My People Pleaser Super-Power

Being a People Please has it’s gifts! I call them Super-Powers! 

What is yours?

I’ll share one of mine with you. 

I see what’s going on below the surface. Whether it’s a problem at work, in a relationship, with kids, relatives, body image, self-criticism, money, you name it, there is something going on below the level of what seems to be going on. 

Clients will come to me with a problem they want to solve. For instance, I had a client who was sick of her job. Her boss was abusive and she wasn’t being valued. That’s a problem. 

As we dive in, what I notice is that there is a common thread in the stories I’m hearing. And then... I get an intuitive hit. I see that what’s really going on is that she is angry at her spouse, who consistently dismisses her ideas and opinions. And… she doesn’t talk to him about it. 

I bring it up, even though it may not even seem relevant to the current problems she is having at work. “It seems like your spouse is very dismissive and that you’re pretty angry about that, even though you’ve not discussed it with him. Tell me where I’m wrong?” 

Almost always, like freakishly often, I get, “You’re totally right! But what does that have to do with my issues at work?” 

And then we get to the real work. 

Inevitably, when we address what is below the surface, the “problem” either resolves itself or a clear solution arises. 

It’s so much more effective than dealing with the surface issue. This client might have changed jobs five times all the while, she’s mad at her hubby for dismissing her and she’s not addressing her anger. 

I spent so many years trying to anticipate what others in my family would need, before they even knew it, or asked for it, that I developed incredible powers of intuition. That’s why it’s my People Pleaser Super-Power. 

What’s your People Pleaser Super-Power? 

I hope you’ll join me for Own Your Brilliance! It’s a workshop I created to discover your Super-Powers and uncover some of the other aspects of People Pleasing that aren't serving you so well. 

It’s going to be great fun and you’ll get powerful tools to increase your confidence and feel empowered. 

Grab your cape and join us! Get the deets HERE and register today! Registration closes tonight, so there’s no time to wait.