positive energy

Tired of overwhelm and ready for a positive vibe? 

With the number of tasks that are on the list to do, EVERYDAY, in each of our lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

Overwhelm is a natural reaction to either too many things to do and/or feeling like you don’t have all the resources you need to get something done.  

The lack of resources could be time, or something a little less tangible, like, you simply don’t know WHAT to do to solve the problem. Or there are so many problems, it feels insurmountable. 

I know what that’s like and so does my co-host for this week’s Cocktails and Coaching! 

Join me and my amazing co-host Alex Ellis of AE Wellness (IG@hollaformala) on Wednesday, August 19 at 5:00 pm Pacific and 8:00 pm Eastern for a positive vibe and great conversation! 

Alex is a self-proclaimed “body-nerd,” entrepreneur and a “put your money where your mouth is” when it comes to living from a positive vibe instead of overwhelm or pain. Her super-power is helping women get out of pain. She’ll tell you more about it on Wednesday. 

You can ask Alex and me a question on the form on my website, BrendaFlorida.com, grab your drink and let’s get real! 

Everyone experiences overwhelm and everyone wants to live in a positive vibe. 

We’ll give you tips on getting out of overwhelm and we’ll definitely create a positive vibe! You’ll be so glad you came! 

Oh! And don’t forget, it all happens in my private FB Group, Live Lavishly: The Art of Sustainable Transformation. If you aren’t a member, click here and join this cool group of super positive and supportive folks!