live lavishly light

Live Lavishly Light Episode #24

If we want to live in a loving, kind world, we have to learn to value difference.

You don't have to agree with it, but to live lavishly in this diverse world, we have to be able to feel free and open to hear and consider different ideas.

As Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie wrote in her book 'Feminist Manifesto in 15 Suggestions,' "Make difference ordinary, make difference normal, teach her not to attach value to difference because difference is the reality of our world, and by teaching her about difference you're equipping her to survive in a diverse world."

I'd love to hear how you embrace diversity in your life!

xoxo Brenda

Live Lavishly Light Episode #16

It is very powerful to ask the right questions.

From what you'll eat today to how you'll handle a financial crisis, I am here to suggest a practical way to work with it. To pose really good questions for yourself in order to have a powerful impact on your decision-making.

Whatever the conundrum is, I want to challenge you to turn your question around into one that feels inspiring and full of possibility.

Let's explore the infinite possibilities in this week's Live Lavishly Light!

xoxo Brenda

Live Lavishly Light Episode #14

I am loving Netflix's Queer Eye reboot! It is all about transformation.

Transformation is an ongoing journey in our lives. Maybe you're stuck, maybe you're ignoring something small like that messy junk drawer or your lack of exercise.

Let's choose one thing to begin transforming this week.

Live Lavishly, xoxo Brenda




Live Lavishly Light Episode #13

What happens when you're sick of being married? 

I'm not talking about actually wanting to leave.

There are times in every relationship when you're sick of it! You're fed up with your spouse. 

In today's Live Lavishly Light Episode I'll give you a couple of sure-fire ways to deal with this lifestyle challenge and get back on the path of joy. 

Let me know how it worked for you in the comments below. Especially if you ran into any challenges and difficulties. 



Live Lavishly Light Episode #12

How do you want to feel today? 

Can you choose how you feel? 

I think you can. I don't mean I want you to be in denial or cover-up how you feel. 

I want you to feel empowered to shift how you feel.

In today's Live Lavishly Light episode I'll tell you how. 

I'd love to know if you try it and how it works for you. You can even tell me I'm full of crap if you want! That's okay too. Let me know how it feels to shift your feeling state in the comments below. 



Live Lavishly Light Episode #10

Live Lavishly through self-love

It's that time of year! There's so much out there for couples and romance right now with Valentine's Day being a few days away. 

Today it's about the pros and cons of being single and how to love ourselves regardless of the state of our romantic lives. Married, or single, we all need to love and care for ourselves first! 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #9

Are you sick and tired of being single?

I have been single for 17 years and I know a thing or two about feeling as though everyone is in a relationship except me.

I have an exercise I am going to share in this week's LLL episode that I hope will bring you some comfort and confidence on those days when you just hate being single.

Live Lavishly Light Episode #7

We've been exploring Infinite Possibilities a lot lately. 

In order to expand and open up to things we haven't considered doing before, we need to change. 

Today we'll explore what we need to change in order to become the person we want to be and open up to infinite possibilities. 

Plus...I have two question for you

1. If you could work with me in anyway (one-on-one, online programs, retreats, etc.), what would you like? 

2. If you had a free session with me, what would you want to talk about? What would you like to change? 

Share your answers in the comments below or email me and let's live lavishly! 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #6

Are your best years behind you, or ahead of you? 

I celebrated my birthday last week. It was wonderful being surrounded by friends (most of my family is a little too far away).

A few years ago, a friend and I were talking and we realized that he tended to feel his best years were behind him, which made me realize, I always think my best years are ahead of me! 

It changes everything. When you believe the best is yet to come. That there's always more to explore, expand and open up to. 

I did lose my way a couple of years ago and I began to feel my best years were behind me. I'll share that story with you in today's video and challenge you to imagine your life as becoming better. More than it is now. 

Because that, my friend, is Living Lavishly! 

Are your best years behind you, or ahead of you?

I celebrated my birthday last week. It was wonderful being surrounded by friends (most of my family is a little too far away).

A few years ago, a friend and I were talking and we realized that he tended to feel his best years were behind him, which made me realize, I always think my best years are ahead of me! 

It changes everything. When you believe the best is yet to come. That there's always more to explore, expand and open up to. 

I did lose my way a couple of years ago and I began to feel my best years were behind me. I'll share that story with you in today's video and challenge you to imagine your life as becoming better. More than it is now. 

Because that, my friend, is Living Lavishly! 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #5

Do you believe in infinite possibilities? 

It sounds good, but is it true? And if it is true, how do we find them? 

I don't know about you, but I can have a hard time finding infinite possibilities, especially at a busy time of year like this. It's easy to think in polarities. This or that. Yes or no. 

Do you find yourself saying that you 'have' to do something?  You feel like there aren't options. Let alone the option to say no to something. 

In today's Live Lavishly Light Episode I show you how to find your way to infinite possibilities, including saying no to something. Join me and cultivate some infinite possibility awareness. 

To get the guided meditation I mention in the video, click here