It’s Brand New! And It’s Here!

I was so excited Sunday when my newly branded podcast, Uncover and Elevate launched!! In the first episode I shared the lessons I’ve learned as a coach that motivated me to change the theme of the podcast. 

People Pleasing is an issue, without a doubt, but I’ve learned that unless I help clients uncover what’s causing them to do the things we call people pleasing, they stay in the habits of people pleasing. 

Maybe not in the situation they came to coaching for, but it will pop up again somewhere else, because until we uncover what’s causing you to be a people pleaser, you can’t really stop it. There’s no true freedom. Only temporary relief until the next thing comes up. 

I am here for freedom! For sustainable transformation, not just temporary relief! 

What do you need to uncover? 

We all have things we avoid, ways we over function, relationships we don’t set sufficient boundaries in, etc. You don’t have to figure it out by yourself. In fact… we weren’t meant to figure it out alone! That’s another lie of the patriarchy to keep us small. 

I’m here to be your advocate and guide to uncover and elevate the issue that bugs the hell out of you and keeps you up at night! Large or small, freedom comes when we get to the cause and learn how to heal it. 

Book your 15-Minute Call and let’s see if coaching is right for you!