If only…

What do you do when you're stuck in worry, fear and even anxiety, thinking how much better your life would be if only…

  • I had more money.

  • My lover would see and hear me. 

  • My boss and coworkers valued all the extra effort I put in. 

  • My family appreciated me. 

  • I wasn’t obligated to that fundraiser or community event. 

If I didn’t hit your “if only” hot button, feel free to add it! 

Notice, these are all external conditions that feel like they’ve taken over. 

You feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. 

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees. 

  • People are depending on you. 

  • You’ve tried to tell your lover how you feel and it’s like talking to a brick wall. 

What can you do? 

Every time you feel like someone or something is in control of any part of your life, there’s been a loss of power. That person or condition feels like it has more power than you do. 

How do I know that? Because I’ve done it a million times! And because when we are owning our power we don’t feel like we are being controlled. We don’t feel stuck. We don’t feel trapped. 

We may have difficult decisions to make. Boundaries to set. Personal mindset work that needs to be done. Emotional work that needs to be done. Spiritual work that  needs to be done. 

All of those things are in our power. They put us in charge of our own lives. 

In one way or another, every client I coach is learning how to own their power in every situation and every relationship in their lives. That’s why their results are so liberating! 

I’m opening up my calendar right now for 3 people who want to own their power and enjoy the sweet liberation that comes with it! You can book your 15-Minute Connection Call HERE. During that call will talk about your situation and a solution that is unique to you! 

I’ve coached clients who have been liberated from emotionally abusive relationships, careers that no longer suit them, feeling limited because of their finances, toxic friendships, relatives that were taking advantage of them, businesses that were controlling their lives and stress that controlled every aspect of their lives. 

You deserve liberation! Let’s see if it’s time for you to be one of my 3 new clients! Book your call HERE.