
Smash the Patriarchy With Me!

Patriarchy is about hierarchy. 

Hierarchy sucks. 

Patriarchy sucks. 

We’ve had enough. 

It’s time to smash them both! 

I’ve got a way to do it. And we can start today! 

To smash the patriarchy, we need to liberate ourselves from our people pleaser. 


Because our people pleaser is way too easily fooled into backing off and backing down. Being nice. Not making waves. Keeping the peace. 

People Pleasing silences us and steals our voice. 

But what do you do? 

Love will smash the patriarchy. 

We will not allow that which we love to be destroyed whether is our precious selves, our family, our global brothers and sisters, our earth, none of it. 

We will not allow that which we love to be abused and treated with prejudice.

Love is quite good at saying, “No. This ends now.” 

Patriarchy isn’t the only thing that needs to end, now. Hit reply and tell me what you’re ready to put an end to in your life.

