Have you ever had this?

Have you ever felt like you don’t know what you want? 

A while back I had a client who would draw a blank every time I asked her what she wanted. 

I had another client who knew some of what she wanted, but mostly what she knew was that everything she was doing WASN’T what she wanted to do! 

What do we do when our life is full of commitments and activities that we really DON’T want to do and/or we don’t know what we DO want? 

There are a couple of things going on for both of these scenarios. 

There are thoughts that are keeping both of these talented, smart people away from knowing what they want. There are other thoughts that keep them feeling obligated to the things they are doing or guilting them out of their desires and into the obligations. Thoughts like, “you should be happy with what you have.” “You can’t say no, they need you.” “You’re not good enough for that.” 

There are also feelings that go right along with those feelings that make them feel even more impossible to overcome. 

There’s a lot of busy-ness, overwhelm, procrastination, and other obstacles when it comes to taking action. 

And then we circle back to desires. What the heck do I want and if I dare to want it, how do I believe I deserve to have it? 

You can see how this common problem touches on all four of these components, desire, action, thoughts and feelings. 

I experienced in my own life. And as I coached myself and lots of clients through their problems and challenges I came up with a process that includes all four. When we get our desires, actions, thoughts and feelings in alignment, we’re unstoppable! 

I call the process, The Solve It Method™ and I am creating a digital program to teach you how to do it! 

What’s even better is that you can get The Solve It Method™ Digital Program AND add 3 private coaching sessions to it, all at a discounted price I’ve never offered before! That way you get the benefit of some coaching with me to help with the parts that are hard to coach yourself through and the digital program to keep for your ongoing support and growth. The best of both worlds! 

Hop over now and get the deets then register because this is an introductory price and I’m not sure how long I’ll offer it at this price! You’ll find everything HERE.

We haven’t gotten through a global pandemic to play small. You are in the right place at the right time. The time is ripe for transformation and living in authentic power and self-expression and The Solve It Method™ Digital Program is the right thing at the right time to support you in your journey!