
Have you been part of an evolution?

Today is the first episode of the evolution of Liberate Your People Pleaser to Uncover and Elevate! 

I'm thrilled to bring you this episode and the lessons I've learned as a coach and in my own life that have motivated me to make the change. 

After coaching hundreds of clients It is clear to me that true transformation happens when we go to the deeper levels of our lives. 

Clients come to coaching to solve problems. Whether that’s toxic relationships, learning to set boundaries or ending a habit that isn’t serving them. 

I’ve learned that I need to uncover what is beneath those problems. To discover what is causing them. 

Then I can give the client tools to elevate their life. That elevation and transformation touches every aspect of their life, not just the part they came to coaching for. 

Today the podcast takes a similar evolution to take you on a journey into the deeper levels of life and how to uncover and elevate so that you experience true freedom! 

Listen to today’s episode HERE

Please share this episode on social and tag me! 

Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful! 

I can’t wait to hear what you think about the new name and new episode!! 

Why Hally Decided to Work with Me

Hally was lacking in confidence. 

She knew it was affecting her at work and at home with her daughters and husband. 

No one else understood it. Hally is smart, attractive and very good at many things. People would tell her, “You should feel confident!”  She wanted to feel confident. 

But she didn’t know how. 

That’s when she reached out to me and we started working together. She learned some practical tools to build her confidence. 

More importantly, she learned that it was her inner-critic who was the cause of her lack of confidence. Once we uncovered that we started working to heal her inner-critic. 

You can hear Hally talk about her coaching journey on a recent episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser HERE. 

That’s how coaching works. We start with a symptom like a lack of confidence and we deal with that, but we go deeper to find what’s causing it so we can heal that. 

Now Hally can experience true liberation in every area of her life! 

If any of that sounds interesting to you, book a 15-Minute Connection Call with me HERE and let’s get you going on your journey of liberation! 

How do you do it?

Clients always ask me, “How do I do it? I understand I’m being a people pleaser, but how do I stop?”

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to share one of my most useful tools in answering the question, How do I do it? Plus I’ll share:

- Why awareness isn’t enough. 

- Why there’s a gap between knowing where we are and where we want to be?

- What to do if you don’t know where you want to be, you just know you don’t like where you are! 

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Did you know this was possible?

I’ve got a luxury retreat starting on Thursday this week so I’m prepping, planning, buying flower and getting swag bags together. 

My intention is for each woman to have her own personal moment of transformation! 

Are you ready for YOUR transformation? 

Never underestimate the ripple effect of a transformation. 

I’ve had transformations in my love life that rippled into a transformation professionally. 

A transformation in how you parent, might create a transformation in your relationship with your BFF. 

Because we are whole beings. 

We often think of ourselves in terms of roles and different compartments we engage with. 

But we are whole beings. Whole.

That means crisis in one area of life ripples into others, and so does healing and transformation. 

If you’re ready for the ripple effect of healing and transformation in your life, book a 15 Minute Connection Call with me right HERE and let’s explore how coaching can change your life!

Are You Over It?!

“I am over it! I’m so tired of helping everyone solve their problems and picking up the slack for them!” My client was pissed and I knew exactly how he felt. 


That’s what people pleasers do. We solve other people problems and pick up the slack for them. 

That’s why we get so exhausted. 

That’s why we’re so burned out. 

I’ve learned that people pleasing is a symptom of a deeper issue. There is something in all of us that “causes” people pleasing. 

While it’s important that I help my client learn how to set boundaries in her work and personal relationships so that she can end the cycle of exhaustion, if we don’t address what’s causing her people pleasing habits, we’re just putting a bandaid on a broken leg. 

So, what do we do? 

How do we get to the cause instead of just dealing with the symptom? 

This is where 1:1 coaching is so powerful! 

The cause of your people pleasing habits is unique to you. There’s probably more than one. 

It’s hard to get to the cause of something by ourselves because we’re so distracted by the symptom. 

And rightly so. Just because it’s a symptom doesn’t mean it’s not a huge deal! 

But dealing with symptoms only gets us so far. 

That’s why I take my clients on an inner journey that identifies cause so we can create lasting transformation. 

Sure, I also give client’s practical tools to handle those symptoms. 

Healing the cause is where true liberation lies! 

I want you to experience lasting transformation! Book a 15-Minute Discovery Call HERE and we’ll create your liberation! 

Mental vs. Physical Pain

Do you ever wonder if your mental pain is also causing physical pain? 

If so, is it too late to do anything about it? 

It’s never too late! 

Today on Liberate Your People Pleaser  I’ll share the story of my oldest client. She’s 89 years old and is brave enough to look at her life through a new lens and is learning how to stop causing herself mental and physical pain! 

I know you’ll be inspired!

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Episode 104: Anatomy of a Breakthrough

Today's episode is raw, real and being uploaded in real time! 

I'm talking about my own breakthrough that's been happening in the last month because of a terrible virus I got. (No, not COVID, listen to hear all about it) 

But not just the breakthrough, there's more: 

  • What can be the catalyst to a breakthrough?

  • What do we do when we have one?

  • Can we "invite" a breakthrough?

Today I'm going deeper and opening up the conversation in a new way. 

It's time to prioritize our emotional, mental and spiritual health. To invite our breakthroughs, peel back the layers of the symptoms and get to the cause of what isn't serving us! 

I am ALL IN for all of it! 

I'm inviting you to work with me 1:1 or in my new Staycation Mini-Retreat! 

Find out more about the Staycation Mini-Retreat HERE.
Book a 15-Minute Call to explore being a 1:1, or with questions about the retreat, HERE.

Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Star review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

What if Love Really Heals Every Wound?

I had the honor and joy of marrying my son and his fiance this weekend. (Photos on IG soon!)

I thought about love a lot. 

My journey of love. 

Romantic love. 


The love of family. 

The love of friends. 

I’ve experienced so much healing in my life because of love. 

While others were at times a part of that and I healed through their love…

The truth is, it has been the journey of loving myself that my deepest healing has occurred. 

That’s why I love coaching so much. 

You could say, what I do is coach clients into healing themselves by loving themselves. 

Do you want it? Do you want that deeply healing experience of loving yourself into life? 

For just two more days, June 30, I’m offering a crazy affordable “Love Heals” coaching package. Three, one-hour sessions for $300! Consider it my love offering to you and your journey. 

Whatever needs healing. Whatever you want. It is possible for you… through the power of love. 

Get your Love Heals package HERE. 

The End of Confusion and Frustration

If you’re sitting in your car dreading going into work, or feeling lost about how to get your spouse to really listen to you then today’s episode is for you! 

I’m really excited about what I’m going to share with you in this episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!

It’s my unique Coaching process, I call it The Solve It Method™

It’s the one and only method that will give you my #1 solution for every frustration, every place you feel lost or stuck and any other problem that surfaces. I use it all the time in my own life and with clients.

I want to break it down for you so you understand how it works so you can use it yourself. Not only that but I am going to share some different examples with you that will demonstrate how this method of working on an issue really works.

Listen to today’s episode NOW!

Do you want to know my favorite question?

We all get stuck. 

When we’re stuck it’s super easy to spiral into self-criticism and doubt. 

It’s an ugly spiral! 

Instead… I invite you to use my favorite question… “What is seeking to emerge?” 

It’s so gentle. It’s not-judgmental. It’s loving. It doesn’t invite the downward spiral. 

Now, the challenge is, your mind might respond with, “ummmm... I don’t know.” 

What’s seeking to emerge is a new way of approaching whatever has you stuck or uncertain. Our mind usually goes blank when we try a new way of approaching things. No problem.

That’s where I come in. 

When you work with me, I’ll coach into your own inner wisdom to explore the answers to that question. 

You’ll be surprised. My clients are often surprised. I get a lot of “Wow! I never thought of that,” from clients. That’s how I know we’re getting to the truth. The real truth. Not what you’ve been conditioned to or influenced by others into. Just your pure truth. It’s so beautiful! 

I’m going to make it really easy for you too. I’ve been inspired to offer 3 full, one-hour sessions, for $300! That’s a huge discount off my normal rate. I’m calling it the Love Heals package because “what’s seeking to emerge? Is a loving question.

I trust my inner wisdom when it tells me to do something like this, so whether you’ve worked with me in the past, are working with me now and want to add-on these sessions or want to use this opportunity to work with me for the first time, this offer is for you. 

Get my Love Heals package for $300! There’s even a payment plan! This spectacular opportunity ends on June 30, so do it now before this email gets buried in your inbox and find out what is seeking to emerge in your life.

On my way….

I’m on my way home after 6 glorious days in Hawaii today! 

But I wanted to ask you, before I take off… 

What do you want? 

What do you want more of? 

What do you want less of? 

Your secret is safe with me! I am a judgement free zone. 

I’m more inspired and absolutely certain that my mission is to help you get more… and less of what you want in your life! 

No need to figure out how or tell yourself it’s not possible for you. 

I promise. It is. 

I’ll help you get there. 

DM me and tell me what you want more of and what you want less of. 

How do you want to feel when summer is over?

It’s so easy to end the summer exhausted! 

You do so much for family and friends. 

There are so many activities. 

The fantasy of time at the pool or beach, reading a book in your lounge chair doesn’t seem to become a reality. 

September comes and you’re glad to get back to a “normal” routine and hope things settle down a bit. 

How about a luxury get-away to whisk you out of the summer and into the best September you’ve ever had? 

That’s what I’ve got for you with the Say Yes Luxury Retreat. 

Take yourself away for 5 days and indulge in… YOURSELF! 

You’ve earned it! 

Imagine what will happen when you get away from the hustle and bustle of home, leave your responsibilities and obligations behind and spend 5 days luxuriating in beautiful Huntington Beach, CA with all your needs taken care of, a circle of like-minded women and me as your host and life coach for 5 days! 

The sky’s the limit! 

All you need to do is, Say Yes!

Registration closes tomorrow and there’s only 1 spot left! 

Do it for you. You’ve earned it. 

In liberation, 


PS. If you aren’t sure if the retreat is right for you, hit reply and ask me anything! You don’t want this opportunity for rejuvenation, inspiration, transformation and restoration to pass you by!

Are you Decision Fatigued?

Do you feel bombarded with decisions? Big and small you get a lot thrown at you every day. 

When we are in decision fatigue we tend to put off making decisions. 

Sometimes you make the decision, then second-guess yourself. 

Here’s the crazy truth of it: you actually know exactly what you need to decide. The answer, without second guessing, is inside of you. 

Take the decision about whether to attend the Say Yes Luxury Retreat I’m hosting in Huntington Beach. You could easily have this quiet voice inside you telling you to sign up. That voice knows that you  need a break. That you need some pampering and some coaching in a fun and relaxing environment with some like-minded women. We’re talking sacred space, food, fun, beach, sunshine… all the things! 

Even though that quiet voice is saying, “Register now! Do it.” There is another voice, that is much louder shouting at you that you can’t take the time for yourself, can’t spend the money, your family can’t do without you, the office can’t, or any other form of blah, blah, blah. 

That blah, blah, blah voice is loud. It likes to drown out the quiet one, which is why it wins so often. 

But the truth is in the quiet voice. That quiet voice is your inner wisdom. And it always knows, and it’s always telling you what is in your highest good. 

So, whether it’s the retreat… Registration ends on June 1st and there are only 1 or maybe 2 spots left,.. Or another decision you need to make, listen to that quet voice… and follow it. 

You won’t regret it! 

Get all the retreat deets HERE

In Liberation, 


PS, if you aren’t sure if the retreat is right for you, or you have a question about working with me, just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you

Let me know if you want this!

Have you ever wondered what a coaching session with me would do for you? 

Here’s your chance to find out! 

I’m giving away 3 Coaching Sessions!


If you:

  • Feel overworked and underappreciated

  • Have a decision coming up you don’t have clarity on

  • Realize Imposter Syndrome has you second-guessing yourself at work or in your business

  • Don’t feel seen and heard in your relationship

  • Want to have the courage to start dating

  • Or feel stuck or overwhelmed about something 

This is for you! 

I’ve coached clients with issues just like those, and tons more, into finding their own answers, their own power, confidence, clarity and self-love. 

All you need to do is complete this simple form. It will only take a few minutes, and tell me what’s got you stuck, angry, second guessing yourself, feeling overwhelmed… whatever it is. 

I’ll be drawing the names of 3 lucky winners in a few days, so don’t wait. Complete the Curious about Coaching form to enter the drawing. 

You’re going to love how you feel after our session! 

Does Coaching Really Work? An Interview w/Meredith Jacks

Working with a coach has become more common than it was a few years ago. From professional athletes to successful business professionals, from mid-life moms to college graduates, the reasons for working with a coach are as varied as the individuals.

But, no matter how you look at it, life throws a lot of challenges at us! With so much pressure and so many obligations, it’s clear to see why we often feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

That’s why a good life coach is so important. We often get so ingrained and set in our ways that it’s hard to see things from a fresh perspective. It’s difficult to fathom and digest the possibilities that exist out there in the world when we’re so used to operating within what we’ve deemed “safe” for so long.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep & discuss this topic with my guest, Meredith Styer Jacks. Meredith is a former coaching client and participant in an Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness training class I teach. She surprised me with some of her answers for why coaching was so transformational in this engaging interview. You’re going to love it!

 What you will discover:

- Does coaching really work?

- Are there tangible results when you get coached?

- What does coaching with me look like?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

If only…

What do you do when you're stuck in worry, fear and even anxiety, thinking how much better your life would be if only…

  • I had more money.

  • My lover would see and hear me. 

  • My boss and coworkers valued all the extra effort I put in. 

  • My family appreciated me. 

  • I wasn’t obligated to that fundraiser or community event. 

If I didn’t hit your “if only” hot button, feel free to add it! 

Notice, these are all external conditions that feel like they’ve taken over. 

You feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. 

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees. 

  • People are depending on you. 

  • You’ve tried to tell your lover how you feel and it’s like talking to a brick wall. 

What can you do? 

Every time you feel like someone or something is in control of any part of your life, there’s been a loss of power. That person or condition feels like it has more power than you do. 

How do I know that? Because I’ve done it a million times! And because when we are owning our power we don’t feel like we are being controlled. We don’t feel stuck. We don’t feel trapped. 

We may have difficult decisions to make. Boundaries to set. Personal mindset work that needs to be done. Emotional work that needs to be done. Spiritual work that  needs to be done. 

All of those things are in our power. They put us in charge of our own lives. 

In one way or another, every client I coach is learning how to own their power in every situation and every relationship in their lives. That’s why their results are so liberating! 

I’m opening up my calendar right now for 3 people who want to own their power and enjoy the sweet liberation that comes with it! You can book your 15-Minute Connection Call HERE. During that call will talk about your situation and a solution that is unique to you! 

I’ve coached clients who have been liberated from emotionally abusive relationships, careers that no longer suit them, feeling limited because of their finances, toxic friendships, relatives that were taking advantage of them, businesses that were controlling their lives and stress that controlled every aspect of their lives. 

You deserve liberation! Let’s see if it’s time for you to be one of my 3 new clients! Book your call HERE.