
Do you want this as bad as I do?

I’m really excited about what I’m going to share with you today! It’s part of a 5 Episode series that will give you my #1 solution for every problem. I use it all the time in my own life and with clients.

Today I am unpacking the first piece of The Solve It Method™.

<<“Desire”>> The power of desire, your relationship to desire. Do you know what your desires are? Are they really your desires, or what you think you’re supposed to desire? Do you lean into them? Do you trust them? How would your life be different if you did?

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer a very important question which is actually the topic of the 1st Episode of our 5 Episode Series:

What Do You Truly Desire?

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Listen to the previous episode where I start with the problem, HERE.

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What if procrastination wasn’t a thing?

So many of us criticize ourselves for procrastinating. 

Think of that last thing you procrastinated on. OK, now…

Think about the last thing you did where there was no procrastination at all. You dove in. 

You got it done. You felt energized. You might have even lost track of time. 

Why is that? 


Turns out, desire is more complicated than it sounds. 

That thing you did where you felt energized and got it done without hesitancy or procrastination… Whether it was baking a cake or starting a business, had the quality of ease (different from easy. You probably worked hard to get it done, but it had the energy of flow and ease.) That was a thing that you were in alignment with. 

When we are in alignment our desires, thoughts, feelings and actions are all in-sync. Boom. It’s done. 

When we have “a thing” that doesn’t flow like that, you’re putting it off, or can’t seem to make yourself do the things you know need to be done, that’s when you know something is out of alignment. 

It’s one of two things:

  1. You don’t really have the desire. You might think you should or a family member, friend or boss may thinks you should, but you don’t really want to. So… action falls apart. You can’t stay motivated, you procrastinate, “forget” about it, all sorts of things get in the way. 

  2. You really do have the desire, but you’ve got thoughts and feelings that sabotage your action, like the old, “not good enough” though, or “I don’t have the time/money.” “It’s too late.” “Who do I think I am?”

What do you do about these two… I coach people on this all the time. These two dynamics around desire wreak lots of havoc in our lives. 

If you’re really ready to break the cycle, let’s explore coaching together. Book your Discovery Call HERE.

Reclaiming You!

It’s time. 

It feels like when a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon. 

As… a butterfly! 

A totally new being. 

That’s how this summer feels to me. 

Or… let me be more accurate, it feels like it has the POSSIBILITY of being something totally new.

It’s always a choice. 

Do we emerge from a year-and-a-half of uninvited, dramatic change that affected every aspect of our lives… the same as we were? 

Or do we accept the invitation to become something new? 

I’m choosing to become a new version of myself. 

I don’t want to “get back to normal.” 

I want to reclaim me. The newest version of myself that is more compassionate, trusting, abundant and tuned into my inner truth. The truth that transcends the outer world of phenomena and circumstance. 

I want to cultivate more inner trust. A deeper inner connection. Increased confidence to speak up for myself even when it’s hard. An increased ability to speak up for others even if it’s not popular. 

And my desires? My mission in life? Those dreams and visions just get bigger and bigger. I feel like I’m on the precipice of a huge expansion. And I’m ready! 

How about you? What do you want to claim for yourself? Do you feel a new desire or mission percolating? I’d love to hear about it! Please tell me. DM me if it feels private, or email me,

And, if you’re reading this and thinking… WTF is she talking about?! I feel flat and depleted after the last year-and-a-half! Then tell me that too! 

You are in the right place, at the right time, being exactly who you are. Loving yourself into what’s next for you, is the only way. It’s what I help clients do every day. Allowing, love and growing out of self-compassion, not out of a forced need to “fix” something. 

I can’t wait to hear where you’re at and what’s up for you!

Do You Ever Ignore Your Desires?


The very word can bring on anxiety! 

Do you know what you desire? 

Do you ever ignore your desires, or worse yet, shame them? 

I’m sure you have and probably someone else has shamed you for your desires or ignored you when you asked for what you desired. 

We’ve heard too often, “who do you think you are?” 

I will tell you who you are.

You are a unique divine expression. Boom! 💥

Every desire you have has been put there by divine intelligence to support you in being your unique divine expression, instead of the person that your family or culture might have wanted you to be.

It’s time for judgment to be over. 

It’s time for shame to be over. 

The second-guessing is over.

Be the unique divine expression that you are. There is only one of you. If you don’t be you, no one will. The gift of you will be lost to the universe. 

The journey begins with desire. 

What are three things you desire, right now? Tell me what they are. I will be your co-conspirator in you becoming unapologetically, YOU!