Do You Ever Think You're Not Enough?

One of the biggest things that I work on with clients is this: the fear that you’re not good enough.

The fear that you’re not good enough is a fear that affects everyone, though it shows up differently for each person (for some of you, “not good enough” expresses itself as going into workaholic overachiever mode; for others it shows up as comparisons; for others it shows up as procrastination and avoidance and not finishing what you start).

We all wonder at times if we are enough. This question, however, can turn into a painful filter through which we see the world and result in significant shame and sadness if left unexamined. While it is normal to have some self doubt, notably during the teenage and young adult years, it can become a painful consistent part of our life. Shame is a painful emotion, it whispers to us that “we’re not good enough” and worse yet, tells us we shouldn’t tell anyone about these parts of ourselves.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some very important questions regarding today’s subject.

Why do we feel/ think like we are not enough?

How do we overcome this feeling or mindset that we are not Enough?

How to actually improve your self-esteem and stop dragging yourself down?

All of that am going to discuss in this week’s Episode with my guest Amy Smith

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

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