Don’t let this happen to you!

I was in a session with a client recently, She was considering a big desire for professional advancement! It was an exciting session! 

Then it happened… 

She compared her desire to what someone else wanted and started feeling guilty and second-guessing what she desires. 

Maybe it’s “too much.” 

Maybe she should be happy where she is?

I could feel the power of her desire deflating like letting air out of a balloon. 

That’s when I said, “There’s no power in comparison.” 

She was speechless. 

She felt the TRUTH in that statement. 

Once she compared herself to someone else, she lost all the power she had about her desire. 

Please don’t let that happen to you! 

It’s easy to do. 

We give our power away all the time. 

One reason I love using desire (and delight) as a path to awaking and unapologetic authentic living is that there is so much power in what delights us and what we desire! 

When we follow what feels empowering we follow our truth! 

I’ve got two things to help you in your journey to empowering, unapologetic authentic living. 

  1. Join me every Tuesday for an Instagram Live called, Delight & Desire. It’s at noon pacific/3 pm Eastern. Each week we’ll have a conversation and I’ll give you tools for living in alignment with your power and TRUTH. 

  2. Book a 15-Minute Connection Call with me. I’ve got some openings right now! We’ll discuss what you desire, where you get stuck and see if now is the right time for 1:1 coaching. Book your call HERE.

Your desires are sacred. They are part of what makes you uniquely you. It’s time to claim your desires!