Why I Might Quit as a Mindset Coach!

I love mindset coaching.


But… here’s what is becoming so clear to me…


Feelings. Those damn feelings!


I’m learning from my own experiences, and my clients, that our feelings are in the driver’s seat when it comes to how we experience the world and what we are attracting.


That’s why the whole, Law of Attraction, feels like bullshit sometimes!


You’re looking in the mirror and repeating to yourself, “I’m a success and I’m beautiful!”


But your business is slowing down, not speeding up. Or, your job sucks and you got a pay decrease. You feel drab and blah when you look in the mirror, not beautiful!


You know the drill.


You toss all the Abraham Hicks books in the trash and eat a bag of Doritos!


What if there was another way?


Your feelings are the key to everything! Thoughts are important but your feelings rule.


That’s why inspiration doesn’t work.


How many times have you been inspired by a book, a movie, a video, a teacher… maybe even a blog like mine?


You decide to make a change. Up-level your life in some way.


And a month later… everything still like it was.


Your feelings will deliver you to sustainable transformation.


Now think of a time when you changed. Dramatically. There was no going back to the way things were.


Maybe you changed the way you eat or started exercising. Maybe you quit smoking. It might be something you started, like a business or a new relationship.


But, this time, there was no stopping you. You had a level of determination, grit and tenacity that wouldn’t take no for an answer!




Did you catch that? Determination. Grit. Tenacity.


All feelings.


Your feelings drove you to sustainable transformation.


Here’s the magical part, when we get our feelings in alignment with our desires, our thoughts will follow! You’ll have the thoughts of a determined person. The thoughts that accompany grit and tenacity. And the joy of being true to your authentic desires!


Unapologetically authentic. That’s where the gold is!


If you’re not sure and you want a taste of up leveling your feelings and bringing your thoughts along for the ride, we need to talk!


I’ve got three openings in my calendar for one-on-one clients. Let’s hop on a 15-minute call and see if it’s right for you. Schedule your call here. Let’s do it!



