
Does your inner-critic need a vacation?

I love this picture of me because it’s what I look like when my inner-critic has taken a vacation and I am my “liberated” self! 

I’m fun, I laugh, I make others laugh, I love my body, I love connecting with others. I can rest or be ready to sweat my guts out in spin class. 

It’s me without the baggage of the criticisms and judgments that my inner mean-girl can throw at me. 

Another way to put it is… I feel worthy of living the life I love. Period. No need for inner judgments or criticisms. They do not serve me, even though they tell me they are “only here to help.” 

When we feel deeply worthy, it’s a feeling of worthiness that is not earned or “worked for.” It’s a birthright. You simply ARE worthy whether you feel like it or not. Whether you’ve ever been told you are, or not. You ARE. 

I’ve put together a workshop to help you increase your feeling of worthiness and to understand the ways it is impacting your life, whether you realize it or not. It’s called, “The How to Feel Worthy Workshop” and you’ll get a full hour of teaching and practical tools to cultivate worthiness. 

To uplevel your experience, select the VIP level and hang out with me after the workshop is over for Q & A and your opportunity to be coached by me. 

Whether you join the workshop only or come as a VIP… come. This workshop will change your understanding of personal worth and give you the tools you need to cultivate the worthiness you deserve. 

Get the deets and register for the How to Feel Worthy Workshop, HERE. 

I can’t wait to see you next week and I’m crossing my fingers you’ll come as a VIP and we can deepen our work together!

Why Hally Decided to Work with Me

Hally was lacking in confidence. 

She knew it was affecting her at work and at home with her daughters and husband. 

No one else understood it. Hally is smart, attractive and very good at many things. People would tell her, “You should feel confident!”  She wanted to feel confident. 

But she didn’t know how. 

That’s when she reached out to me and we started working together. She learned some practical tools to build her confidence. 

More importantly, she learned that it was her inner-critic who was the cause of her lack of confidence. Once we uncovered that we started working to heal her inner-critic. 

You can hear Hally talk about her coaching journey on a recent episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser HERE. 

That’s how coaching works. We start with a symptom like a lack of confidence and we deal with that, but we go deeper to find what’s causing it so we can heal that. 

Now Hally can experience true liberation in every area of her life! 

If any of that sounds interesting to you, book a 15-Minute Connection Call with me HERE and let’s get you going on your journey of liberation! 

Does this ever get to you?


Our inner-tormentor. 

“You did that wrong.” 

“You’ve ruined it.” 

“If you hadn’t done that, then this wouldn’t have happened.” 

Does your inner-tormentor follow you wherever you go? 

Almost every client I’ve had in the last few weeks has been dealing with it big time! As I coached them into self-love… which is the only cure for self-judgment… I realized… 

I was doing it too!! 

I was looking at my life, and a few of the things I’d like to be different and boom! My self-judgment went into full swing! 

“If you hadn’t done that, this wouldn’t be happening.” Ugh!

I’ll give you the simple solution I gave myself and my clients, the answer to the end of self-judgment is self-love. 

Here’s how to do it. 

Whatever your inner-judge is throwing at you, love it, like it was a little kid trying something new. 

When a child starts something new, let’s say learning to play the saxophone, as a mother of a child who did that, let me tell you, it’s not pretty! Your kid is going to make lots of mistakes while they are learning. It will be painful to your ears! You’ll want them to stop! But you won’t tell them to quit or that they sound terrible - yes you never do - because you love them and they are learning something new. 

Everything we do in life is learning something new. The person we are today is doing something they’ve never done before as the person they are today. They may have done it from the person they were yesterday or 6 months ago or two years ago, but every day is a new day. You’ve never been here before. 

When judgment comes in to tell you that you’re going to fail before you even begin lovingly tell judgment that today is a new day and doesn’t need to be defined by yesterday. Love it for trying to protect you, even though you don’t want to be protected that way anymore. 

When it comes to tell you that you screwed up before so that’s why things aren’t the way you want them now, lovely tell judgment that you were doing your best back then and it’s okay if it didn’t all go the way you wanted it to. You’re on your way and that’s what matters. 

Love. Love will silence the inner-tormentor, the inner-critic, the inner-judge. Love will keep you picking up that saxophone until you know how to make beautiful music with it. 

And that music will heal you and make the world a better place. 

If you need a coach to help you through this transformation of your inner-judgment, I’d love to chat! Book a 15-Minute Call and tell me where you’re feeling beat up by your inner-judge!