Is there a solution for every problem?

You may not believe it, but every problem can be solved !

But before you can solve a problem you need to understand what the true issue is. Too often it’s easy to jump to solutions before fully understanding what the problem is, so you end up solving the wrong problem and get mixed results. Once you fully understand the problem and you fully understand the outcome you desire, you should see the gap.You can now address the gap knowing you are addressing the real problem with the hope of finding the best answer. Of course you still need to make the right decisions at this point, and that’s not always easy or obvious, but you can do this with more confidence. 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some very important questions regarding today’s subject.

Can every problem be solved?

How can you Identify the real problem?

And much more. Listen to today’s episode HERE.

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