
What Your Inner-Child Wants You to Know

You have an inner-child who would love to tell you a thing or two! 

We all have an inner-child who wants our love and attention. 

Your inner-child is taking over the controls of your life in more ways than you probably know. They are crying, throwing temper tantrums and hiding in the corner - and that causes you to react in situations differently than you would if you knew your inner-child had just taken over. 

The easiest way to access your inner-child and find out what they need and what they are feeling is to write to them. Even if you aren’t a “writer” or don’t have a journaling practice, you can do this. 

Create a relaxing and safe space for yourself. Give yourself about 30 minutes if possible, more time might be even better, but it’s fine to start small. Even 5 or 10 minutes will do. If you have a picture of yourself as a little kid to look at, that can help. 


Next, start a conversation with your inner-child. Ask them what they want or need? What they like and don’t like.What they think is fun and even what scares them. Start to create a relationship with your inner-child just like you would any other child. 

Which means you don’t rush them. You're nice. Welcoming. You’re not pressing them for answers or being impatient. You’re saying, I love you. I’m here. I want to get to know you.

Then you wait. 

You wait to hear what that inner-child has to say. And you listen. You don’t judge, dismiss or minimize what that inner-child says to you. You listen with compassion and love! 

Are you ready? 

I would love to hear about what you discover. And if it’s not something you want to do by yourself, let me know. I do inner-child work all the time with clients. I can help. 

Book a FREE 15 minute Connection Call and we’ll explore what you need and if I’m the right coach to help you get there. You don’t have to do it alone. Book your call HERE.

Religious Wounds

This is the scariest blog I've ever written.

But I can't "preach" being authentic and not be willing to go out on a limb. So, at the risk of being judged, and in the hopes of facilitating healing, here goes.

I grew up in very conservative, you could probably call them, fundamentalist, Christian churches. Of course, my family believed the same, that's why we went to those churches. 

I grew up believing in "original sin." The doctrine that we are born sinners and need to be saved or spend eternity in hell. Hell being a very specific destination with eternal burning and gnashing of teeth. Not a very pleasant place to be for eternity, which is a hell of a long time. 

Of course, there was a way out. Only one way. Salvation through Jesus. (Who wouldn't pick that? Considering the alternative!)

From the very beginning of my life, I felt flawed and defective. After all, I was doomed. Born a sinner. Not just me, everyone. Everyone was doomed. Unless they chose Jesus as their savior. Otherwise, eternity in Hell. There were no other belief systems that were "right," everyone who believed anything different was going to hell.

If you believe what I was taught and it serves you and makes you happy, that's great. This post is not for you. And, PLEASE do NOT tell me why I should to return to those beliefs. And if knowing I don't believe that anymore makes you want to stop reading my stuff, following me on FB, etc. that’s fine. I wish you love and light. 

In my case, these beliefs did a lot of harm to my soul and psyche. While I have been healing from those wounds for years, I've recently had an enormous break-through that released the condemnation I have held deep in my body and soul. It might be the single most liberating healing I've had in my journey. 

I am very curious if there is anyone who can relate to my story and has the same type of wounds from a religion or other cultural structure? 

I'm seriously thinking about starting a group coaching program specifically for people who want to heal their "religion" wounds. 

We all deserve to know we are loved, exactly as we are and that we are worthy, from the moment we are born. That's what is eternal.

I'd love to know your story, if you have your own religious wounds. Please email me or private message me on Facebook and tell me as much or as little as you'd like. You will not be judged. You will not be shamed. I promise. 

Cocktails and Coaching is Baaaaack!!

Cocktails and Coaching is back!! Wednesday, August 7th, 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern.

I’m so excited to tell you about my co-host for our next Cocktails and Coaching!

Claudia Devyani is a registered nurse of 20 years, a yogini trained by Yogi Amrit Desai at Amrit Yoga Institute, a shaman trained at the Four Winds Society by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, and a Functional Medicine Coach trained at the Institute of Functional Medicine. She was born in São Paulo-Brazil, and left Brazil when she was very young to study and work, over 28 years ago. She is also an American Citizen.

This woman has an amazing story of the physical cost of stress and the innate power we have to heal our bodies. I’ll let her give you the scoop on Wednesday.

Trust me when I say, you will NOT want to miss this episode!

As always, Claudia and I welcome all your questions, on any topic! We will be gathering together through a Facebook Live in my private FB Group, Live Lavishly: The Art of Sustainable Transformation.

If you aren’t a member, join the FB Group here.

Ask us your questions here.

Grab your cocktail and headphones, you know me, I tend to drop an f-bomb here and there, and Claudia and I will see you on Wednesday night!!