
I need to ask you, please, stop comparing yourself to anyone. 

Easier said than done. Right? 

The fastest way to have your day spiral downward is to compare yourself to someone else. 

Enter… despair. 

You’ve felt it. 

You’re happy. Enjoying your day. 

You started the day with gratitude. 

All is well. 

And then, you check FB or IG and… boom. 

SHE seems to be handling her kids so much better. 

SHE looks so much better. 

SHE seems so much happier. 

SHE looks like her life is soooooo much more together than yours is. 

The list goes on. 

Here’s my solution. 


I know. Not very “life-coachy” of me. But this is kind of like a kid putting their hand on a hot stove. For the kid’s protection, you don’t coach them through all the reasons why this isn’t a good idea. You grab their hand off the stove! 

Think of comparison at putting your hand on a hot stove. 

Be loving and protective of yourself to pull your hand off. 

You don’t deserve to get burned. But, you do need to stop putting your hand on the stove. 

It doesn’t mean you have to stop going on FB or IG. Unless you do. 

I bet sometimes your feed inspires you. Or connects you to people you love. All good things. 

And…. sometimes that’s not what happens. 

As soon as you notice it. As soon as you feel the “heat” of compare and despair, move your hand! Close the app. Get off the site. 

Go do something that reminds you how awesome you are and all those things you felt grateful for.  

Because you are unique. In all the world. For all time, past and future, there will never be another person like you. There is no one to compare yourself to. You’re the gift. 

PS Social media is just one of the topics we cover in my BOLD program. BOLD is for girls 8-18 years old. It’s all about empowerment, self-confidence and raising self-esteem! Get more deets and let me know you’re interested in learning more HERE.