
When does, "no," really mean, "yes?"

I’ve had a lot of clients recently who are working to get clarity on saying, yes or no to something.

  • Do I say, yes or no, to the job offer?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to leaving my relationship?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to dating? Or a particular person I’m dating?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to taking a vacation with my best friend and leave my family at home?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to starting or expanding my business?

  • Do I say, yes or no, to leaving my hometown behind and moving to the beach?

What are you wanting to say, yes, or no to?

Every time we say, no, to something, we are saying, yes, to something else.

We can’t say yes, all the time. Even when things sound interesting or fun because when we say, yes to that, we are probably saying, no, to something else. And it’s also true, and I doooo sooooo love this… that when I say, no, to something, or someone, I am saying, YES! To something, or someone else.

I’ve had the same question on my mind. I have lovely business clients. I freakin love helping solo-entrepreneurs manage and grow their businesses! That’s an easy, yes! I have one-on-one clients working on their relationships, careers, and how to expand into the life they’ve been dreaming of. Again, easy, "Yes!"

I also have two collaborative projects I’m working on that thrill me! It’s too soon to tell you about them, but imagine getting three or four of your favorite people together and creating something that will positively make the world a better place? Pretty damn exciting!!

So, what do I say no to? I have a certain amount of creative and business energy. I won’t sacrifice self-care and relationships for “work.” I used to do that and the one thing I know is that it’s not sustainable.

I have to do what I coach clients to do. I have to figure out what to say no to, so I have the time, space and energy for the things I want to say, yes, to!

Here goes! I won’t be taking any one-on-one clients after July 1, 2019. If you’ve been thinking about working with me in that profoundly productive environment of 1:1 coaching, now is the time to say, YES!

You can get a six-session package for $850 (or two payments of $435) – this is most client’s favorite because with six sessions they experience a lot of break-throughs; or… a three-session package that is $495 (or two payments of $255.)

If you want to book a 15-minute Discovery Call to decide which is best for you, we can do that, we just need to do it before July 1st. 

Hit reply and let me know:

1.     Yes! I want six sessions!

2.     Yes! I want three sessions!

3.     Yes! I want a Discovery Call!

Transforming into the new normal

Have you ever made such a dramatic change in your life that you created a new normal?

Maybe the transformation was thrust upon you from a life event: a move, divorce, marriage, started a family, sent your last kid to college, experienced a career, business or financial loss or breakthrough?

 Transformation means, “a thorough or dramatic change.”

 You may have noticed I’ve been pretty quiet since the end of 2018.

 I left Pennsylvania on December 27th and drove to Los Angeles. I arrived on New Year’s Eve. It was a dream come true (an intention actually from earlier in the year) to ring in 2019 in Southern California.

It was the first step in my move across the country that was full of trust in the unknown. I didn’t have a place to live (I still don’t), my business was very new (it still is) and I was struggling with my services, offerings and brand (I’m not anymore.) Something felt slightly “off,” and I couldn’t figure out what it was. I love coaching. I love liberating people to their wisdom and brilliance. So, why did things feel like such an uphill battle?

Not being independently wealthy, a big move and a new business, mixed with some brand uncertainty, also meant there were some financial challenges.

And yet… there was so much joy. So much certainty. Certainty that all this uncertainty and change that I was ushering into my life was intentional and purposeful.

I hung on and took the ride.

I didn’t talk about it on Facebook and I didn’t email you several times a week, like I have in the past, to give you the blow by blow.

In truth, I wasn’t sure what to say. So, I stayed quiet. I turned inward. I waited for my inner wisdom to lead the way.

That’s exactly what I tell my clients to do. Because I’m a big believer in, “it isn’t about the challenge, it’s about who you’re becoming.”

I kept becoming. I kept becoming a new version of myself.

“A thorough or dramatic change.”  Transformation. I am experiencing deep transformation.

 Some of it’s ugly. Some of it’s gorgeous! Sometimes I’m singing. Sometimes I’m crying.

Can you relate?

Are you in the midst of transformation?

Are you inviting transformation, as I did?

Or is life thrusting a transformation on you?

No matter what shape or size it comes in, I’m here for you. I am 100% clear that my gift is facilitating transformation. In my life. In my client’s lives. In my business. In my client’s businesses.

I am now 100% clear.

I am a transformation coach. I even made some changes to my website to better reflect my services, including biz consulting and operational support for entrepreneurs, and my commitment to sustainable transformation. Check it out,

I work with individuals and business owners who want transformation. They aren’t kicking and screaming against it. They are ready to embrace it. Ready to become the next version of themselves. To create a new normal in their lives, careers, relationships, business and how they contribute to the world.

 Do they get scared? Sure. Do they need help? Sure. Are they willing to invest in their transformation in order to experience the joy of living the next highest expression of themselves? You bet your life they are.

 Is transformation knocking on your door? Will you answer it?

Book a 15-Minute Discover Call here and we’ll chat about it.

There’s no better investment than the investment in your own transformation.

What’s the one thing you would change?

We all have something.

It’s the thing we would change in our lives. You might have more than one. I do.

But, we feel like we can’t.

Hear me. Now. You can. You can.

The most unbelievably difficult things get done every day.

Think of all the people that inspire you.

They overcame huge obstacles. That’s why you are inspired by them.

Those people are no different than you are.

All you need is some support.

Some instruction.

Some coaching.

You need to know how to stop thinking and feeling the things that trap you in a limited cluster-fuck of disappointment.

You need tools and strategies to actually think and feel differently. Yes, it’s possible. I do it all the time in my own life.

When you think and feel differently, you find resources and solutions that you never saw before.

You find the way to create your successful business, relationship or career.

You can find a way to love your body. Really. Without losing weight.

You can turn on your sexual energy for pleasure and added creativity.

 So, tell me… What do you want to change?

Tell me what it is. There’s help. If I can’t help you, I bet I know someone who does.  

Do it now. Email me. Lay it on me. It’s changeable. It’s possible.

Power. Pleasure. Profit. Sound good?

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’d like to always stand in your power when it comes to you business.

I know you want more profit!

Has your business and your life lost the thrill of pleasure?

Then I’ve got the solution for you!

Join me on Tuesday, September 18th at 9:00 a.m. Pacific and Noon Eastern for my newest masterclass, Three Secrets to Power, Profit and Pleasure in your Business.

You don’t want to miss this. When you register you’ll get a link to an interactive worksheet and you’ll get the recording afterwards.

Click here to register and get ready for more Power, Pleasure and Profit in your life!

“You’re not in charge of me!”

That’s what my three-year-old granddaughter loudly declared to her older brother last weekend.

I had to laugh.

And, it got me thinking…

Every time we feel like someone, or something, outside of us is “in charge” of what’s going on in our lives, we’re wrong.

Blunt and true.

We’re wrong.

When things go wrong it’s so easy to tag another person and think, “If they had done something differently, I wouldn’t be in this mess!”

Here’s the problem. You can’t do a damn thing about another person. The only person we have any control over is ourselves.

My granddaughter is right. The only one in charge of you, is you.

I get it though. People do impact us. We can get thrown off course by someone else.

What do we do?

We work with our own thoughts about that, and what the problem is. For example, you may own your business and feel like you can’t raise your prices because you’ll lose clients. (It’s the client’s fault.)

You may have a job you hate, but you’re afraid it will be too hard to find another one. (It’s the economy’s fault.)

You may want to ask for a raise, or promotion or volunteer for a high-profile project, but your boss doesn’t like you. (It’s the boss's fault.)

Or maybe you simply don’t have the confidence to go after what you want in life. Again…thoughts are creating the lack of confidence.

Here’s where I come in.

Let’s slay those thoughts. Let’s get your confidence amped-up and ask for the raise, quit the job, raise your prices and anything else that’s important to you!

How? I’ll show you.

Join me Monday, May 21, 7:30 pm Eastern/4:30 pm Pacific for a free webinar, “Upgrade Your Earning Power.” I’ll show you how I slayed my thoughts that my problems were because of my ex, or the economy, or simply that “I’m not good enough.”  I took my power back and totally changed my life.

I use the same coaching tools I used on myself with clients, in group settings, like my digital program, Enough Already, and in 1:1 coaching. I’ll teach you how to do it on the webinar, Upgrade Your Earning Power.

All the details and the registration are here.

Join me and get ready to Upgrade Your Earning Power!

Live Lavishly Light Episode #21

You know what a freak I am about mindset! 

I recently went to see Amy Schumer's new movie,  I Feel Pretty.  It's a must see, in my opinion! Profound and funny, which is a lavish combination! 

Today I want to inspire you to consider your mindset. Whether its how we see our bodies or whether we have the courage to ask for a raise or raise our prices with confidence and without guilt! 

That's what tomorrow's webinar is about: Earn What You Deserve. Sign up now and check out today's episode of Live Lavishly Light. 

How much money do you want to make?

Do you want to make more money than you're making? 

Do you think that you can't make more money until:

  • Your boss gives you a raise
  • You get more clients (because you're afraid to raise your prices)
  • The economy changes
  • You get more training or education


You need a change of mindset. The miracle of this that you can start creating change now by changing your thoughts about the money you make and how you make it. 

You're in charge!


Tuesday, May 1, at 7:30 pm Eastern, 4:30 Pacific, for a webinar designed to teach you how to empower your thoughts and gain the confidence you need to:

  • ask for a raise
  • raise your prices without feeling guilty
  • quit your soul-sucking job
  • expand your business

Sign up and grab your spot now! 

Do you earn what you deserve?

Most women in the US do not. Whether they work for someone else or own their own business, most women aren't earning what they deserve. 

I'm ready to change that! It feels like a mission! 

It all begins with mindset. The way we think drives the jobs we take, the prices we charge, whether we ask for a raise or expand our business. 

Check out today's video and then hop on over and sign up for the webinar, Earn What You Deserve, and I'll teach you how to create a mind-shift that will empower you and build your confidence professionally.

Why I Hired a Coach

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

I use that quote often when I consult and speak to companies about how to improve performance with their people and solve problems in the organization. 

Here's the truth. It's actually very hard NOT to use the same kind of thinking. 

How do we really change the way we think when 95% of our thoughts are unconscious, meaning they are a habit we don't think about, like brushing our teeth? You don't look at your toothbrush every morning wondering what the heck to do with it! You don't even have to think about the steps involved in brushing your teeth. You do it without thinking about it. It's an unconscious habit. 

That's the way 95% of your thoughts are. 

How do we change? 

How do we become aware of the 95% that causes us to repeat the thoughts that don't serve us? That keep us from finding the new thought to solve the problem with? 

I call my coach! 

Yep. I have two coaches I work with regularly. They think of things I don't think of. 

Whether it's a challenge in my business or in a personal relationship, they will ask me a question [that I never thought of] that takes me to a new thought. 

That's what a great coach does. It's simple. It's profound. 

Do you need a coach? 

All of us have things in our life that could use some new thoughts injected into them. Maybe it's a stalled career. Maybe you want to start a business or expand your business. Maybe there's a personal relationship that needs something new injected into it. Maybe you've lost site of your dreams and want to put some juice into your life and awaken those dreams. 

New thoughts will help you with all of those. As a coach, that's what I do. I help my clients think new thoughts. Grow their business. Get a new job. Ask for a raise or promotion. Work on their relationships, awaken those dreams and create a lavish life! 

I offer free, 30 minute "Introduction" calls so we can chat about what you want to get out of coaching and to see if we are a good fit. No obligations. Check it out and schedule your Intro session today from my website.