Authentic or Conditioned?

Belief systems are the bases of people’s worldviews. We have beliefs grounded in fact, and beliefs grounded in emotion and life experience. These belief systems shape our world view. 

Many of our beliefs were ingrained in us as children, from our parents and other influential adults. In most cases, these beliefs serve us well until a certain point. But after that point, some beliefs become limiting and perhaps even damaging.

What if this belief, that you picked up a long time ago, that has been encouraged by society, family or/and friends, is actually a conditioned way of believing and you have accepted it for so long it feels like your truth?

Today am sharing some examples and real life experiences in context to our today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, and I’m gonna also dig deeper and answer some very important questions:

- How to know if the belief you have for yourself is Authentic or a conditioned one?

- How to break through a belief that you've been thinking it's who you are?
- How Living with the Conditioned & False Beliefs is Hurting you?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE

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