s exactly what I tell my clients to do. Because I’m a big believer in, “it isn’t about the challenge, it’s about who you’re becoming.”

I kept becoming. I kept becoming a new version of myself.

“A thorough or dramatic change.”  Transformation. I am experiencing deep transformation.

 Some of it’s ugly. Some of it’s gorgeous! Sometimes I’m singing. Sometimes I’m crying.

Can you relate?

Are you in the midst of transformation?

Are you inviting transformation, as I did?

Or is life thrusting a transformation on you?

No matter what shape or size it comes in, I’m here for you. I am 100% clear that my gift is facilitating transformation. In my life. In my client’s lives. In my business. In my client’s businesses.

I am now 100% clear.

I am a transformation coach. I even made some changes to my website to better reflect my services, including biz consulting and operational support for entrepreneurs, and my commitment to sustainable transformation. Check it out,

I work with individuals and business owners who want transformation. They aren’t kicking and screaming against it. They are ready to embrace it. Ready to become the next version of themselves. To create a new normal in their lives, careers, relationships, business and how they contribute to the world.

 Do they get scared? Sure. Do they need help? Sure. Are they willing to invest in their transformation in order to experience the joy of living the next highest expression of themselves? You bet your life they are.

 Is transformation knocking on your door? Will you answer it?

Book a 15-Minute Discover Call here and we’ll chat about it.

There’s no better investment than the investment in your own transformation.

How to navigate any life transition. Really.

If you're in the middle of a transition, this episode is for you!

Whether you're changing jobs, starting a business, have an empty nest, moving to a new city or starting/ending a relationship, transition is a challenge.

Today I'll share with you my top three tips for navigating a transition, because, after two divorces, sending four kids to college, moving 14+ times in my adult life, changing jobs, careers and starting businesses, I am the Queen of Transitions!

Check out the program I mention, Think Your Way to Success. It will give you badass tools for taking the sting out of your stressful thoughts! To explore working with me one-on-one, so you get the support you need for your transition, email me and we’ll set up a time to chat. You deserve it!

What's the deal with the Law of Attraction? I'm not getting what I want!

If you've ever felt like that, I get it!

I felt it too, which is why in this episode I recently take a deep dive into the art of manifesting.

I’ve been working on several significant manifestations recently and I’ve learned a few things about why it works sometimes, and doesn’t seem to work other times.

Let me know what you're wanting to manifest and if you can relate to what I struggled with. Shoot me an email at and tell me about it!

Top Motivator for Change

We all have things we want to change. Whether it's a new habit we want to start, or something we want to stop doing. I'm curious about how you motivate yourself to change? Are you critical, judgmental or shaming? 

In this episode of Talk About it Tuesday, I'll share why I think love and self-acceptance are the best motivators!​

Watch the episode here: 

Tell me what you want to change and how you're loving yourself into your next level!