“You’re not in charge of me!”

That’s what my three-year-old granddaughter loudly declared to her older brother last weekend.

I had to laugh.

And, it got me thinking…

Every time we feel like someone, or something, outside of us is “in charge” of what’s going on in our lives, we’re wrong.

Blunt and true.

We’re wrong.

When things go wrong it’s so easy to tag another person and think, “If they had done something differently, I wouldn’t be in this mess!”

Here’s the problem. You can’t do a damn thing about another person. The only person we have any control over is ourselves.

My granddaughter is right. The only one in charge of you, is you.

I get it though. People do impact us. We can get thrown off course by someone else.

What do we do?

We work with our own thoughts about that, and what the problem is. For example, you may own your business and feel like you can’t raise your prices because you’ll lose clients. (It’s the client’s fault.)

You may have a job you hate, but you’re afraid it will be too hard to find another one. (It’s the economy’s fault.)

You may want to ask for a raise, or promotion or volunteer for a high-profile project, but your boss doesn’t like you. (It’s the boss's fault.)

Or maybe you simply don’t have the confidence to go after what you want in life. Again…thoughts are creating the lack of confidence.

Here’s where I come in.

Let’s slay those thoughts. Let’s get your confidence amped-up and ask for the raise, quit the job, raise your prices and anything else that’s important to you!

How? I’ll show you.

Join me Monday, May 21, 7:30 pm Eastern/4:30 pm Pacific for a free webinar, “Upgrade Your Earning Power.” I’ll show you how I slayed my thoughts that my problems were because of my ex, or the economy, or simply that “I’m not good enough.”  I took my power back and totally changed my life.

I use the same coaching tools I used on myself with clients, in group settings, like my digital program, Enough Already, and in 1:1 coaching. I’ll teach you how to do it on the webinar, Upgrade Your Earning Power.

All the details and the registration are here.

Join me and get ready to Upgrade Your Earning Power!