The Million Dollar Question?

I’ve got a podcast coming your way on Sunday! 

I’m so excited to deliver a weekly video podcast that will help you Liberate Your People Pleaser! 

And yes, that’s the name! Liberate Your People Pleaser! I’ll send you the link to “Episode 1: You Don’t Need Fixing” on Sunday. I’ll post it on social media, it will be on podcast services like Spotify… I’m making a big splash!!

Until then, here’s my million dollar question… what would change your life in a dramatic way? 

No, not winning the lottery. Something more precious than money.  

Something that would allow you to let go of something that diminishes you or makes you feel trapped? 

Something that triggers self-criticism and doubt? 

Something that makes you feel like you aren’t good enough in some way. 

We all have them. What’s the question or situation that would liberate you, if you had a solution or answer to it?

Private Message me or tell me about it in the comments. I’ll feature it on a future podcast. And, not to worry, your identity will be kept private. Your question is safe with me.