Why get on Zoom...Again?!

I know, we’re all sick of Zoom. 

Our kids are sick of Zoom. 

And… most of our states and countries are tightening restrictions again because of rising COVID numbers. 

What do we do? 

We’re tired of it all. 

But, it’s not over. 

Here’s what we do: We Rise. 

Yes, We Rise. 

That’s what determined people have done since the beginning of time. When things get difficult, they rise. 

Let’s name a few, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai.

They showed us how to rise. Even if it means getting on Zoom. It’s a small price to pay to change a life or change the world. 

Here’s my suggestion, grab every girl you know between the ages of 10 - 18 and let’s get them on Zoom for BOLD Virtual Camp! It’s three days, two hours a day, Dec. 28, 29 and 30th. Right when they are probably bored with Winter Break.  Two hours is not long. But it is long enough to: 

  1. Have fun

  2. Make a few new friends

  3. Learn empowerment skills for speaking up 

  4. Have a fashion show

  5. Create a vision board for 2021

  6. Crush diet culture mentality that promotes negative body image

  7. Learn how to be-the-boss over social media 

  8. Rise above the mean-girl thoughts in our head and from others

There’s more I could write, but you get my point. 

No girl ever said, “Mom, can you find a way for me to spend more time at school?” And yet, they all did, we did, because that’s where after school clubs were, sports and band practice were… it’s where our friends were. 

Now they’re on Zoom, so we’ll be on Zoom. Not because we “love it” but because that’s where cool, fun empowering stuff is happening! And we all need more of that! 

BOLD Camp is here! Get the deets and register your girl, your friend’s girls, your niece, your granddaughter, your next-door neighbor, any girl you know, because this is going to be three days that can change her life and give her what she needs to start 2021 with a bang! Get it all HERE!