What is your heart telling you to do?

“Do what your heart tells you to do because you don’t owe anyone your life. Not even me.” The Mother in The Fabelman’s. 

When I heard that line in the movie, The Fabelman’, it stopped me cold. 


You don’t owe anyone your life. 

We are each called to live the life that our heart tells us to live. 

The problem is, most of us are taught at a young age NOT to listen to our heart. We are taught to conform. To do things and make choices that will win us the love and approval of our family and our culture.

“Save me from the desire for love and approval.” Byron Katie.

That’s one of my favorite quotes! 

It is our desire to be loved and approved of by others that takes us away from our truth. We sacrifice our truth, what the heart tells us to do, in order to please someone else. 

2023 is the year of honoring my heart, my truth. 

What about you? 

Can you see where you’ve given up pieces of your heart and your truth to please someone else or to get their love and approval? 

Most of us have. 

The time has come to claim what is yours. Your heart. Your truth. 

There’s nothing more sacred. 

I’m here to help you. You don’t need to do it alone. 

Let’s chat and see if now is the right time for you and if I am the right coach for you. Book a FREE 15-Minute Connection HERE.