The Power Button

You have a power button.

The power button, literally, turns you on.

When you hit the power button, you’re clear. You’re confident. You’re ready for whatever life throws at you!

Do you feel like you lost your power button? 

Or maybe you haven’t used it lately. 

Come on over. I’ve got the keys to the “lost and found.”

We all lose our power buttons from time-to-time. Or maybe I should say, from situation to situation.

There are people and situations that can pull the plug, right out of that power button.

It might be your boss, or in-laws.

It could be a client or your finances.

It might be your health or your kids.

Whatever it is, it always feels like they get the best of you. They win. They have the power.

I’m here to tell you, it isn’t true.

Anytime we feel like someone or something “make us feel” or “we didn’t have a choice.” That’s how we know we’ve lost our power.

I can help you get you power back.

Sound too good to be true?

It’s not.

It’s what I do. All day. Every day. For every client.

Some days is a man or woman needing to decide whether to stay or go from their relationship. And if they go, what do they say and how do they recreate their lives?

Some days it’s working with an entrepreneur that feels like their web designer or virtual assistant is out of control and they don’t know what to do. Or their business is out of control, or frankly, they are out of control when it comes to their business! That happens to every entrepreneur!

Some day’s it’s a mom with her kid going off to college trying to figure out how let him go.

Whatever it is, it’s always about taking your power back. Knowing you can push the power button and get back in charge of your life in a way that is loving and respectful of those around you and doesn’t comprise who you are and your well-being. 

We always find the power button.

Can I help you find yours? Book a free 15-minute call with me and let’s find out. There’s no obligation and I promise; you’ll feel better afterwards. Click here to book yours today.