Do you want it to be your turn?

I felt isolated and alone. Nothing I was doing was working. My family needed me, my job needed me, my husband and I were having issues and money was super tight! I was exhausted and was barely getting through the bare necessities of each day.

Then I decided I needed to get help. 

I needed to do something for myself.

I booked the appointment and had my first session. I don’t even think I told my husband because I knew he would be mad if I spent the money. (And, he was.)

But I knew that something had to change. 

I didn’t understand what. 

I didn’t understand it was because I had been prioritizing everyone but myself.

When I knew I needed more sessions, I had to tell my husband. He didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t want me to spend the money.

For the first time in many years, I stood up for myself. I made it a non-negotiable. It was my turn and I was going to get the help I needed to learn how to prioritize myself. 

I was afraid it would mean I was selfish. 

The amazing thing was, when I learned how to prioritize myself, it made me less selfish! I had more to give because I had given to myself first! 

I’m so glad I booked that appointment. 

I’m so glad I got help and didn’t try to do it alone. 

That’s part of why I’m so passionate about my clients and the choice they make to work with me. 

Each client has different obstacles. Different fears. Unique situations. 

What each client has in common is the moment they decided it was their turn. 

It’s your turn. 

You don’t need to figure it out on your own. 

All you need to do is complete this Curious About Coaching form and we can decide together what your next step is in choosing to prioritize yourself! 

Trust me, it’s the beginning of true freedom!