Body Image

Are You Avoiding the Pool?

I posted a reel on Instagram last week that definitely struck a chord! You can see the reel HERE.

It was about avoiding the pool, beach, lake, or any other activity where you would be seen in a bathing suit! 

I used to feel the same way. 

Body shaming is so prevalent in our culture which means most of our families do it too! We get it from the media and advertising constantly. 

However you feel about your body,  I’m here to help you learn to love the skin you’re in! 

I used to avoid looking in a mirror! I never wanted to see my body naked. I felt ashamed because my body didn’t look like the image I had of what a “beautiful” body would look like, 

After having 4 kids  my belly was really flabby. Then I got a hernia! it isn’t dangerous so health insurance won’t cover it, so I actually have a hard bump in my stomach now! It’s impossible to hide in a bathing suit.

How did I get from body shaming to body loving? 

I learned how to love my body. I love it for what it’s done for me, like deliver 4 human beings! And, I love it because it’s part of who I am. I am body, mind and spirit. I found that to heal my mind and spirit I had to include healing the shame I had for my body. 

I still don’t like the way my hernia makes my stomach stick out, but I love my stomach. Things don’t have to be perfect to love them. 

I’m curious, where you are in the journey to love your body? 

I’m also curious if you’d be interested in joining me for a group coaching experience on the topic. I am imagining it as a “Learning to Love the Skin You're In” program where we would meet on Zoom for say, 6 weeks. Each week I’d give you new tools to use to learn to love your body. Practical things and inspirational things. Because, that’s how I coach! 

Do you want to Love the Skin You're In? Are you willing to try? There’s no sales page to go to, no way to sign up, I didn’t even have the idea until I started writing this, but the more I write… the more I love the idea! 

DM me and let me know if you’re interested in learning to Love the Skin You’re In!