Did I Just Hear a Dirty Word?

People Pleaser.


It’s not a dirty word because it’s bad. Or because there’s something “wrong” with people who are people pleasers!


I’m one.


It’s a dirty word because of what it does to us.


Our people pleaser will get us twisted into a knot before we know it.


We’re second-guessing everything.


We lose our confidence.


Feel like an imposter.


Anxiety levels skyrocket as we try to figure out how to make everyone happy.


But how do we stop?


We stop by loving ourselves. Simple, yet profound.


Turn it all inward baby!


Here’s the really awesome thing about being a people pleaser – this is why I said there wasn’t anything “wrong” with being one…


We are very generous.


We are loving.


We are intuitive.


We are empathetic.


I could go on and on.


People pleasing is like chocolate cake. A little bit is great, but you can make yourself sick on too much!


Too much unchecked generosity, love and empathy will get us using those super-powers of intuition, love, generosity and empathy in ways that exhausts and drains us.


Our boundaries go weak.


We stop taking care of ourselves.


We feel like there’s never enough time.


We worry… a lot!


Let’s clean things up.


Tune into yourself. Yes, it’s okay to use that intuition on yourself! What do you need?


Love yourself. I work with clients on this all the time. Self-love cures everything. Pure and simple.


Be generous with yourself. Allow yourself some pleasure. Read a book. Lay in a hammock. Take a walk. Take a day off and do whatever the hell you want to. Whatever your soul needs.


Give yourself some of that empathy. Empathy is the art of “taking the perspective of another.” What is your perspective? Sometimes we get so busy doing for others we totally ignore our own experience.


Love is the secret weapon.


Use it on yourself.






PS Most of us need help to turn on our superpowers of people pleasing and turn off the aspects that diminish and exhaust us. I’ve got three openings in my calendar for one-on-one clients. Let’s hop on a 15-minute call and see if it’s right for you. Schedule your call here. I can’t wait to chat with you.