
Why You Don't Need Fixing!

We get these ideas about not being good enough, or something is wrong with us, otherwise… things would be different. 

I am here to say, loud and clear! That is NOT TRUE! 

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! And you do not need fixing. 

What we all need is fine-tuning, or opening up to a higher version of ourselves that doesn’t have all the personal criticisms and judgments that limit us so much! 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, you’ll get some tools for turning down the volume on that judgmental voice and turning up the volume on that empowering, loving voice that is within you. 

Listen to the episode HERE.

In Power and Grace,


Do You Think this is True?

We take care of the things we love.


We accept the things and people we love.


We don’t require perfection. The frayed hem on a favorite pair of jeans. Our child’s misspelled word on a note they’ve written us.


As we head into the end of the most bizarre year most of us have had in long time… I would like to suggest that we focus our attention on love. Not just in the obvious places, like family, friends, pets, and our belongings.


Let’s love people.


Let’s love the earth.


If we care for and accept our planet and its people, we will end the year on a much lighter note, in every way.


I didn’t ask you to agree with people. That’s different.


But I know there is someone right now, that you love deeply, and… you don’t agree with them on at least one thing. They may even do things you think are “wrong.” And, you love them anyway.


Let’s expand on that.


I remember when I was in my 20’s and found out one of my friends was bi-sexual. This was a time in my life when I was deeply embedded in a conservative Christian culture that absolutely condemned everything except being heterosexual and monogamous. I am NOT embedded in that culture now, and do not hold those beliefs anymore, but I tell this story as a perfect example of what I’m suggesting we all do.


When I found out my friend lived a lifestyle that my belief system condemned, I was thrown off-kilter. This was someone I love and cared about. I wasn’t able to drop into the typical and prescribed “condemnation-mode” that hearing this about someone else would have dropped me into. It suddenly wasn’t so easy to judge and condemn someone I loved.


And, boom. Just like that, because of love, my judgment dropped. I dropped my condemnation of her and if I dropped it for her, I had to drop it for everyone who had a sexual expression different from my own.


Because, I don’t judge, condemn and destroy what I love. I bet you don’t either.


I heard an environmentalist say that their mission was to get people to “fall in love with” the earth. Because people protect what they love.


It goes for people too.


We’ve still got some uncertain days ahead of us.


Remember, I didn’t ask you to agree with people you don’t agree with. That’s different.


We can disagree without judgment and condemnation, although many people lump all those things together. It’s not necessary. And you know at least one person in your life, right now, that you don’t agree with, yet don’t judge and condemn them.


Let’s work to broaden that grace to those we don’t know.


To love our planet and its people. Period.


That’s my formula for making 2021 better than 2020.


Love. Acceptance.


Will you join me?