How to Know if You Are an Empath

If you seem to have a sixth sense for what others are feeling and needing, you’re probably an empath! 

It’s one of the superpowers of people pleasers. 

All superpowers have their kryptonite though, and that’s where the going gets tough.

You know how it feels. You get overy caught up in how a loved one or even coworker feels. You can’t seem to shake it. 

Or, you spending too much time wondering how other people feel about you. Are they mad? Did you say or do something that upset them? Have you hurt their feelings? 

And these are not fleeting thoughts. They run through your head over and over. It disrupts your day and maybe even your sleep. 

I know how you feel and what you need.

I created a virtual workshop that will give you the tools and strategies you need to shake off those obsessions with what others are thinking and feeling about you. 

Join me for Own Your Brilliance. You’ll get two 90-minute sessions with me and a group of fabulous people who also want to use their superpowers for their benefit, and the benefit of others. Not have those powers turned against them. 

You’re going to love how this virtual workshop liberates you to fully express the superpowers you have and let go of the ways they can but turned into diminishing you causing self-criticism, doubt and a lack of confidence. 

Get all the details HERE and register for it today. Everything will be recorded and emailed to you so even if you can’t make it live, you’ll get everything you need to keep those superpowers working FOR you!