enough already

Ever feel like giving up?

Are you the kind of person who has a dream?

You want to make an impact on the world? On your family? Your community? Your work?

I bet sometimes as you pursue those fantastic dreams, you get derailed. Something stops you.

I bet there is a voice inside your head telling you that you are not _________ enough to make your dreams come true.

Does it sound like this?

Not smart enough

Not educated enough

Not connected to enough of the right people

Not old or young enough

There isn’t enough time

Not enough money

Not enough resources

I’m here to tell you…ENOUGH ALREADY!              

You are enough. You have enough. Right now.

Registration is OPEN for my new online program, Enough Already!

I’ll coach you through knowing you are Enough Already!

I created a kick-ass online program. A bold statement. Why is it kick-ass?

Because I’m going to coach you through the entire process from those awesome, big dreams of yours, to finding those insidious, beastly “Not Enough” thoughts. Then, we’ll blast them with down-to-earth, hard-hitting coaching magic that will melt their wicked impact on your life. And for the final touch, we’ll take action towards our dreams.

How do I know how to do this? How can I teach you?

Because I’ve been there and done that! It’s a cliché, but it’s true… That’s right. I’m not too proud to say it. I’ve been where you are. I was so frustrated because my life didn’t reflect my dreams. I took a deep dive and discovered that I had all these, “Not Enough” thoughts running around in my head that sabotaged the things I was trying to do to reach my dreams.

Once I know what’s in my way, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it out of my way!

I’ll coach you and teach you to do the same.

So, let’s kick some serious ass and get you on track to live the life of your dreams.

Here’s the super cool part.

When you register before midnight, Thursday, June 14th, you’ll also get two 30-minute coaching sessions with me and four group coaching sessions with your fellow bad asses in Enough Already. That’s a $450 value for free, because you decided to take action now instead of waiting. It doesn’t get any better than that!

You’ll find all the details for Enough Already here.

Check it out. Register. Now. You won’t regret it.

“You’re not in charge of me!”

That’s what my three-year-old granddaughter loudly declared to her older brother last weekend.

I had to laugh.

And, it got me thinking…

Every time we feel like someone, or something, outside of us is “in charge” of what’s going on in our lives, we’re wrong.

Blunt and true.

We’re wrong.

When things go wrong it’s so easy to tag another person and think, “If they had done something differently, I wouldn’t be in this mess!”

Here’s the problem. You can’t do a damn thing about another person. The only person we have any control over is ourselves.

My granddaughter is right. The only one in charge of you, is you.

I get it though. People do impact us. We can get thrown off course by someone else.

What do we do?

We work with our own thoughts about that, and what the problem is. For example, you may own your business and feel like you can’t raise your prices because you’ll lose clients. (It’s the client’s fault.)

You may have a job you hate, but you’re afraid it will be too hard to find another one. (It’s the economy’s fault.)

You may want to ask for a raise, or promotion or volunteer for a high-profile project, but your boss doesn’t like you. (It’s the boss's fault.)

Or maybe you simply don’t have the confidence to go after what you want in life. Again…thoughts are creating the lack of confidence.

Here’s where I come in.

Let’s slay those thoughts. Let’s get your confidence amped-up and ask for the raise, quit the job, raise your prices and anything else that’s important to you!

How? I’ll show you.

Join me Monday, May 21, 7:30 pm Eastern/4:30 pm Pacific for a free webinar, “Upgrade Your Earning Power.” I’ll show you how I slayed my thoughts that my problems were because of my ex, or the economy, or simply that “I’m not good enough.”  I took my power back and totally changed my life.

I use the same coaching tools I used on myself with clients, in group settings, like my digital program, Enough Already, and in 1:1 coaching. I’ll teach you how to do it on the webinar, Upgrade Your Earning Power.

All the details and the registration are here.

Join me and get ready to Upgrade Your Earning Power!

Not Smart Enough?

If you’ve ever felt the crippling doubts and fears of not feeling smart enough to…

- ask for a promotion?

- apply for a really cool job you know you’d be good at?

- start a business?

- or simply expand professionally beyond where you are?

...this is for you!

Get your Smart as Sh*t Worksheet below.

You are smart enough. I promise! I know you've been telling yourself that you aren't smart enough for a long time, but baby! You've come to the right place! 

No one knows this one more deeply than I do. I'm smart enough to live the life of my dreams and so are you! 

Download the Smart as Sh*t Worksheet here. That worksheet will take you through a powerful and magical process that I use with clients, and used on myself, to slay those not smart enough thoughts. 

If you have any questions or want to inquire about working with me, shoot me an email. Brenda@BrendaFlorida.com or check out my Coaching page on the website. 

Now What?

Last Thursday I asked if you knew what you wanted.

Hopefully, you shared what you want in the comments on Thursday. If not, feel free to share it here.

Now, let’s go from dreaming to scheming!


If you have a dream that you’ve been telling yourself isn’t possible or that you don’t have enough time, enough money or any number of other stories your mind might have come up with, then you don’t spend time scheming about how it might be possible.

The enemy of possibility is dismissal.

As soon as we dismiss a dream, desire or yearning, we’ve killed it.

Like stomping on a bug, dismissal takes what’s possible and smashes it.

I’m going to ask you to be brave enough to believe in possibilities. We can’t scheme without some tiny corner of our mind thinking it’s possible.

Ready. Set. Go!

Think of your dream as a new playmate. It’s time to get to know each other. To play. To be curious. To open yourself up.

Instead of a bug that needs squashing, this is your new best friend.

What can you do for her? What would you like to do to please her? To get to know her? How can you spend time with her?

This strategy works with dreams of all sizes. Maybe you’re overwhelmed with work or kids or aging parents or any number of things and your dream is to spend a few hours alone. It may feel impossible. It may feel selfish. It isn’t.

It’s your dream because it is important. If Coco Chanel hadn’t gotten so tired of wearing uncomfortable clothes, she wouldn’t have designed pants for women. Thank goodness she was “selfish” enough to do that!

Love yourself enough to scheme about your dreams.

Let’s go back to the dream of a few hours alone. As impossible as your thoughts may tell you it is, start scheming. Get a girlfriend to help. As they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Get a babysitter. Barter with a friend to swap kids, ask for help from a friend or family member.

Love yourself enough to take what you want seriously.

For the bigger dreams like starting a business, taking a trip to a far-off land, going back to school for a degree, writing a book or becoming an actor, its’ the same process. Get to know your dream. What does she need? What would please her? What does she like to do for fun?

Break it down. Don’t worry about doing anything yet. This is all about scheming. Brainstorm with yourself and trusted friends how you might be able to take steps toward your dream.

Love yourself enough.

We need your dreams to come true, from taking a few hours for self-care to writing that book or taking that trip. We need your dreams the way we needed Coco to get sick of her corset and design beautiful pants for women!

I’m not smart enough to make my dreams come true!

I used to think that. I didn’t think I was smart enough to take my SATs or go to college or get a great job.

You know what, THAT WASN’T TRUE!

I never ended up choosing to go to college, but I’ve had a number of great jobs, two successful businesses, and I’m growing a third.

If you’ve ever felt the crippling doubts and fears of not feeling smart enough to ask for a promotion, apply for a really cool job you know you’d be good at, start a business or simply expand professionally beyond where you are, have I got a mind-blowing, kick-ass life coach tool for you!

You are so much smarter than you think you are.

I know, you think I’m just saying that because I don’t know you. But, my friend, I do. You’re just like me 20 years ago. I’m a hell of a lot smarter than I thought I was and so are you!

Check out my Smart as Sh*t Worksheet where I’ll share with you some of the secrets I use with my clients. Through the Smart as Sh*t Worksheet, I’ll walk you through a process that will allow you to begin to see yourself differently. To get a glimpse of who you would be and what you would do if you knew you were SMART ENOUGH right now, to go for the job, raise, promotion, business or anything else you want!

If I can do it, so can you! Join me!  


Today’s the last day.

You must register before midnight tonight for Enough Already in order to get the special advance-release pricing and to get your Love Bomb delivered, right away, to your inbox.


Because you’re worth it.

Because you deserve to live the life you dream of.

Because I can coach you on how to slay those horrible thoughts that tell you that you can’t. That you aren’t enough.


Because I’ve done it in my own life.

I’ll tell you more about that on the registration page. Check it out. Register.

You’ll be so glad you did!

See you in Enough Already!




Tomorrow is the last day to register for Enough Already at the discounted price!

I know I’ve been hounding you about this for a week now! I just don’t want you to miss the chance to:

  1. Change your life

  2. Achieve your dreams

  3. Hangout (in a private Facebook group) with a bunch of awesome people

  4. Slay your Not Enough thoughts

  5. Liberate yourself to your own wisdom (sure, I’m there to coach and help you on your way, but it’s actually you who ends up liberating yourself!)

  6. Get the Love Bomb package

  7. Get Enough Already at a special low price

  8. Bring a friend so you both get $50 off


Love yourself enough because you are Enough Already!


Most of us set goals at the beginning of the year.

A few of us actually accomplish those goals.

I want you to accomplish everything you imagine for yourself in 2018. You can do it when you know, from the bottom of your heart, that you are Enough Already.

Enough. Smart enough. Talented enough. Pretty enough. And any other enough that you need. You are Enough Already.

Join me, and other seekers and smart people committed to a kick-ass 2018, in my new online program, Enough Already.

Registration is open now at a special price. I don’t intend to ever offer it again at this price. Plus, you can get a discount when you bring a friend. This is on the honor system guys, but if you get a friend to register, you and the friend both get a $50 discount! Just put FRIEND in the “Discount Code” box when you check-out or select the payment plan with the Friend discount.

Register now, before prices go up. The program is released on Valentine’s Day.

As soon as you register you’ll get an email with a special gift. I’m calling it the Love Bomb.

Hop on over to the Enough Already Registration page and get all the details.

Then signup!

Make 2018 the year of infinite possibilities!


I like the idea of picking a word to reflect my intention for a new year. This year I picked a couple. I know, is it any surprise I didn’t follow the rules and just pick one word? Nope.

Here are my words:

Infinite Possibilities

Owning my Power

Infinite possibilities is harder than it sounds. In order to be open to infinite possibilities I have to suspend my normal way of thinking. That’s the only way to let something new in.

What? Suspend my normal way of thinking? That’s hard!

That’s a lot of what we’ll be doing in my new online program, Enough Already. We’ll suspend our normal thinking, which usually includes a lot of “not ____ enough” thoughts. You know, not smart enough, pretty enough, wealthy enough, blah, blah, blah.

I’ll be coaching and leading you through five modules of kick-ass tools and strategies that will liberate you from your normal thoughts. Are you willing to be liberated?

You can leap over to the registration page and sign up today for the bargain price of $397. I’m even offering a payment plan to make all this yummy goodness really affordable!

On top of that you can bring a friend to the program and get an additional $50 off and so can your friend! Use the code FRIEND and when your friend registers, they can use the discount code too so they get $50 off. I’m going to trust that you will only use the FRIEND discount code if you have a friend who is also registering.


I saw this Anias Nin quote the other day, "I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I cannot transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn’t impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."

No more walls.

That’s why I created the online program, Enough Already. To take down walls.

We all have walls. They keep us from living our best lives.

We get so used to those walls, sometimes, we forget they are there.

Let’s break down the walls!

Register today for a new program I created, Enough Already.

I’ll be coaching and teaching you on how to liberate yourself from your limiting beliefs that keep those walls holding you back.

You can do the program at your own pace. In your PJs if you want. We’ll have a private Facebook group where we’ll create community, I’ll coach you and we’ll support each other.

You’ll get the program on Valentine’s Day. My gift of love to you.

In the meantime...as soon as your register, you’ll get a link to the Love Bomb package I’ve created to get you started in the journey to knowing you are Enough Already.

In the Love Bomb you get:

Tips for kindly motivating yourself towards increased physical health from Alyssa Crawford; an amazing video from my friend and life coach, Monna McDiarmid. Monna transforms her limiting belief and frees herself to do something she’s wanted to do for years; a video on personal power and how to escape the disempowering mind-trips we all get triggered into with master facilitator, David Winkelman; last, but not least, life coach Sobia Durrani joins me for a powerful discussion on how to follow your inner compass instead of cultural norms and expectations. She gives you a great tool and practical tips on how to navigate living “compass vs. culture.”

You can leap over to the registration page and sign up today for the bargain price of $397. I’m even offering a payment plan to make all this yummy goodness really affordable!

On top of that you can bring a friend to the program and get an additional $50 off and so can your friend! Use the code FRIEND and when your friend registers, they can use the discount code too so they get $50 off. I’m going to trust that you will only use the FRIEND discount code if you have a friend who is also registering.

Let’s tear down those walls!



OMG! Don't miss it! It's the last day!

Today's the last day to be an Enough Already Insider

We all have those thoughts that want us to believe we aren't enough. 

Not pretty enough

Not smart enough

Not skinny enough

Not educated enough

Not professional enough

Not creative or talented enough

I say, poppy-cock! You are Enough Already!

I'm creating a new program called, you guessed it, Enough Already

Today is the last day to act!

I'm offering special bonuses to everyone who signs up to be an Enough Already Insider. You won't get these unless you sign up as an Insider. What's the downside to being an Insider....NOTHING! 

Here's what you get:

  • Four videos with some of my smart and cool friends, talking about things they are passionate about, that will help you feel like you are Enough Already. 
  • A special discount when you register for Enough Already. (Hint: Registration will open soon.) There's no obligation to register as in Insider, so again, all reward and no risk!
  • I am also offering a "bring a friend" discount so you and any friend(s) you refer to register for the program will get a discount. As an Insider, that's two discounts for you!! 

These bonuses and the pricing discount end today, so just do it now. Go to the sign up page and become an Enough Already Insider. You won't regret it! 

Ever Feel Not Smart Enough?

I have been there. Oh, I have been there! I'm going to share with you my journey of not feeling smart enough.

This is real. I'm going to be vulnerable.

I hope to inspire and empower you with tools to slay this "not enough" dragon!

If you haven't yet, sign up to be an Enough Already Insider right away, here: http://www.brendaflorida.com/enough-already-insider

Love yourself enough to say, "Enough already."

Have you ever thought…I’m not _________ enough?

You can fill in the blanks in your own way, but here are the common ones I hear…

Not smart enough.

Not educated enough.

Not connected to enough of the right people.

Not old or young enough.

There isn’t enough time.

Not enough money.

Not enough resources.

None of them are very loving, are they? Let’s love ourselves enough to say, Enough Already!

You are enough. You have enough. Right now.

It’s just a matter of finding them. Once you find them, you slay them!

I’ve got a new online program coming out designed to coach you through how to do it!

Enough Already is a program I’m creating. It’s going to take you through each “Not Enough” thought and disempower it. Turn it to mush. Make it melt.

You got it.

I’m creating a kick-ass online program. A bold statement. Why is it kick-ass?

Because I’m going to coach you through the entire process-- from those awesome, big dreams of yours to finding those insidious, beastly “Not Enough” thoughts, then we’ll blast them with down-to-earth, hard-hitting coaching magic that will melt their wicked impact on your life.

How do I know how to do this? How can I teach you?

Because I’ve been there and done that! It’s a cliché, but it’s true… That’s right. I’m not too proud to say it. I’ve been where you are. I was so frustrated because my life didn’t reflect my dreams. I took a deep dive and discovered that I had all these, “Not Enough” thoughts running around in my head that sabotaged the things I was trying to do to reach my dreams.

Once I know what’s in my way, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it out of my way!

I’ll coach you and teach you to do the same.

So let’s kick some serious ass and get you on track to live the life of your dreams.

Right now all you need to do is say “Yes!” to being an Enough Already Insider.

As an Enough Already Insider, you’ll be the first to know when registration opens. There’s no obligation as an Enough Already Insider. In fact, you get special, free bonuses that non-Insiders won’t get! No need to FOMO with this one!

Sign up now as an Enough Already Insider. Bam! You’ll get an email in a couple of minutes with your free bonuses inside!

As if that wasn’t enough….I’m throwing in more!

As an Insider, you’ll get special pricing PLUS a discount if you “bring a friend” when registration opens. All that for signing up now as an Insider! Remember, there’s no obligation to register. When registration opens and you see all the details of the program, if it doesn’t feel right to you, no worries, enjoy your Insider bonuses. 

Let's make 2018 the year of being Enough Already!

It's Christmas Day! Feeling like you're not prepared enough?

It’s Christmas day. The 12th day of our 12 Days of Enough.

Maybe you were up into the wee hours of the morning wrapping presents. Maybe you don’t have all the food prep done for the day that you hoped for.

Here’s my Lifestyle Advice for this not enough thought: Toss it in the trash.

It’s Christmas. What ever is done, is done, and what isn’t done may not get done-- and that’s okay.

Do you know why it’s okay? Because it’s the truth. 

The truth, even an inconvenient one, is less stressful than all the thoughts about how it should be another way.

Give yourself the best Christmas present ever.

Be enough. You’ve done enough. If that means there aren’t rolls with dinner or you eat a little later or go out for Chinese food, who really cares?

Celebrate the season. Celebrate love. Celebrate you, because you are enough already!

Please feel free give the gift of being enough to your friends by sharing this with them! They can click here to get the series delivered directly to them. 

12 Days of Enough!

You've heard of the 12 Days of Christmas, well I'm doing 12 Days of Enough!

There are so many ways to feel like we aren't enough. Especially at the holidays. 

This year I'm going to remind you every day, from now until Christmas Day, that you are Enough Already! We'll focus on one thought a day and I'll give you a little lifestyle advise-- a hack if you want to call it that-- for you to slay that thought and liberate yourself! The perfect holiday gift!

I bet you'll relate to each one of the twelve in one way or another. Please feel free give the gift of being enough to your friends by sharing this with them! They can click here to get the series delivered directly to them. 

This will be fun. I'll be brief. (I know, that one's hard to believe, but I'll do my best!)

Here we go. Day 1 of Enough.

Do you ever feel like you aren't successful enough?     

Lifestyle Advice: If you ever struggle with the thought that you are not successful enough, and therefore a disappointment to your family, or maybe your spouse’s family, your neighbors, or anyone else…this one’s for you! The first thing you need to know is that, “I’m not successful enough,” is just a thought. I’m not trying to be pedantic, but it’s just a thought. As is the case with most of our thoughts, they often are not true.

How many times have you thought someone was mad at you, and they weren’t. Or you thought the person you love, who is late coming home, was in a car accident, and they weren’t.

I bet if I gave you $50, you could come up with a list of 10 thoughts you’ve had recently that didn’t turn out to be true.

But, you say, Brenda, in my case, it’s true. My family told me I am a disappointment. Ouch. While that’s tough, there are plenty of fabulous people in history, and living today, who have disappointed their families with their greatness!

Give yourself the gift of believing in yourself so much that what others think of you, even your family, isn’t terribly important. I’m not saying there’s no sting at all, but really, think of the person you admire most; Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Oprah, anyone living or dead. Imagine that you are with them, going to their holiday family gathering and their family is disappointed in them. Imagine all the ways you would think, “These people really don’t get it. I can see that they love her (or him), but they are disappointed in someone who is fabulous!” You wouldn’t change your opinion of the person you admire. You’d see that it's the family who is mistaken.

Now…here’s the big finish…look in the mirror. That’s how it is for you. You are fabulous, no matter who thinks what.

You know why? Because you’re you. A unique expression of the Divine. There hasn’t been and won’t be another one just like you. That’s fabulous. Anyone who can’t see it has their own issue. Bless them and don’t let them diminish your brilliance.