
Have you ever experienced failure?

I have! Epic failures! 

I was recently the guest on Matt Brown’s podcast, The Secrets of #Fail and talked about my failures as I started my life coach practice. It was a great conversation and I hope you listen to it HERE.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, parent, spouse, lover… ok, let’s say, if you’re a human being… you’ve experienced failures. 

Failure isn’t the problem. It’s how we deal with it! 

Failure is an invitation to look inward and discover the limiting belief, erroneous belief, or programming from your family and culture that is fueling that failure. And what you find may surprise you! 

I was having business and financial failures a few years ago and thought it was a failure in strategy, marketing or something else business or money related. 

But, it wasn’t. My business and financial failures were actually a result of a deeply held belief that I wasn’t worthy of the business, money and life that I desired! Wow! It surprised me, because consciously, I felt worthy. 

The unworthiness was deep in my subconscious. I needed coaching to help me find it and heal it. 

That’s what I do every day! I coach people so they can find the subconscious patterns, habits and beliefs that are wreaking havoc in their lives. 

We all have them. There’s no shame or judgment in them! 

I’m here to assure you, we can find it and heal it. 

I’d love to hop on a 15-Min Connection Call and see the time is right to work with me one-on-one. I’ve got a couple openings so now’s the time! Book your free call RIGHT HERE.

The Art, and Gift, of Grief

Today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate is on Grief. 

I don’t talk about grief very often, not for any particular reason.

But in the last week I’ve had a profound and actually liberating experience with it. 

Yes, you read that right, liberating. 

My mother passed away Dec. 30th and I approached grief in an unconventional way. 

I’ll tell you all about it along with why I’m even more passionate about dealing with our internal wounds and issues we have from our parents. We all have them. It’s okay. It’s in recognizing them and healing from them that we find our truth. 

Let’s start clearing away the debris that is limiting our lives. 

You can listen to today’s episode HERE

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

If only…

What do you do when you're stuck in worry, fear and even anxiety, thinking how much better your life would be if only…

  • I had more money.

  • My lover would see and hear me. 

  • My boss and coworkers valued all the extra effort I put in. 

  • My family appreciated me. 

  • I wasn’t obligated to that fundraiser or community event. 

If I didn’t hit your “if only” hot button, feel free to add it! 

Notice, these are all external conditions that feel like they’ve taken over. 

You feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. 

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees. 

  • People are depending on you. 

  • You’ve tried to tell your lover how you feel and it’s like talking to a brick wall. 

What can you do? 

Every time you feel like someone or something is in control of any part of your life, there’s been a loss of power. That person or condition feels like it has more power than you do. 

How do I know that? Because I’ve done it a million times! And because when we are owning our power we don’t feel like we are being controlled. We don’t feel stuck. We don’t feel trapped. 

We may have difficult decisions to make. Boundaries to set. Personal mindset work that needs to be done. Emotional work that needs to be done. Spiritual work that  needs to be done. 

All of those things are in our power. They put us in charge of our own lives. 

In one way or another, every client I coach is learning how to own their power in every situation and every relationship in their lives. That’s why their results are so liberating! 

I’m opening up my calendar right now for 3 people who want to own their power and enjoy the sweet liberation that comes with it! You can book your 15-Minute Connection Call HERE. During that call will talk about your situation and a solution that is unique to you! 

I’ve coached clients who have been liberated from emotionally abusive relationships, careers that no longer suit them, feeling limited because of their finances, toxic friendships, relatives that were taking advantage of them, businesses that were controlling their lives and stress that controlled every aspect of their lives. 

You deserve liberation! Let’s see if it’s time for you to be one of my 3 new clients! Book your call HERE.

Do you run away or run towards?

They say each of us is motivated to either---

  • Run away from what we don’t want

  • Run toward what we do want

I have found this to be very true as a coach and all my years in real estate. 

People are motivated by what they don’t want to have happen, or by what they do want to happen. 

Take someone who is a multimillionaire. I’ve known several extremely successful people who are driven to make a lot of money because they are afraid of being broke. The more they make the farther away from broke they are and they love that. 

Me, I am driven to run towards what I want. What do I want? To get my message of liberation to the masses. To coach as many people as I can to their own personal liberation. To live at the beach. To travel. To take my kids on vacations that are my “treat.” 

Don’t get me wrong, I HATE being broke, but running away from being broke doesn’t motivate me. Running towards abundance does. 

Which are you? 

The wonderful thing is, it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re running into your authentic power and self-expression. 

That’s what I love about working with each client I have. Everyone is different. Each one needs a unique solution, because they are unique. 

What’s the unique solution you need? I’d love to help you find it. 

I’ve got 3 spots left in my calendar for one-to-one clients. When they’re gone, they’re gone. Run away from missing out or run towards the opportunity!  My 90-Day Package is the best bargain - I don’t plan on offering it at this price again - and there are other options if 90-Days feels like “too much.” Some client’s like to start with 3 sessions and take it from there. 

Run over and complete this simple form, it will take about 5 minutes, then I’ll reach out and we’ll decide what’s best for you right now. 

Don’t wait. My calendar will fill up, and more importantly, your liberated, authentic life is waiting for you!! 

Here’s what she said…

I was working with a client and she said, “I have so much more confidence and feel so much so much more grounded then I did when we started working together!”


That’s what can happen when you invest in yourself and prioritize yourself.


It’s time for you to give yourself permission to focus on yourself.


It’s time to take yourself off the back-burner and prioritize your desires, wants and needs.


It’s time to stop feeling guilty when you do that. Wouldn’t that be nice! It’s possible, I promise.


It’s even time to end the cycle of overwhelm. You may not feel like you can. But trust me, you can. 

That client I told you about, she is ending the cycle of guilt and overwhelm because she is learning how to see the “trickster” that overwhelm is, let go of guilt and lean into the truth of what she wants. That’s when the confidence came.


You deserve to feel the same.


It’s time for the “It’s Your Turn” 90 Day Coaching Package!


You’ll work one-on-one with me for 9 sessions over 90 days, Plus, you’ll get support in between sessions. It will be like having me as your cheerleader when you hit a freak-out (we all do!) and you’re in between sessions. It’s amazingly helpful and effective.


Here’s all you need to do - complete this simple form so I know a little more about what you want to accomplish in coaching, then we’ll take it from there. Get the FORM HERE.


Say “yes” to yourself. If you don’t, who will? There is limited number of these packages available – so take 5 minutes and fill out your form. 

You'll be one step closer to liberation!

Did you see that?

Have you experienced times in your life when you were working really hard for something and nothing was happening? 

Maybe it was something you wanted to manifest and no matter how many manifestation books you read or how many Abraham Hicks recordings you listened to, nothing was working. 

There was NO EVIDENCE that anything you were doing was working! 

I have been there! 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going deep and getting personal with some stories from my life when I had no evidence that anything I was doing was working…. But I still felt compelled, actually driven, to stay the course. 

Listen to this special episode HERE. 

Please, Please! Comment down below and tell me if you relate? Especially if you’re in one of the times right now. My heart is reaching out to you through the airways. I am here to stand with you and beside you! 

What we do matters. 

The Million Dollar Question?

I’ve got a podcast coming your way on Sunday! 

I’m so excited to deliver a weekly video podcast that will help you Liberate Your People Pleaser! 

And yes, that’s the name! Liberate Your People Pleaser! I’ll send you the link to “Episode 1: You Don’t Need Fixing” on Sunday. I’ll post it on social media, it will be on podcast services like Spotify… I’m making a big splash!!

Until then, here’s my million dollar question… what would change your life in a dramatic way? 

No, not winning the lottery. Something more precious than money.  

Something that would allow you to let go of something that diminishes you or makes you feel trapped? 

Something that triggers self-criticism and doubt? 

Something that makes you feel like you aren’t good enough in some way. 

We all have them. What’s the question or situation that would liberate you, if you had a solution or answer to it?

Private Message me or tell me about it in the comments. I’ll feature it on a future podcast. And, not to worry, your identity will be kept private. Your question is safe with me.