Does Coaching Really Work? An Interview w/Meredith Jacks

Working with a coach has become more common than it was a few years ago. From professional athletes to successful business professionals, from mid-life moms to college graduates, the reasons for working with a coach are as varied as the individuals.

But, no matter how you look at it, life throws a lot of challenges at us! With so much pressure and so many obligations, it’s clear to see why we often feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

That’s why a good life coach is so important. We often get so ingrained and set in our ways that it’s hard to see things from a fresh perspective. It’s difficult to fathom and digest the possibilities that exist out there in the world when we’re so used to operating within what we’ve deemed “safe” for so long.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep & discuss this topic with my guest, Meredith Styer Jacks. Meredith is a former coaching client and participant in an Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness training class I teach. She surprised me with some of her answers for why coaching was so transformational in this engaging interview. You’re going to love it!

 What you will discover:

- Does coaching really work?

- Are there tangible results when you get coached?

- What does coaching with me look like?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

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