Are You Ready For Your Turn?

Do you feel like you’ve given… and given… and given…


You want YOUR TURN!


Our lifestyles are different now. There’s no “normal.”


We’re home… a lot!


Your “invisible workload” has increased.


You probably know about the invisible workload. It’s all the things you do and keep track of in your head that nobody notices… unless you don’t do it, or forget something!


All women have an invisible workload. Some men do, but this is mainly a feminine issue.


You keep track of what’s in the fridge, what everyone likes, and doesn’t like, whose birthday is coming up and has a card or gift been purchased, wrapped, mailed? Is it time to buy cat food/dog food/gerbil food? Not to mention the important question of 2020… do we have toilet paper in the house!


And it’s not just the physical needs. Often, you are caring for the emotional needs of family and friends. You are helping them with their anxiety.


It’s easy to put the needs of others ahead of our own.


There’s a price to pay when you don’t take your turn.


I’ve learned the hard way, the exhausted way, that I am the only one who can call a time-out and give MYSELF A TURN! I had to wake up to my unique deliciousness.


You have a unique deliciousness about you.


You’re tired, frustrated and at your wits end because she is asking you to notice her. For you to step into her power and love.


We’ve been conditioned to be asleep, to forget about our unique deliciousness.


Most of us have been taught that our unique deliciousness is not as important as the needs and wants of others. Or that it’s selfish to focus on it. Hell, some of us were taught that we don’t even have unique deliciousness.


It’s not true!


You are a unique delicious gift to the world. The one and only.


Breathe that in.


Wake up to your unique deliciousness. She’s been calling you.  


Give yourself one hour in the next day or two.


Choose to be awake, remember and get to know your unique deliciousness. You didn’t lose her. You don’t need to find her. She’s right there, waiting.


·      Read a book

·      Take a nap

·      Go for a walk

·      Listen to something inspirational

·      Take a bath

·      Watch side-splitting YouTube videos


I can’t wait to hear what you did and how you felt with your unique deliciousness! Hit reply and tell me about it.


If it feels too impossible find your unique deliciousness or you don’t think you have it, definitely hit reply and tell me about that!  


In love, from my unique deliciousness to yours,




P.S. I’ve got 3 spots open, right now, for one-on-one clients. Hit reply and let me know you’re interested in exploring what it would be like to work together. Your unique deliciousness has important information for you. We can tap into her together. You don’t need to figure it out alone.