say yes

It's Time to Say "Yes!"

There are times in our lives where we just need to say, "Yes!"

Even if we're scared shitless.

Saying 'yes' often means we have to say 'no' to something. 

In order to make room for something to come into our lives, we have to risk leaving something else. 

Throughout my life, there have been many turning points where I could say 'yes' to a door opening or keep that door closed. Sometimes life took care of closing a door and I had to decide if I was going to have the courage to open another one. 

I remember when I was in my 30's and I was getting divorced. I had four young children. I wanted to be able stay in our home, so I needed to refinance it to get my ex off the deed. I had a job I loved, but I didn't make enough money to support my family, now that I was the bread-winner. I didn't want to leave my job, but I had to make more. A lot more. 

I had a high level of trust with my boss, so I went to him with my dilemma. I told him I didn't want to quit working for him, but I had to make more. He was pretty wealthy and very connected in our community. In my mind, I was hoping he could help me get a part-time job with someone that I could do from home or something. 

Instead, he suggestion I talk to the owners of the company and pitch myself as our first full-time office manager. He said the only way he would lose me is if he could work for me! 

Bam! Door opened! 

Was I scared? Hell yes! Managing the office was my 'dream job,' but I really didn't think I was "good enough" to have that job. With his confidence, and my practical need to support my family, I went for it. I walked through that door and it changed my life! 

Let me ask you.

Do you have a door you need to close and another one that needs to be opened? 

I'm going to have five spots open up for one-on-one coaching soon. I haven't been able to offer much one-on-one, because of other commitments, so I'm excited my calendar is opening up!

One-on-one coaching is the most powerful way to open up doors in your life (even if that means we need to close one first). I'll be with you every step of the way. To explore working with me privately, hop on over to my coaching page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see my scheduler. Select "30 Min Intro Call" and book your time. There's no charge, no obligation, it's a great opportunity to see if we will work well together.

I can't wait to hear from you!