
What do you think is under there?

What’s hiding under your hood? 

I love the metaphor of looking under the hood! It’s a great way to describe what I do as a coach. 

A client tells me what they are experiencing that makes them uncomfortable, anxious, angry or stressed. The way you tell your mechanic that you hear a funny noise in your car. 

Then we look under the hood to see what’s actually going on. 

If all we focused on was the “funny noise” I might have you turn your music up, or wear ear plugs when you drive so you don’t hear it. 

That’s ridiculous! At least we know it is when we’re dealing with our car. 

But we do that sort of thing all the time with “funny noises” in our lives. Instead of getting the mechanic (me, in this case) to look under the hood and figure out what’s really going on so we can address the real issue, we binge Netfilx or have another glass of wine, or decide if we were more disciplined we’d be fine. 

Nope. That’s not it. That’s why those things don’t work in the long-run. Sure, like turning up the music, it might drown out the funny noise for a while, but… nothing is happening to address the issue. 

Believe me, once we find the issue and start to heal it, the “funny noise” will go away or we’ll make a minor adjustment to stop it. But without healing the cause, nothing we do will last. 

That’s why I love what I do! Clients come to me with their “funny noise” and we look under the hood, heal the cause and get them humming down the road without any funny noises! 

I created a free worksheet to take you through one of the processes I use to look under the hood with clients. You can download it HERE. 

The worksheet is simple and powerful! 

If you have any questions or you're interested in exploring working with me, book a 15-Minute Connection Call. Your timing is perfect. I have a couple of openings right now, so don’t wait. That “funny noise” isn’t going to go away by itself. 😄

Did you know this was possible?

I’ve got a luxury retreat starting on Thursday this week so I’m prepping, planning, buying flower and getting swag bags together. 

My intention is for each woman to have her own personal moment of transformation! 

Are you ready for YOUR transformation? 

Never underestimate the ripple effect of a transformation. 

I’ve had transformations in my love life that rippled into a transformation professionally. 

A transformation in how you parent, might create a transformation in your relationship with your BFF. 

Because we are whole beings. 

We often think of ourselves in terms of roles and different compartments we engage with. 

But we are whole beings. Whole.

That means crisis in one area of life ripples into others, and so does healing and transformation. 

If you’re ready for the ripple effect of healing and transformation in your life, book a 15 Minute Connection Call with me right HERE and let’s explore how coaching can change your life!

What if Love Really Heals Every Wound?

I had the honor and joy of marrying my son and his fiance this weekend. (Photos on IG soon!)

I thought about love a lot. 

My journey of love. 

Romantic love. 


The love of family. 

The love of friends. 

I’ve experienced so much healing in my life because of love. 

While others were at times a part of that and I healed through their love…

The truth is, it has been the journey of loving myself that my deepest healing has occurred. 

That’s why I love coaching so much. 

You could say, what I do is coach clients into healing themselves by loving themselves. 

Do you want it? Do you want that deeply healing experience of loving yourself into life? 

For just two more days, June 30, I’m offering a crazy affordable “Love Heals” coaching package. Three, one-hour sessions for $300! Consider it my love offering to you and your journey. 

Whatever needs healing. Whatever you want. It is possible for you… through the power of love. 

Get your Love Heals package HERE. 

What to do when the rug gets ripped out from under you

I had the rug totally ripped out from under me last week. 

I was angry. Disappointed. I felt deflated and defeated.

What did I do?

I doubled down on my self-love and self-care. Exactly what I coach client’s to do. 

I’m not a very good coach if I can’t practice what I preach. 

When the going gets tough, it’s not time to push harder, or dive into self-criticism and judgment, although we will be tempted.  

If you’re an eternal optimist, like me, you will also be tempted to make yourself look on the bright-side or focus on the “silver lining,” bypassing the “negative” emotions that you’re feeling.

We might even get feedback from friends and family that is smacks of judgement, silver linings or being “strong.”

But here’s what you really need, it’s exactly what I needed and did. 

Self-love and self-care. 

Simple. But, not familiar to most of us.  

You might be wondering what self-love and self-care look like. So often we think of going to get our nails done or taking ourselves out to dinner. That might be it, but it may not. 

To me, the secret to self-love and self-care is that it’s a gift from you, to you. You don’t need anyone else. It’s not dependent on a spouse, lover, friend, or frankly a good manicurist or bartender. If it is dependent on someone else, it could get fu*$ed-up by that someone else. 

Don’t leave your self-love and self-care in the hands of someone else! If you think of it, that’s not even what it’s called. It’s not “other-love” or “other-care.” 

It’s about the self. You. You as the answer. You as the gift. Because, you are.

You might: 

  • Quit work early

  • Take a nice bath or shower

  • Using a favorite soap, bubble bath or lotion and really taking the time to notice how it smells and feels on your body

  • Masterbation is fantastic for healing, loving and grounding the body

  • Reading a fun book

  • Cooking yourself a lovely meal (if you love to cook this can be very loving)

  • Take a walk/run or even sit in nature

  • Meditate

  • Light some candles

  • Listen to music

  • Take a nap

  • Go to bed early (sleep is incredibly healing)

You’ll notice, these don’t require another person or money. 

You have everything you need to heal and rejuvenate yourself. Sure, it might take a combination of things, you might not bounce-back in an hour or even a day, but these will all nurture your mind, body and spirit. They will bring you back to wholeness, enoughness, and belief in your own resilience and confidence. 

What’s your favorite self-love/self-care activity? I’d love to hear what you do?

This Changed Me!

Yes, I did it. Last week. 

If you didn't catch it, here's the scariest blog I've ever written, Religious Wounds.

Sure, a few people unsubscribed from my email list. That's cool. 

The most amazing part was getting so much feedback from so many of you.

Seems I'm not the only one with a religious wound. 

I should have known, but I was blown away by the stories that were shared on social media and to me personally through emails and private messages. 

So many of us have felt the condemnation, judgment, punishment and, that terrible message that we are flawed (sinners,) from birth. 

We experienced the loneliness of separation and the concept that God is outside of us and we are striving to get to him. That we need to escape an eternity in Hell, a very scary place, and get an eternity in Heaven instead. And, by the way, there's one "right" way to do that and everyone who thinks differently, is wrong. 

It changed me. 

Knowing we are not alone, forget that, it's not knowing. It’s experiencing that we are not alone, that is a powerful catalyst for transformation. 

People asked me if I would start a group or in some way provide a space to heal these religious wounds and let go of all the baggage that those wounds created. My creative juices started to flow.

It's time for Soul Liberation! 

Part of what's so challenging about religious wounds is that they go deep. 

Straight to the Soul. 

It's time to go deep and clear them out. Love them out. Heal them out. Forgive them out. 

In a community that understands. Where we all know what it's like. Our stories are different, but the effects are very similar. 

Soul Liberation is going to be a six-week program with six, digital/video/audio sessions.  Each one will have a worksheet and other supportive material for that week's theme. I’ll address condemnation, judgement, fear of punishment, feeling flawed, separation, Heaven and Hell as internal states (not places to go,) our Oneness with the Divine and how love really does heal all wounds. 

You will experience the sweet release of concepts and judgments you have outgrown and that don't serve you anymore.

We'll have two group coaching sessions, a private Facebook Group to share our stories and our healing process with each other, PLUS, two one-on-one, private coaching sessions with me to facilitate specific, deep healing.  

My goal is to balance giving you really fantastic, life-changing sessions, along with community, and coaching, without you having to put a bunch of things on your calendar in the next few months. In this format there will be only two dates that we'll all put on our calendar; the group coaching calls on November 19, and December 17, at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern. Calls will be recorded so you won’t “miss” anything. 

The rest of the program you can take at your own pace, in your own time and the FB Group will be there for you 24/7. 

I'm going to begin on November 11, 2019. It's seems so appropriate to me to end this decade with a liberation of all the religious baggage we have and start 2020 with a Liberated Soul! 

I'm going to offer all of this for only $295. Because I want you to say, "Yes!"  more than I want you to sharpen your pencil and work on your budget! The one-on-one coaching sessions alone would cost $300. 

The rest of the details will be released next week, but I wanted you to be able to grab your spot. I'll send you an invoice, you can pay with a credit or debit card, if you want two payments, I'll break it into two payments of $150. 

Email me, Brenda@BrendaFlorida.com and let me hear your, "Yes!" to your Soul Liberation! There’s no better way to end one decade and begin a new one!

Love Heals

Love Heals

This is a truth I feel so strongly about. We are divided in our nation in many ways today. We see violence and hatred every day. How do we change that? With one loving action at a time.

When we heal ourselves with love we can heal others

Using love to heal ourselves and others is what I believe in, more today than ever. Does that mean we're passive? That we don't speak out or stand up for what we believe in? No!

I invite you to join me in this important conversation. Standing in our truth, being authentic and doing it all in love.

Get videos and other cool  stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.