This kicked my butt!

Have you ever been kicked in the butt by an injury or illness? 

The kind where pleasing other people becomes almost impossible because you’re too damn tired or in too much pain to muster up the energy? 

That’s what happened to me last week. I got Shingles. If you’ve not had it, and I hope you haven’t, trust me when I say, it’s horrible. 

At this point in my journey I’ve kicked most of the habits of people pleasing when it comes to over-giving to others… 

Here’s the part I’m not as good with…

I have a tendency to push myself too hard even when my body is telling me to STOP! 

Now I have a choice. I can listen to my inner-guidance and slow the eff down or I can push. 

I noticed that I push because of inner-judgment. It’s the thought that, even though I’m in terrible pain, I’m not doing enough. 

I bet you’ve felt it too. You work so hard to do so much and help so many people, yet… it’s never enough. 

Then something happens to you, an injury or illness, and that inner-judge STILL tells you, it’s not enough. It eggs you on to do just a little bit more. 

Meanwhile, your inner-guidance, that part of you that loves you unconditionally, is asking you to please stop. Please take a break. 

You are enough. 

You do enough.

It is in the spirit of loving myself and doing what I would coach you to do, tha I am postponing the launch of my IG Live weekly program, Own Your Brilliance tomorrow. 

It sort of breaks my heart because I’m super excited to start this show! It’s a passion project for me. 

And love is calling me to wait. 

So, I will honor love. Honor my enoughness. 

What is your inner-guidance calling you to stop, or postpone or take a break from? 

I’d love to hear about it.