Limiting Beliefs

What do you believe that isn’t true?

We all have beliefs that aren’t true. 

“Being fearful about money keeps me from being frivolous and careless with money.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“Taking risks is unsafe.” 

“Love hurts.”

Each of these is untrue yet many of us believe them. Without question. 

We all hold beliefs deep in our subconscious that are not true. 

Those untrue beliefs limit us and cause us pain and suffering.

Then why do we hold onto them?  

First off, we might not know the belief is there. 

If it’s something passed onto us from our family, religion or culture most of us take on the belief because everyone around us believes it. We might not even believe it consciously, but because we grew up around it, we have a deep, subconscious belief that is in opposition to our conscious belief. 

Which is why it’s so valuable to have a coach who can work through the conscious and subconscious aspects of your beliefs. A coach who can help you release the untrue beliefs and claim the conscious beliefs that serves you. 

I have clients with untrue beliefs about romantic relationships. Those beliefs keep them trapped in emotionally abusive relationships or in relationships that keep them from expressing their authentic self. 

In coaching they learn how to release the untrue belief and begin to claim their right to healthy, authentic relationships.

I have clients who have untrue beliefs about money. Beliefs that money is hard to make, that it’s easy to lose, that people want to cheat you, the government wants to take it all, they aren’t worthy of money, good with money… There are a lot of untrue beliefs about money! 

In coaching they learn how to release those beliefs and claim what is true, abundance is all around us. You are worthy of the wealth you desire. You are worthy of the abundance you desire. Abundance is your natural state. 

What untrue beliefs do you have? 

Are you curious about how coaching can help you release those and replace them with beliefs that are true and support your authentic self-expression? 

That’s what I’m here for. It’s my calling and my mission. 

Let’s chat. Book your FREE, no obligation, 15 Minute Connection Call today and let’s find out if coaching is right for you and if I am the right coach. You’ll be glad you did. Book your call HERE.

I was lying to myself…

My entire life I have told myself I am not athletic. Along with all the things that go along with that. So, I don’t like to exercise, I don’t like to go hiking, I don’t want to try new things that are physical, I don’t participate in community recreational activities, etc. 

Why did I tell myself that? Why did I believe it? I don’t even know. I don’t remember a gym teacher shaming me or telling me I sucked at gymnastics or anything else I tried. I even won some regional track meet ribbons. I crushed my opponents in tetherball being the tallest 5th grader around. As a teenager I easily learned to ice skate and ski since we lived in the mountains of Colorado. I was a particularly good skier. 

Still… the thought in my own head, the “story” I had, that I wasn’t athletic, remained. Despite mounting evidence that it wasn’t true. 

That’s how the mind works. Once we’ve told ourselves (or heard from others) the same things over and over. Boom. It becomes a belief. We believe it’s true. Even if it’s not. 

About a month ago, it hit me. I might be athletic. I don’t think it’s true that I’m not athletic. 

All of a sudden, I wanted to try a spin class.  I wanted to join a gym to get the support, encouragement and accountability I WANTED. That's an important distinction. I wanted the support, encouragement and accountability because now I’m doing something new that I WANT to do! It’s not something I’m MAKING myself do because I’m SUPPOSED TO. Yuk! I hate those words… supposed to. 

It’s so much easier to take action that supports us when we are in alignment with what’s true instead of a lie we believe is true. 

What have you believed that may not be true? Tell me! I can’t wait to hear about it! You don’t even have to know for sure that it’s not true. Just consider it. What if… 

Authentic or Conditioned?

Belief systems are the bases of people’s worldviews. We have beliefs grounded in fact, and beliefs grounded in emotion and life experience. These belief systems shape our world view. 

Many of our beliefs were ingrained in us as children, from our parents and other influential adults. In most cases, these beliefs serve us well until a certain point. But after that point, some beliefs become limiting and perhaps even damaging.

What if this belief, that you picked up a long time ago, that has been encouraged by society, family or/and friends, is actually a conditioned way of believing and you have accepted it for so long it feels like your truth?

Today am sharing some examples and real life experiences in context to our today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, and I’m gonna also dig deeper and answer some very important questions:

- How to know if the belief you have for yourself is Authentic or a conditioned one?

- How to break through a belief that you've been thinking it's who you are?
- How Living with the Conditioned & False Beliefs is Hurting you?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

You’re Going To Like This!

Have you ever rebelled? 

Sure you have! 

I was such a serious people pleaser it took me until I was in my late 30’s to actually do it, but, when I did… I’m just sayin… I was a rebellion expert for about 10 years! 

Rebellion can be a gift. 

I’m serious! 

I needed to rebel to get out of all the thoughts and away from all the people who were keeping me very limited. 

I’ll tell you more about it in today’s podcast episode, “Rebellion Is A Gift.”

I hope after you listen to the episode you’ll be able to find the ways your rebellion has served you. 

I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments and tell me about it. Better yet, if you rebelled and you can’t see how it served you, share that with me and I’ll help you find the gift. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think about this episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!

What Are The Questions Smart People Ask 🤔

Don't you love those really great questions that get you thinking in creative ways, rather than the same old same old.

One of the many tools I'm giving people in From Darkness to Light is the power of asking the right questions and what those questions are.

Instead of, "why does everything seem to go wrong?" you'll get empowering questions, because let's face it, there's NEVER a good answer to "why does everything seem to go wrong?"

The power of our questions lead us to the power of our answers.

Ask a bad question. Get a bad answer.

Ask an empowering questions. Get an empowering answer.

That session alone is worth the $99 I'm charging for the entire four-week program, so, join us. Period.

Do it for you.

Get the deets and register right here. Do it today. We start tomorrow.

The $350 Blog

I'm not exaggerating. 

This blog is worth money! 

I've been so driven to making sustainable change in my life. You know what I mean. 

Not the sort of thing that lasts a few days or a week. 

Not the things I muscle my way through temporarily, only to go back to the old way of doing things. 

The things that transform my life. 

Change that lasts. 

As I've figured out how to do it and have coached my clients so they know how to do it, I thought, "this is big." 

Everyone wants to know how to make lasting change. 

We all get frustrated with going back to the same-old thing that didn't work before and isn't working now. 

So, I did two things. 

I created a free e-book with a worksheet called, The Five Secrets to Making Lasting Change.

​​And you're going to be the first to get it!! More on that in a minute. 

I also created a guided audio program, with private coaching included, called, One Big Change. 

​​I offered this program for the first time in January and people loved it! 

So I decided to offer it on a continuous basis. After you register, you get an email with a link to book your first private session and the audios will begin the Monday after you register. Easy peasy. 

You have something you want to change. Something that just isn't working in your life. We all have it. 

Give yourself the free gift of the e-book and worksheet, The Five Secrets to Making Lasting Change and then register for One Big Change

Let's get the ball rolling! 

The Best Things In Life

It's been an exciting couple of weeks! 

I've added another entrepreneur as a client. Like my other creative entrepreneur clients, she's a powerhouse of talent... and she knows she needs someone to keep her business organized and create a clear path for how to offer her services to her clients in ways that are effective and make her more profitable. 

Yes! Profit! I'm not ashamed to talk about profit and I unashamedly help all my clients make more money! Not just increase sales, but be more profitable. There's a difference. My clients become more profitable. 

Do you know what one of the biggest factors is to profitability? No matter what your business or career is? (Yep. This is for everyone, whether you work for someone else or own their own business)​ It's...


​Every business client I have will get coaching from me. We can employ master strategies, amazing sales funnels and have an enviable social media presence, and if our mindset is in scarcity, lack, wanting, telling us we aren't good enough, or don't have enough time, we're screwed. 

I've seen mindset ruin the best strategies, the best marketing, the best social media influence. 

You can't escape your mindset, so it's best to accept that and take the action necessary to neutralize the critical and diminishing thoughts we have and replace them with empowering and liberating thoughts. 

Easier said than done, right?

The best things in life usually are. But have no fear. I am here. 

​This is what I do all day, every day. With my business clients, my life coach clients and myself. 

We learn how to become aware of the thoughts that cause resistance, stress and self-deprecation. Then we slay them. If they rear their ugly heads, we slay them again, until they are gone. 

We celebrate the freedom we are liberated to with each victory, large or small! 

In short, we Think Our Way to Success

I created a cool video program, Think Your Way to Success, so that you, and everyone who wants to liberate themselves from their stressful, deprecating thoughts, has a system for doing it. You can "do it yourself" with the program or you can get the program and then book a one-on-one private coaching session with me so we can work on your thoughts. I love a good DIY solution, but let's face it, we all need a little help. You'll go so much deeper with the Think Your Way to Success process if you have a private session and have me coach you through the steps. 

Just say No...

​To your stressful, self-deprecating thoughts and Think Your Way to Success! Check it out and get it delivered to your inbox in minutes by clicking here

To add coaching go to my scheduler and book your first session, by clicking here. I'll send you an invoice. Right now, when you buy Think Your Way to Success you can get one session for $150. 

Let's do it! 

OK. Enough with the cliches. This program works. Treat yourself. You've earned your liberation! 

Do you ever stress about money?

There's nothing that stirs up stress more than money!

I bet you can remember a time when you had the thought, "I don't have enough money." Maybe you had that thought today!

I have the cure for that thought, and any other thought that creates anxiety and stress!

It's all in my program, Think Your Way to Success.

Here's how it works.There are six videos. One outlines the entire process, the other five take each step individually. I'll walk you through all of it. It's not hard. Each video is only about 5 minutes long. There's also a worksheet you can use to help you. Then you put the process into action.

Let's take the thought, "I don't have enough money." I'm just going to run it through the first two questions so you get a taste of the magic that is waiting for you in Think Your Way to Success.

When I ask myself the first question, "Is it true?" or the second question,"Is it absolutely true?" and I slow down my frantic, freaked-out mind that is being driven by fear, I find my answer, and it's a, "no."

How do I know the answer is, "no?" Because I only have the money I have. I'm arguing with reality when I have the thought, "I don't have enough money."

I know what you're thinking, "but I actually DON'T have enough money. I can't pay my bills."

I hear you and I've been there, so I say this from experience. It's still not true.

When we argue with reality, it is stressful. What if I reframed my story. "I'm a woman without the money to pay all her bills, (if that's a fact, it's a fact and it doesn't not have to have shame or embarrassment with it. I'm also a woman who is 5'10. I don't have shame or embarrassment about that. If you have shame or embarrassment, there are other thoughts surrounding it that tell you good people, smart people, responsible people always have the money to pay their bills, etc.) and I'm grateful that new opportunities are always coming to me that allow me to receive more money. I am loving to myself during challenging times and I know there's always something for me to learn."

The reframe allows me to be in the same circumstance and not be stressed. Which thought will ultimately help me find a way out of my situation and into something more profitable for me? That's right, the reframe.

Here's the big lie your mind tells you, that by being afraid, or freaked out, or hyper-vigilant about anticipating the worst-case scenario, you'll be safer. It's not true. The best solutions are always found when we are calm and in an attitude of love and gratitude.

I'm not saying it's easy. You're going against thousands of years of fear-based programing, but I promise you, when you slay the stressful thought, even in the same circumstances, you miraculously find a solution. And it's a loving solution. Not a stressful, critical or shaming one.

Magic is available.

Think Your Way to Success is the tool.

Work the tool and find the magic. <3

Read more about Think Your Way to Success, and get it in your toolbox, here.

I Hate it When I Do This!!

We all compare ourselves to others.

And, when we do, we usually come us short.

Pretty soon we're telling ourselves we aren't doing enough, aren't smart enough, don't have enough money, etc.

Today, I'll share a simple and powerful method for getting yourself out of what I call, "compare and despair.'

Are you at the Intersection of Change?

As a Life Coach people often ask me, “what makes people ready for change?”

The answer is simple. The pain of staying the same is worse than the fear of change.

Change always means stepping into the unknown.

That’s uncomfortable for most of us. It seems so much safer to be in what we know.

Unfortunately, we often choose the known, even when it’s painful. Even when we are chronically unhappy, anxious and self-critical. We stay right there because we’re more afraid of what change will mean and how it will change our lives.  

But when you hit the intersection of change… everything… changes!

I’m sure you can think of at least one time in your life when you were there. You just suddenly knew, you couldn’t keep doing things the same way.

You said, “I can’t do this anymore!”

You might have:

·      Made a change in your career or business

·      Quit the job

·      Started the business

·      Decided to put boundaries in place in a relationship

·      Ended a relationship

·      Started dating

·      Taken the health of your body seriously and started working out or changing your diet

·      Stopped smoking, drinking more than you should or over-eating


You got to the intersection of change.

Once you get to that intersection you often need a guide. Someone to help you navigate all the unknowns that are coming up and how you got into the situation in the first place, so you don’t keep repeating the pattern.

That’s where I come in. When you’re at that intersection of change, you’re my favorite client! We work in partnership. I lead you to your inner-wisdom, power and courage. You get the clarity you want and a road map to making the changes you want.

To hear some of my clients talk about the transformations they’ve received, check out this YouTube Playlist.

If you’re at that intersection now, please don’t allow yourself to put it in reverse and back-up. Stay right there and get your resources lined up to navigate the change with you. There are a couple of ways I can help:

1.     Private, one-on-one coaching. This is when you really want to make fast, deep change in your life. Because we spend all our time focused on you and your problem that needs solving, I can coach you into a deeper understanding of yourself and the complexities of the problem. Everything is very specialized to you and what you want and need out of coaching.

2.     One Big Change – You guessed it. This is perfect when you want to create change in your life. It’s a combination of recoded lessons, weekly challenges and inspiration that are delivered to your inbox on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for four weeks. You get to keep all the recordings to listen to whenever you need a refresher. This is a combination of DIT and personal attention because you also get two, 30-minute private coaching sessions with me when you register for this program.

3.     Think Your Way to Success – This is a digital, DIY program. Once you register a link to the content (videos and a worksheet) are delivered to your inbox. You can watch the videos as often as you want and fill out worksheets to your heart’s content. The focus of this program is stressful thoughts. Change is stressful, and every stress comes with a thought. I’ll teach you how to slay the thought and liberate yourself to a more peaceful path that is full of possibilities you didn’t see before. It’s truly magical.

Not sure which option is best for you? Click here to schedule a 15-minute call and we’ll figure it out together. <3

My wish for you is to move into 2019 knowing you’ve invested in your growth, joy, freedom and abundance! There’s no better way to begin a new year!

Everything Begins With a Thought

Every invention, piece of art, new technology or way of life, begins with a thought.

"I'd like to travel more."

"I want to paint."

"I want to start a business."

"I want to make more money."

Then come the thoughts of diminishment. "You can't do that!" "Who do you think you are." "You're not good enough."

In today’s video I'll show you how to breakthrough that thought and live the life of your dreams. 

Get all the details on Think Your Way to Success right here.

It's You! You're the one.

It’s you! You’re the one.

There is no one just like you. Of all the people on this over-populated planet, there’s not one that is just like you. Or me, for that matter.

You are a unique expression of the Divine.

You have unique gifts and ideas that the world needs.

It’s so liberating to allow yourself to feel and act out of your uniqueness.

It’s not arrogant. It’s not egotistical.

I really 'got this' when I was in Paris this summer. I have my own unique gifts and I need to be the best me I can be. 

I love Marianne Williamanson’s quote on just that topic. I’ll tell you about it in the video.

Let’s talk about how to know that you’re it. You’re the one!

Enough Already!

Have you ever had that thought, “I am not ______ enough.”

You fill in the blank with any number of your favorites.

I don’t know a person who escapes this limiting belief. Partially because it takes on so many shapes and sizes. Literally.

You’re not good enough. Not thin enough. Not smart enough. Not young enough. Not old enough. Not educated enough. Not connected or influential enough.

Or maybe you’ve got of these: there isn’t enough money to do what I want to do. There isn’t enough time for me to do what I want to do.

Enough Already!!

Let’s learn how to slay these limiting beliefs! They are insidious and it’s time to say, enough already.

Check it out in today’s video and share your personal playlist of “not enough” thoughts in the comments.

Is Something Stopping You?

Is Something Stopping You?

Are there be people, jobs, money or circumstances that you feel like are stopping you from living the best life you can live? Do you feel like you would...leave the job, speak your truth, say no to the PTA, stop going to church...if it weren't for.....(fill in he blank)

What if, that wasn't true?

What if there was nothing outside of you greater than what is inside of you? What if it's all in your power to liberate yourself from what appears to be holding you back?

That's our topic today. Let me know what you think? Is it true? We live in a culture that loves blame. That loves to deflect and create enemies out of "other" people and situations. But, what if you have the power?