You Might Not Want to Look!

Why am I looking under the hood of my car? 

Because it’s the perfect metaphor for creating the life you want - or how to let go of the things you don’t want! 

Clients come to me for two reasons: 

  1. They want to stop doing something they know is f*#ing with their lives

  2. They want to create something new and gorgeous in their life. 

How do I help them do that? 

I take them on a journey to look “under the hood” of their own beliefs, habits, patterns, relationships, social and family conditioning and childhood experiences to find out how they got to the life they have and how to get to the life they want. 

Here’s what it look like - these are examples: 

  • She learned how to truly love her curvy body, exactly as it was, without losing any weight. She went from second-guessing her wardrobe choices to feeling confident and even empowered by her body and the clothes she wore… even a swimsuit! 

  • She felt like she ruined every relationship she had been in. She had decided it must be her fault. She must be expecting too much. Instead she realized that she wasn’t expecting enough! She was settling for a lot less than she wanted. She changed her dating profile, got a huge boost to her confidence and started dating guys that were a better match for her. 

  • He learned how to separate from his family’s idea of who he was supposed to be and took the risk of pursuing the career and relationship that he truly desired! Did his family support him? Not really. In fact, sometimes they were downright discouraging, but he learned how to believe in himself and his truth more than he believed in what his family thought. 

  • An entrepreneur realized she was running a business that she didn’t truly love anymore. So she took the leap and pivoted into the new business that she truly wanted. Sure, she struggled a bit as she made the transition… and transformation… but she stuck with it. She believed in her new endeavor and now she does work that lights her up! 

What’s under your hood? I created a cool worksheet to help you figure it out. You can get it HERE

And I love working with people who want to figure out what is keeping them from the life they crave so feel free to book your 15-Minute Connection Call and we’ll figure it out together!