Imposter Syndrome

Do You Have an Inner “Mean Girl?”

We all have an inner “mean girl” or mean person, if you prefer. 

It’s the voice in your head that criticizes, doubts and judges you. 

It’s where imposter syndrome and a lot of anxiety originates. 

What do you do about it?

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m going to break it down:

  • How did that mean girl get started to begin with

  • How to know whether she’s telling the truth

  • How to keep her from holding you back

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about the episode. I always love hearing from you! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Let me know if you want this!

Have you ever wondered what a coaching session with me would do for you? 

Here’s your chance to find out! 

I’m giving away 3 Coaching Sessions!


If you:

  • Feel overworked and underappreciated

  • Have a decision coming up you don’t have clarity on

  • Realize Imposter Syndrome has you second-guessing yourself at work or in your business

  • Don’t feel seen and heard in your relationship

  • Want to have the courage to start dating

  • Or feel stuck or overwhelmed about something 

This is for you! 

I’ve coached clients with issues just like those, and tons more, into finding their own answers, their own power, confidence, clarity and self-love. 

All you need to do is complete this simple form. It will only take a few minutes, and tell me what’s got you stuck, angry, second guessing yourself, feeling overwhelmed… whatever it is. 

I’ll be drawing the names of 3 lucky winners in a few days, so don’t wait. Complete the Curious about Coaching form to enter the drawing. 

You’re going to love how you feel after our session! 

This is Your Time

“For Such a Time as This…” is a quote that has resonated deeply with me lately. 

I’ll tell you who said it and what it was about in today’s podcast episode, HERE

We’ve all been called to this time we are in. 

It’s a time that calls for a leap of faith. 

I’ve had a lot of experience with big leaps. 

In this week’s podcast you’ll get tips on how to navigate your big leaps, whether you choose them, or, like a pandemic, they are thrust upon you! Listen to it HERE.

I share a couple of personal stories about my big leaps. What leaps have you taken?  Were you able to find the possibilities? Or did fear take hold? 

I can’t wait to hear from you! Share your leap in the comments below

The Cure For Anxiety

Would you like the cure for anxiety? That’s not a trick question.

I’ve noticed this pattern with clients and I’ve experienced it myself. 

Anxiety typically arises because we are avoiding something else. 

Let me give you an example. 

I was coaching a client who wanted relief from her anxiety. As I began to inquire about some things in her life, that initially seemed unrelated to the anxiety, I noticed she had some unexpressed anger at her husband. When I asked her about it, her response was, “it was a stupid thing for me to get mad about. He didn’t mean it.” 

How many times have you said that to yourself? “They didn’t mean it. I was stupid to get mad.” 

Then, low and behold, anxiety begins to emerge. Quite possibly over something unrelated. 

Our emotions are energy in motion. They will go somewhere. 

If we don’t acknowledge them, accept them and feel them, they will morph into anxiety. 

My cure for anxiety is to allow yourself to feel your feelings. When they happen. And, when it will serve you, share them. It’s important to express our truth. 

Sure, it’s easier said than done. Most important things are. That’s why people hire me to coach them through it. You don’t have to do it alone. 

I had someone ask the other day how to work with me. It’s easy really. You book a 15-Minute Discovery Call and we chat about what you want to work on. Anxiety. Impostor Syndrome. People Pleasing. Career Issues. Relationship Challenges. Taking a Big Leap. Whatever it is, we’ll find out if I am the right coach for you. There’s no obligation. At the end of the call we’ll decide what the next steps are. Easy peasy. Use this link to book your Discovery Call and we’ll figure it out together.

Social Media might be turning up the heat on Imposter Syndrome.

Social Media might be turning up the heat on Imposter Syndrome.


Because we see people's lives in an idealized way. Most of us post the awesome, beautiful moments in our lives, not the ugly, dirty ones!

I get it. I don't want to get on social media and see all the ugly parts of a person's life. I like social media to reflect the best of us.

The problem isn't social media. The answer isn't to post depressing, angry messages to be "authentic."

The problem is that our minds look at all those posts from "friends" and celebrities and tells us that we should have a life like that. We are triggered into compare and despair. 😩

Imposter Syndrome affects 70% of men and women. It's that feeling that you are a complete fraud and that everyone is going to find out that you didn’t deserve your accomplishments?

I definitely struggled with Imposter Syndrome for years. As a coach, it's one of my favorite things to help clients transform into a grounded sense of confidence in their abilities and accomplishments.

It's an inside job to be sure. This is about all the voices in your head. It can be compounded by a negative review at work, problems with your boss, or in your business, but it often does not have external indicators. It's the story in your head.

That's okay. The good news is, you have the power to transform those thoughts. I help people do it all the time. You just need some tools!

I created a three-video series to help you go from feeling like an imposter to KNOWING you're a badass! Here's video three, you can access all three on the Imposter Syndrome playlist I have on YouTube.

I'd love to hear your story. How has Imposter Syndrome affected you? How are you doing with the tools I've given you? It's hard to change something this deeply engrained in us, so please... reach out to me and let's talk about how I can help you in your journey out of Imposter Syndrome!