
Did You SEE That?!

I’ll confess, I don’t watch the news. 

Even with an election approaching. 

Even with a pandemic. 

Don’t hate me. 

I spend a few minutes a week with the NY Times, so I have a sense of what’s going on. 

That’s why my blogs, podcast and social media posts don’t include a lot of connections to current events, like most coach’s do. 

But here’s one thing I want to be abundantly clear on that has to do with current events. 

I stand in solidarity with Black, Indiginous, people of color and LGBTQ+ people. 

White privilege is real. I don’t like it. I was born into it. 

I’m a white, cis, hetorosexual woman and that comes with many privileges that others don’t have. 

Because I’m a woman I am treated in ways that lack equality - I grew up in a culture deeply embedded in patriarchy - but I am still privileged. 

I want to take a stand, I want you to know that I stand in solidarity with Black, Indiginous, people of color. I don’t say “all lives matter” because, duh, of course they do, but that’s not the point at all! 

There’s a mass of people who face systematic racism and “otherism” every day. They’ve lived in a systematically racist system for generations and they deserve NOT to be lumped in with those of us who enjoy the benefits of white privilege. 

Some people might hit “unsubscribe.” I’ll risk that. Those I stand in solidarity with, have risked so much more. 

I hope you’re still here though. 

Because even if, like me, you’re not always 100% comfortable with discussing it, or you’re not always sure what to say, and you’re afraid of saying something “wrong,” it’s time to take a stand and say, “enough is enough.” 

It’s time to dismantle systematic racism. 

As the Indiginous Australian artist, Lila Watson said, “If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you recognize that your liberation and mine are bound up together, we can walk together.” 

Every week I record a podcast to help Liberate Your People Pleaser. I know how to liberate people from the bonds of people pleasing. 

When it comes to racism, I know that Ms. Watson is right and I can’t be liberated until everyone is!